NOVEMBER 01, 2022
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland and Nelson.
ALSO PRESENT: Chief Gratz.
Nelson would like to add under New Business, F. Moratorium Issues.
Wrubel motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
Wrubel motioned to approve the minutes of October 18, 2022 as presented supported by Jackson.
Check Register from 10/11/2022 to 10/25/2022
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 10/31/2022
Deland questioned about the Allegra check.
Jackson motioned to approve the consent agenda and communications and pay the bills totaling $584,424.19 supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Wrubel, Nelson, Deland, Hoffman and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Dawn Nowicki, 150 Burns Road: Questions regarding the Moratorium Issues.
She would like the Moratorium voted on tonight to stop any green energies such as solar or wind turbine development in the township.
I would like to suggest that the board meetings be live streamed. The written minutes don’t always tell you what was said.
The Marijuana Ordinance should be pushed back to the Planning Committee.
There were residents that were involved in that process in making that ordinance, and the Planning Committee completely disregarded any input that they had.
We were asking for protection and this doesn’t give us protection. I am asking you to vote no and send it back to the Planning Commission.
On the website, it states that Kimball Township is the most beautiful township in St. Clair County. Over the last six months all I have heard is that Kimball Township is the most corrupt township in St. Clair County. That is not what I want to hear about my township. I would like to see a panel of seven people to listen to resident’s testimony.
Usakowski: If you want to make an accusation then you need to put it in writing so we can investigate. We don’t know what you are referring to.
Usakowski: If you feel something is corrupt, then you need to file a police report.
Dennis McCallom, 702 Allen Road: He agrees 100% with Dawn Nowicki. Attest to ordeal with Planning Commission. I addressed the Planning Commission about the 14 acres south of his house on Allen Road. No one seemed to know what was going on.
Usakowski explained that the Planning Commission will get a site plan and proceed from there.
Jackson commented.
Matt Crowe, 7261 Smiths Creek: I also agree with Dawn Nowicki. I would like all the boards to vote no on the Marijuana Ordinance because it isn’t going to help anyone in Kimball Township. I also heard about shady business going on in the township. Questioned about the poles and power lines.
Usakowski: Explained that he had talked to DTE about the pole issues and that they failed to meet regulations of Kimball. We can’t require DTE to remove the poles. We can require underground utilities but there is no ordinance dictating poles.
Crowe: All those poles look terrible.
Usakowski: Not all of the poles are DTE.
Crowe: Erickson brought marijuana growers to Smiths Creek. We are asking Neil to enforce the same ordinances for the people that he brought to this township. It is a huge conflict of interest with Neil.
Crowe: The property on Allen Road across from Dennis McCallom, have you personally gone out there or contacted the land owner?
Usakowski: I don’t know I know the owner but and I haven’t been out there.
Crowe: Has anyone talked to them about whether or not that they are planning to develop that property?
Usakowski: I haven’t contacted them. Anyone can get ready to develop their property. They know that they need to contact the township once they reach that point.
- Standard Operating Procedures, Emergency Operations
This is for electric vehicles and advising of fast moving industry when an electric car catches fire. If a car is Smoldering, we can’t open battery pack. We have to wait until the fire goes out. Odor is volatile and there is an inability to access the battery within the car.
Jackson motioned to approve Code 03-04-10 supported by Wrubel.
Motion Carried.
- Request for Expenditure over $500
Request for fire hoses. Scheduled for last year but couldn’t get anyone to come out and inspect. 35 hoses will need to be replaced and 8 fall under warranty.
There are quotes for Dinges – $11,056.50, MES – $11,846.00 and Fire Depot – $14,185.00. I recommend Dinges.
Jackson motioned to approve the purchase of fire hoses from Dinges at a cost of $11,056.50 supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Nelson, Usakowski, Hoffman, Wrubel and Deland. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- Application for Employment
We have two new applications for employment.
- Michael Cataldo
Michael is a former Explorer that went through our program.
- Justin Simon
Justin lives in our fire district and is a neighbor to one of our firemen.
Wrubel motioned to approve the hiring of Cataldo and Simon to the Fire Department supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.
Our total participation of our Halloween activity of children and adults was 433.
- Budget Goals
Usakowski: I currently am working on the budget with some tentative ideas.
Wrubel: I submitted some ideas.
Nelson: More people are watching the School Board Meetings. We may want to include Live Streaming of meetings.
- DPW: Annual Service Agreement
Wrubel: I want to bring to your attention the Annual Service Agreement for inspection for the water storage tank at a cost of $615.00.
Wrubel motioned to approve the $615.00 for the Annual Service Agreement supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Deland, Nelson, Hoffman, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- 2023 Local Road Funding Assistance Program Agreement
Usakowski: The total cost to finish Sparling Road would cost $230,000.00 and we would have to pay $130,000.00 and we have the money allocated to do it.
Usakowski motioned to approve the $130,000.00 agreement with St. Clair County Road Commission to finish Sparling Road supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Deland, Nelson, Jackson, Wrubel and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- Agreement between Kimball Township Clerical Workers and International Union of Operating Engineers Local NO. 324
Usakowski: Review of changes to the Clerical Contract including page 58 for insurance has changed, page 59 added short term disability and removed the carryover of sick days, educational was changed from $500 to $1,000, and page 67 is covering wages with a 4% increase for the first year, 3% for 2023 and 3% for 2024. The full version is available for review.
Wrubel motioned to approve the Clerical Workers Contract as presented supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Deland, Hoffman, Nelson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
- Kimball Township Ordinance NO. 142-53 Findings and Declarations
Usakowski: The Planning Commission has deliberated on this for about seven months. We currently have a Moratorium in place related to this. We did not put a date on this Moratorium. This Moratorium would regulate only Medical Marijuana. We are waiting on court backing and zoning to the Supreme Court.
I know we aren’t going to have an ordinance that will please everyone.
Deland questioned about the grandfathered ordinances.
Nelson: Thanked the board for allowing her to serve on the board and make decisions. My concerns are that it goes against the ordinance to promote public health. It isn’t a safe environment to have this.
Usakowski discussed Home Occupation. Least conflict with neighbors and would require township notification. Should have been handled by Legislator.
Metro Planning approved the current proposed ordinance.
Nelson: If adopted, Legislation will be brought in. Supreme Court supported, township had right to zone in Residential.
Usakowski agreed.
Nelson motioned to send it back to the Planning Commission.
Usakowski requested for some directive to the Planning Commission so they know what we are asking them for.
Nelson: I would like to see Ag, R1, R2, and R3 taken out.
Jackson: Ag is the right to farm, not a crop. My grandson grows vegetables all year long with hydration.
Nelson motioned to send it back to Planning Commission to have it rezoned into Industrial supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Nelson, Wrubel, Usakowski, Jackson, Hoffman and Deland. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
Usakowski: This is why you really need to educate yourself on ballot proposals. We have three extremely important proposals on the ballot this year that could have huge impacts on us.
- Budget Goals
- Moratorium Issues
Usakowski: The current request for a moratorium is for solar and wind development in Kimball. Currently our ordinance has some provisions related to utilities as a Special Exception Use. It isn’t addressed it in the Master Plan or Zoning specifically regarding solar in residential. I am not opposed to the Moratorium but we do need some concrete wording. It’s not a good idea to approve it tonight without dates and guidelines.
Usakowski mentioned that he had sent the Master Plan out for bids to six businesses. One responded that they did not have enough staff to do it and the other five didn’t respond.
I did talk to David Struck at St. Clair Metro Planning about going over the Master Plan and giving us any recommendations that they may have.
Usakowski: Moratorium has to be reviewed by the attorney. I propose to bring back to the next meeting with solid wording.
- Parks
Usakowski: I had conversations with the County Parks about inputs and directions on different items. Dennis Delor was adamant that we have the bathrooms open. I’m looking at different securities to stop the vandalism and destruction. We don’t have Wi-Fi out there but we are looking into another system that will work off cellular. We are in the process of applying for a SPARKS Grant for playground equipment at both Smiths Creek and Sutherland Parks.
Wrubel: The cemetery fall cleanup will be completed next week.
The Airport manhole project is completed also. They jetted out the manholes.
Jetting the sewer lines out is coming to an end soon.
Over 70 curb boxes and 7 D boxes were repaired.
Lift Stations are all cleaned out.
SCADA has been working much better.
The County wants the manholes in the roadway behind their garages over by the airport fixed. The DPW has started this project today.
The library had some building issues and they all have been resolved.
- Parks
Nancy asked Usakowski if he had gone to the meeting in Wales when they talked about Solar.
Usakowski: No, I didn’t.
Discussion about the Y in Smiths Creek.
- Supervisor Usakowski
We had our Trunk and Treat out at the park and about 125 participants showed up. The Fire Department were out there as well as the Little League had a booth set up.
Parks Committee are planning a holiday decorating contest. They will be soliciting for donations for prizes.
The first part of Sparling Road is complete.
I am working on the budget.
We are working on our CVTRS money.
Clerk Wrubel
I received a check from MMRMA for $11,877.00 for our share of the distribution.
I also received a check for $2,620.00 for our share for the excess for the State
Pool Retention Fund.
We have 65.73% of our AV ballots turned in.
Everyone should have received their orange newsletter. There is a section in it for comments and suggestions. Please fill it out if you have anything you would to let us know about.
- Supervisor Usakowski
- Treasurer Jackson
Taxes will be coming out around December 1st. There will be an increase on the millage. New millage for fire, EMS and the library.
Review of summer taxes.
Review of financials.
- Trustee Hoffman
No report.
Trustee Deland
Were we ever able to get the GIS Mapping done?
Wrubel: We are still working on it.
Deland: For the SPARK Grant, couldn’t you tell them that we are going to use our county millage money?
Usakowski: Yes, we can.
Discussion about the property for ALDI’s and Culvers.
- Trustee Nelson
Can we post information about the impact of the proposals on the township?
Usakowski: We can post factual. We cannot post anything perceived to sway the vote.
- Trustee Ward
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. supported by Nelson.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk