SEPTEMBER 19, 2023
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland, Ward and Nelson.
ALSO PRESENT: Chief Gratz, Fire Department.
Deland motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Jackson.
Motion Carried.
Ward: Page 6 “who blocks off Range Road” should be “who blocks off the trails in front of Range Road”.
Jackson motioned to approve the minutes of September 5, 2023 as amended supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- Check Register from 08/30/2023 to 09/13/2023
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 09/30/2023
- Department Payroll Reports through 09/15/2023
Jackson motioned to approve the disbursements of $895, 614.17 and to receive and file supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Wrubel, Deland, Nelson, Hoffman, Usakowski and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 08/22/2023
- Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 08/22/2023
- Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes for August 7, 2023
Planning Commission Minutes for July 25, 2023
Hoffman motioned to receive and file boards and commissions supported by Ward.
Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Usakowski: We have had many calls at the township about the unpleasant odors from the Smiths Creek Landfill.
Matt Williams, Director of the Smiths Creek Landfill: Gave a summary of what is going on at the landfill and how they plan to fix it.
I started receiving calls of complaints about mid-July. We have been taking a hard look at as to what is happening. The Primary Control of the landfill gas that is generated at the landfill is through a system of pipes and wells that we have in the waste basins that collect that gas and then convey it to our gas energy facility where it is destroyed. That is a company that we partner with.
Williams left Usakowski a short summary of the steps we are taking. If you have any questions, I left my contact information with Usakowski.
Nelson: How far from the landfill are you getting complaints from?
Williams: It varies. At times it goes up to a mile.
Angela Burgett, 5052 Anglewood: Questions regarding culverts and ditches.
Usakowski explained that we approve and pay for the work, but the work is done by the Road Commission.
Request for Expenditure over $500: Kimball’s portions of the Confined Rescue Equipment
Usakowski: Our portion is $6,758.00.
Gratz: Yes.
Deland motioned to approve the expenditure of $6,758.00 for the Confined Rescue Equipment for the Fire Department supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Usakowski, Wrubel, Nelson, Hoffman and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Request for Expenditure over $500: Replace Water 2
Gratz: This is a replacement for our 1994 Freightliner and it has been in service for 29 years. It didn’t pass the pump testing so it is time to replace it.
I did follow up with one vendors who would only offer us $2,500 for a trade-in.
Gratz showed illustrations and information of the new truck they are interested in buying. Presented quotes from four different companies:
- R & R Fire Truck Repair $550,199.00
- Front Line Services, Inc. $570,000.00
- Pierce MFG $716,000.00
- Axes & Irons $520,831.25
Everything will have to be financed and we do have the ability to do that with our millage money. These trucks are 650 days out and we don’t have to start payments until we receive the truck.
Nelson: Do we have a down payment?
Gratz: They offer a down payment but we don’t need it.
Gratz recommends buying from R & R Fire Truck Repair for $550,199.00 with five to seven years financing.
Deland motioned to approve the purchase of the new Station 1 fire truck from R & R Truck Repair for $550,199.00 supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Nelson, Jackson, Wrubel, Usakowski, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Resolution #2023-12
Gratz: Resolution for Confined Space Program. After meeting with the attorney with regards to this program, he recommended that the township signs the Resolution and the Fire Chief sign the Memorandum of Understanding.
Nelson: Is there any payment for shared usage of equipment?
Ward motioned to adopt Resolution #2023-12 for Confined Space Program supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Nelson, Usakowski, Jackson, Hoffman, Wrubel and Deland. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Memorandum of Understanding Technical Rescue Program
Presented for review.
Applications for Employment
- Shannon M. Hartfield
Hartfield came fully trained with a medical license and is in the paramedic program, with posting at Station 2.
- Justin D. Frazier
- Shannon M. Hartfield
Hoffman: Do you do any background check on any of these?
Gratz: Yes I do.
Deland motioned to hire Shannon Hartfield to the Fire Department Station 2 supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.
- Budget Goals
I think that we need a more comprehensive plan on what we are doing with the paved roads.
Bridges and culverts with a five year plan.
Nelson questioned about the Water and Sewer funding.
Hoffman questioned about the Bridges Fund.
Usakowski: Round a-bouts, funding available to improve intersections.
Jackson: Special Assessments have almost all been paid up. The sewer lines on Range Road need fixing as well as the loops.
Usakowski: Possible economic development to get landfill off system, which would eliminate Allen Road issue.
- Local Road Funding
Usakowski: We have three road projects to review. Atkins Road, (crush and shape). Ravenswood Road, (overlay) and 11th Street (pavement.)
Deland motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-13 for the Overlay on Ravenswood Road supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Nelson, Hoffman, Wrubel, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- MMRMA – Renewal for Coverage
Usakowski explained that this is a Municipal Funding Insurance.
Jackson motioned to approve the renewal of coverage for the MMRMA supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Deland, Nelson, Hoffman, Usakowski, Wrubel and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- ZBA Resignation of Linda Belesky
Usakowski explained that Belesky resigned from the Zoning Board of Appeals. She did a very good job.
I have old and new applications, and we will be making a public announcement for the open position on the ZBA.
- DPW – Roof Bid
Wrubel explained that the roof is leaking. Bid from D & D Quality provided.
Nelson requested to bring back with three bids.
- Office Cleaning Bids
- MC Shine $365.00
- Mystic Maid Bi-Weekly $240.00
- Two Crazy Girls and a Bucket Bi-Weekly $200.00
- MMRMA – Renewal for Coverage
Jackson timed the company we have now and they were here for only 45 minutes.
Carwyn expressed her personal opinion regarding the office cleaning.
Wrubel motioned to approve hiring Two Crazy Girls and a Bucket to do the cleaning of the office for $200.00 per cleaning supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Deland, Usakowski, Hoffman, Nelson and Ward. NO: Jackson. ABSENT: None. (6-1-0) Motion Carried.
- Wales Township Fire Protection Agreement
Usakowski explained that it would be a good neighbor and benefit Wales Township.
They would pay their portion of the runs. Coverage map presented, includes Fair Grounds. Bill goes to Wales not the individual residents.
Jackson explained that the contract is a prorated amount based on number of calls. This would go into effect on October 1st.
Jackson motioned to approve the contract with Wales Township Fire Protection Agreement for 2023 and 2024 supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
- Supervisor Usakowski
I had a discussion with Wes (King and King) regarding the audit about the billing versus collections in the office. We have been working at changing things and that was one of them.
The other issue is the preparation of Financial Statements.
Discussion with Anthony (formerly of PCE) regarding an Economic Development Grant for the coal-effected communities and we would qualify.
Parks: Swings have been replaced. We are supposed to hear about the SPARKS Grant at the end of this month. Roofs on the pavilions are being replaced one per weekend. We will also be getting additional playground equipment.
October 7th is our Township Clean-Up. We will be taking tires on a “first come first serve” basis on the tires. We have another Tire Grant that we have applied for.
- Clerk Wrubel
The newsletters will be going out within the next ten days.
The DPW cut down a few trees around the library. The roof and ceiling tiles are in need of a replacement. I’m hoping to bring in bids to the next meeting.
- Treasurer Jackson
Review of Financials.
Summer Tax season, $5.3 million collected and $55,000.00 administrative fee.
- Trustee Hoffman
No report.
- Trustee Deland
Are you planning on doing the Trunk and Treat this fall?
Usakowski: Yes, October 21st from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sutherland Park.
Discussion about hosting bigger events.
- Trustee Nelson
ZBA approved the Temporary Dwelling Permit.
- Trustee Ward
No report.
Usakowski: Sign-up for Fall Clean-up. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. is still available.
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. supported by Nelson.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk