OCTOBER 01, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland, Ward and Nelson.
ABSENT: Nelson.
Ward suggested adding under New Business, E. Sound AV.
Deland motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Jackson.
Motion Carried.
Wrubel motioned to approve the minutes of September 17, 2024 as presented supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- Check Register from 09/04/2024 – 09/20/2024
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 09/30/2024
Usakowski explained that we have $1,058,720.13 for disbursements.
Jackson motioned to approve the Consent Agenda in the amount of $1,058,720.13 to pay the bills and file supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Ward, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman and Deland. NO: None. ABSENT: Nelson. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of St. Clair Minutes of August 6, 2024, September 3, 2024
Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of St. Clair Agenda for October 1, 2024
Deland motioned to receive and file Boards and Commissions supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Gary Lokers, 5650 Willow Canyon Drive: Discussion on the PFHAS and how Dunn Paper dumped a lot of hazardous waste in a specific cell in the landfill.
We have all these PFHAS that are just rolling into the leachate ponds. If we don’t address cells like the paper mill cells at the landfill, it is just going to keep going. I’m going to take this problem to the county also.
Usakowski explained that we are working on a grant for PFHAS destruction. The county is investigating what technologies they want to use for that destruction.
Mike Roehl, 444 Pine River Road: Discussion about the Marysville Public School. We have a no tax increase safety and infrastructure bond on the ballot for November 5th. The bond, if it passes, will generate $18.5 million dollars for safety and infrastructure upgrades without increasing taxes.
- Firefighters Pay Increase
Gratz discussed pay increases for the fire department and recommends a 3% pay increase for paid on call, dispatchers and officers stipends. Inspectors do not get paid mileage and I would like to move their pay to $35.00 an hour for licensed inspectors and $25.00 an hour for unlicensed inspectors.
Shift work, I would like to change their pay to $17.00 an hour and the non- department members part-time workers that we approved a couple months ago, I would like to raise their pay to $16.00 an hour. This is my recommendation.
Deland motioned to allow Chief Gratz to implement the raises for paid on call dispatchers, officer’s stipends to 3%, licensed inspectors raise to $35.00 an hour, unlicensed inspectors raise to $25.00 an hour, shift work pay increase to $17.00 an hour and the non-department members part-time workers to $16.00 an hour supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Nelson. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
Gratz explained the generator out at Station 2 has failed after 35 years. We need to update the panel.
- Boards and Commission Pay
Ward motioned to increase the Boards and Commission pay by 3% supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: Wrubel, Hoffman and Deland. ABSENT: Nelson. (3-3-1) Died from lack of support.
- Master Plan Resolution 2024-29
Usakowski explained that the Michigan Planning and Enabling Act gave the township board the right to give final authorization on the Master Plan. I would recommend that we do that since we are the elected officials. By adopting this resolution, we would invoke that responsibility to give final approval after the Planning Commission’s approval.
Deland motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-29 supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Jackson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Nelson. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- ARPA Discussion
Usakowski gave an update on the ways to use the money from the ARPA Fund.
Joy Joi Torrello, County Commissioner would like to use her $50,000.00 in Kimball Township. We have bids coming up for new generators that we could use that money for. My recommendation is that we use Joy Joi Torrello money for the purchase of the generator. We need to come up with ideas for what we could use the ARPA monies for. If any of you have any ideas, let me know.
Jackson questioned about the land that is for sale by the river?
Usakowski is having a meeting with Randy Mayer’s Meyer’s from the Community Foundation. I did talk to the realtor last week and they are asking $320,000.00 for that property. I would like to apply for a DNR Grant which is not tax payer funded.
Deland questioned about Mr. Blake’s property next to the Sutherland Park?
Usakowski is going to look into it.
- Goals for 2025-26 Budget Year
Discussion with ideas from the board members and what they would like to do.
- Bids for New Generator
- B & T: $96,261.00
- Ainsworth Electric Inc.: $57,735.00
Deland motioned to approve the bid from Ainsworth Electric Inc. at a cost of $57,735.00 for the generator supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Nelson. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
Usakowski motioned to send this over to Joy Torrello for ARPA Funds from the county and then we pay the difference supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Deland, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Nelson. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- Sound AV
Deputy Clerk Erdman gave a small presentation on Audio and Visual estimates.
- Supervisor Usakowski
We are going to have an air monitoring station up at the fire station in Smiths Creek. Tetra Tech is going to be putting it up and it will be up for a couple of weeks but I am not sure when they will be doing it. This is in relationship with the law suit that was filed against the county for the landfill. They are putting up about 12 of them to monitor to see if there is still any air pollution from the landfill.
Usakowski: We will bring back the information for Document Imaging.
- Clerk Wrubel
The new well for the cemetery went in today.
The divers went into the water tower to do some maintenance.
Elections are keeping us quite busy.
The Fall Clean-up is October 19th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We are looking for people to sign up to volunteer to help. No tires, propane tanks or refrigerators allowed.
I need all the articles from the staff for the newsletter by noon tomorrow.
I am working with Tetra Tech right now trying to get the cemetery plate map for PCE so we can start working on the cremation area.
- Treasurer Jackson
Jackson gave his Financial Review.
We have 92.1 percent collected so far for Summer Taxes.
- Trustee Hoffman
No report.
- Trustee Deland
No report.
- Trustee Nelson
- Trustee Ward
No report.
Deland motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m. supported by Ward.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk