Press Release|

A clean and safe community is part of our Mission Statement. To that end, Kimball Township officials have been very active in enforcing our blight ordinances. Last Wednesday alone, 51 properties were cited for ordinance violations as part of a systematic plan for going through the entire township street by street. It will take time for all of the enforcement to have the positive effect we would like to see. One of the issue is the amount of trash that has accumulated on some properties. Currently, the Township does not contract for Township wide trash collection. However, after being contacted by many residence requesting that we look into Township wide trash collection we issued a Request for Proposals (RFP). We received proposals from 3 trash haulers. We asked haulers for pricing in four distinct ways:

  • Trash only with charges including tipping fee
  • Trash and recycling with charges including tipping fee
  • Trash only with Township paying tipping fee to the county
  • Trash and Recycling with Township paying tipping fee to the county

Below is the pricing per quarter that we received from the haulers:



We had some initial conversation as a board about the tipping fee. It appears that we will be asking residents about Township wide trash collection only (without recycling) and with the hauler paying the tipping fees. The best priced proposal would be from Hammar and Jones (H&J) at just 29.90 per quarter. That is less than any price we have heard from our residents. Not only would township wide trash collection save our residents money, but it would also assist in keeping our township clean and beautiful.

We will have a survey in our next newsletter. Although, we have heard from many of you on both sides of this item, we would like to hear from more of you. Once you receive the newsletter please be sure to respond to the survey.

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