Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
Special Meeting/Public Hearing
October 12, 2021
6:15 P.M.
Open Meeting: Orr opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Members: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Miller, Howard and Tuttle.
Absent: Henry.
Also Present: Neil Erickson, Building Inspector and Ordinance Enforcer.
Approval of Agenda-Special Meeting/Public Hearing
Barrett motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Tuttle.
Motion Carried.
New Business
- PUBLIC HEARING: Special Exception: 74-25-002-3005-010: 2600 Wadhams Rd. High Grade
Brian Kerkstra, High Grade Material.
Neil Erickson: Meeting is scheduled for 6:15 p.m. not 6:45 p.m. for a Special Exception.
Questions from the board.
Orr: You need a Special Exception to start correct?
Kerkstra: Yes.
Erickson: There were no phone calls and no audience participation.
No questions from the board.
Open public meeting until 6:17 p.m.
Barrett motioned to close the public hearing for the Special Exception request for 2600 Wadhams Road at 6:21 p.m. supported by Howard. Motion Carried.
Barrett motioned to approve the Special Exception in I-2 being a Ready Mix Concrete Asphalt Plant of 2600 Wadhams Road with a condition that our Site Plans Approvals on June 20, 2020 for 2376 Wadhams Road be ended. Also, our Site Plan that was approved for 5270 Lapeer Road on July, 2019 be ended as a condition supported by Hoffman.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Barrett, Hoffman, Miller, Howard, Tuttle and Orr. NO: None. ABSENT: Henry. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC HEARING: Special Exception: 74-25-002-3005-010: 2600 Wadhams Rd. High Grade
Barrett motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing at 6:22 p.m. supported by Tuttle. Motion Carried.