
Recently, the Township Board of Trustees met and put forth a resolution that they have adopted with regard to the St Clair County Landfill. Understanding the importance of proper management and operation of this landfill, the Township Board of Trustees has decided to put forward three critical points that they believe need to be taken into consideration by the County Board of Commissioners. Supervisor Usakowski, who is committed to ensuring the welfare and wellbeing of the local community, presented this resolution to the County Commissioners in order to request attention and action towards these three important issues. The Township Board of Trustees believes that these three critical items require immediate attention and must be given the proper consideration they deserve in order to protect the interests and safety of the local community.

1. Hire Outside Engineering or Consultant.

Per the  EGLE violation notice the cell causing the odor issue, Cell 8, was not properly designed to contain all of the gasses generated by the new cell. This cell has yet to receive any septage, yet has produced gas that has exceed the ability of the gas collection system. If CTI, who is contracted by the county for engineering services and has failed to properly design the new cell, why then would we consider having them design the repairs. 

The Township has requested that we look outside this firm to design the necessary system to collect gasses from the cell 8.

2. Air Quality Testing

The Board of Trustees has requested that the County Board of Commissioners take action by involving the County Health Department to assist with air monitoring. The health department will be collaborating with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to conduct air quality testing in the area.

It’s important to note that the Health Department does not have air monitoring capabilities at this time. However, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has agreed to provide and install two air monitoring devices in the area. Their data will be shared with toxicologists at MDHHS, who will work with the health department to analyze the results and provide recommendations.

We understand that the community values transparency and are committed to keeping them informed about the findings and next steps. The health and safety of our residents is our top priority and we will continue to take necessary steps to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all.

3. Amend the Solid Waste Disposal Plan

At present, the rules and regulations governing solid waste disposal in St. Clair County dictate that any solid waste generated in the area must be disposed of within the county’s boundaries. While the temporary suspension of trash transportation into the landfill may mitigate the issue of gasses being released from cell 8, it does not entirely address the root cause of the problem.

Therefore, we strongly urge the relevant authorities to modify the Solid Waste Disposal Plan to permit the disposal of trash outside the county, particularly when faced with situations like the one that we are currently experiencing. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the Solid Waste Disposal Plan can be amended at any time the board chooses, so we see no reason why it cannot be updated accordingly. We therefore kindly request that this matter be considered as a priority.

Amending a Solid Waste Plan

Township’s Resolution

Township of Kimball

RESOLUTION 2023-1515


WHEREAS, the St Clair County Landfill is located in Kimball Township, and

WHEREAS, over the past several months, the SCC Landfill has emitted nuisance odors as evidenced by the survey conducted by Kimball Township (see attachment A), and

WHEREAS, the SCC Landfill has been unable to determine the source/cause of the odors, and

WHEREAS, without knowing the source/cause the SCC Landfill has been unable to determine a solution to the nuisance odors, and

WHEREAS, the SCC Landfill does not have a solution that would reduce the likelihood of future occurrences, and

WHEREAS, hydrogen sulfide has created a nuisance odor that violates Kimball Township Ordinance #142, and

WHEREAS, hydrogen sulfide can cause irritants such as headaches, nausea, eye irritation, vomiting, etc, and

WHEREAS, St Clair County is a closed county per its Solid Waste Disposal Plan, which prohibits trash generated in St Clair County from leaving St Clair County and limits the Township’s ability to shut down the landfill for failures to comply with Ordinance 142. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Kimball Township Board of Trustees and its residents request the following action be immediately taken by the St Clair County Board of Commissioners:

  1. Contract with an outside engineering firm with expertise in landfill operations that can assist in the development of solutions that resolve the current odor issues, and develop operational policies that reduce future incidences.

  2. Work with the St Clair County Health Department to install air quality monitoring devices, specifically hydrogen sulfide, at a minimum of two locations outside of the landfill, and that criteria levels be established for courses of action based on the levels of such gasses. See Attachment B as an example.

  3. Amend the solid waste disposal plan on file with the State of Michigan to allow for solid waste to leave the county under conditions such as the inability to control nuisance odors allowing for the county solid waste to leave the county while the county seeks answers on its inability to control such things as nuisance odors. 


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