Minutes - Zoning Board of Appeals|

Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Regular Meeting

November 14, 2023

6:30 P.M.

Meeting opened at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call of Members:   Crowe, Orr, Bowen and Nelson.


Absent:  Strait.


Discussion on who will chair the current meeting.


Nelson motioned that Crowe chair this meeting supported by Orr.  Motion Carried. 


I.                   Approval of Agenda

Nelson motioned to approve the agenda for November 14, 2023 as presented supported by Bowen.  Motion Carried.


II.                Approval of the Minutes-Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 \



III.             New Business


    1. New Board Member: Megan Bowen

    Welcome to the board Megan Bowen.


      1. Class A Designation (979 Wadhams Rd) 74-25-340-0009-000— RAAB

      Christopher Ayers, Shain Park Realty representing the Raab family, Patricia and her son Keith about the property listed at 979 Wadhams Road.  There is some confusion with the classification of the property.  We have been trying to sell it for them for a little over four months now.  The difficulty with the way the property is classified it makes it impossible to get a conventional loan to put a mortgage on the house.  Since the building is also there, that’s a hindrance.  We are asking for is a re-classification for this property to be able to qualify for a mortgage.


      Orr:  What you are looking for is a Class A Designation.


      Ayers:  Yes.


      Orr motioned to approve the Class A Designation to the Raab family supported by Nelson.



      ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Orr, Nelson, Crowe and Bowen.  NO:  None.

      ABSENT:  Strait.  (4-0-1) Motion Carried.


        1. ZBA Online Certificate Course

        Carwyn led the discussion program of interested participants Orr and Bowen both indicated interest.


        IV.             Old Business


          1. Master Plan Update:  Goals/Future Land Use Presentation at Planning Meeting—November 28


          V.                Audience Participation

          Erickson gave an update on Township activity.  We are trying to get the new water piping system.  Instead of the Ductile Iron we are trying to go with new improved hard plastic piping.  We are trying to get our engineers and the three engineers that have bidding projects in the area.


          Nelson questioned about the new engineers.


          Erickson gave an update on the property that Culver’s wanted.


          VI.             Officers Reports

          Orr:  Planning Commission approved the garage across the street for storage.


          Nelson:  I talked to Mr. Stremers the night of the workshop regarding Bonds.


          Crow asked what is going on across from the KOA?


          Erickson:  That is Wadhams Equipment.  The old building will become the Autism Center for children.




          VII.          Adjournment



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