NOVEMBER 15, 2022
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Wrubel, Deland, Ward and Nelson.
ABSENT: Jackson and Hoffman.
Usakowski: Add under Old Business A. Resolution 2022-17.
Wrubel motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
Usakowski: Page 4 second paragraph, it should read “I don’t know the owner and I haven’t been out there”.
Wrubel motioned to approve the minutes as amended supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
Check Register from 10/25/2022 to 11/09/2022
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 11/30/2022
Usakowski: We have disbursements totaling $225,381.68.
Ward motioned to approve the disbursement of $225,381.68 to pay the bills and file supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Nelson, Deland, Wrubel and Usakowski.
NO: None. ABSENT: Jackson and Hoffman. (6-0-2) Motion Carried.
- Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 10/25/2022
- Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 10/25/2022
Nelson question page 18 about legal counsel.
Deland motioned to receive and file boards and commissions supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Bill Baker, 1290 Richman Road: Wants to talk about Reck’s Auto Salvage Yard on Dove Road. The previous owners weren’t a problem with their operations and the neighbors. Since new owners came in, there has been ongoing problems. They operate at all hours of the night. An elderly widow has problems with him parking his cars on her property. She’s not comfortable with causing problems.
I don’t have a problem with one or two cars sitting there but he has an overflow of cars now. Neighbors are fearful of the owner. There have been many complaints about this property. I was told the township was taking him to court. Nothing was done and it is an ongoing problem. Property values are going down.
Baker: One other issue is the Solar Energy Farm. If anything destroys these farms, they will be hard to dispose of.
Carole Owens, 1419 Sturdevant Road: Problems with the same neighbor as Mr. Baker. That neighbor has been using her driveway to fill his propane tank and also using it as a turnaround. He has free range chickens that are in my yard.
I have called the police and nothing gets done. I am afraid for my life because I have been threatened.
Usakowski explained what has been done and what we can still do.
Dawn Nowicki, 150 Burns: Property disputes and threats is a civil matter. There is a lack of Ordinance Enforcement.
Usakowski: You have to call the Sheriff’s Department. It is an expensive task to clean up. Our ultimate goal is to get it cleaned up.
Baker: I understand the township having to assume the cost but the scrap metal is worth some money.
Usakowski: It is going to cost a lot of money to clean that up.
Nowicki: We started a Community Group in Smiths Creek so we could reach out to identify seniors, handicap and shut-ins to make sure they are being taken care of.
The methane at the landfill is one of the concerns and the other is Mr. Reck’s property. These are health risks.
Usakowski: Have you spoke to anyone from DEQ or the Health Department?
Nowicki: The smell is worst in winter and the spring.
- Resolution 2022-17: We have two resolutions with the same number and we need to change the one pertaining to EGLE to Resolution 22-19.
Ward motioned to approve changing the resolution number on Resolution
22-17 informing EGLE that we adopted an Illicit Discharge Policy to Resolution 22-19 supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- Resolution 2022-20: A Resolution in Support of the Application of a SPARK Grant
Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 2022-20 supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Deland, Nelson, Ward and Wrubel.
NO: None. ABSENT: Jackson and Hoffman. (6-0-2) Motion Carried.
- Resolution 2022-21: Resolution for a Moratorium
This is a resolution on permits, licenses and construction of Solar and Wind and to give the Planning Commission directions to address the Master Plan and the ordinance. It will be a six month Ordinance and can be renewed for an additional six months. This cannot be adopted until after the Master Plan.
Wrubel motioned to approve Resolution 2022-21 supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Nelson, Usakowski, Deland and Ward.
NO: None. ABSENT: Jackson and Hoffman. (6-0-2) Motion Carried.
- Resolution 2022-20: A Resolution in Support of the Application of a SPARK Grant
Wrubel: I have the results for the Elections November 2022. We had 2,572 voted in person. 1,609 voted absentee. In total 4,108 voted in our township all together. 4,223 registered voters choose not to vote in our township.
Some voters were ready to vote at 6:30 a.m. but did patiently wait for 7:00 a.m.
The last Absentee ballot was returned at 7:58 p.m. which then had to be brought over to the church to the absentee room to be counted.
We had in total for all four precincts and one absentee board, thirty-two election inspectors and seven chairmen.
The DPW was very helpful with helping to set up and tear downs both buildings. The DPW also securely transported the tabulators for us too.
I’d like to thank Christine for all her hard work with the elections.
A. Supervisor Usakowski
I am still working on the budget.
I’m finalizing work on the SPARK Grant.
We ran into technical issues with BS&A about the CBT.
Tetra Tech gave us a report on the Allen Road Lift Station.
We did get an offer on the old Smiths Creek School. Someone offered us $10,000.
Clerk Wrubel
Wrubel gave her report under Department Reports.
- Treasurer Jackson
- Trustee Hoffman
- Trustee Deland
How much of the cost of election is reimbursed back to the township from the county?
Wrubel: Zero.
Carwyn explained.
Deland: Aren’t Salvage Yards regulated by the state?
Usakowski: I don’t think they are but I can find out.
- Trustee Nelson
The election went really good. We didn’t have any complaints all day.
- Trustee Ward
Do we have to have the bathrooms open at the parks?
Usakowski: We don’t have to but in meeting with the County Parks, they strongly recommend it.
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m. supported by Ward.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk