Landfill, Township News|

County Completes Water Testing

The St Clair County Health Department has completed sample testing of several locations outside of the landfill. The results of the testing can be downloaded at the link below. The Township has been asking for water testing for several months and we feel these steps taken by the County are good for the community.

What was Included?

There have been questions on what was included in the testing. Many VOCs were included. Just over 50 items were included in the VOC testing. Several other metals were also included in the testing.


The results of the testing are generally favorable for the community. Based on EPA requirements and limitations, the results came back generally clean. As will be seen in the report summary, one site tested above the EPA level for arsenic. All other sites came back without any EPA exceedances. This is good news for those in and around the landfill.


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