
Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Regular Meeting

October 8, 2024

6:30 P.M.

Orr motioned to open the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Members:   Strait, Orr, Bowen


Absent:  Nelson


Quorum Present


Also Present:  Deputy Clerk Michele Erdman and Neil Erickson


Orr motioned for Strait to chair the meeting supported by Bowen.  Motion Carried.


I.                   Approval of Agenda

Orr made a motion to accept approval of Agenda, Bowen Supported

Motion Carried


Approval of the Minutes

II.                 July 9, 2024 minutes held approval until next month


III.             New Business



    1. Vacant Land on Lapeer Tax ID: 74-25-006-2004-000

    Mr Mark Reno from Lakeshore Building and Holding LLC asking for Class A designation from a current Commercial Zoning classification. Seeks to build single family home on vacant land to match surrounding homes.


    Motion made by Orr to approve a Class A designation for the vacant property located on Lapeer Rd with the Tax ID of 74-25-006-2004-000

    Support by Bowen


    Motion Carried


      1. Property located at 7139 Main St Smiths Creek, MI 48074 Tax ID: 74-25-670-0019-000


      Ms Linda Emig, property owner, wishes to place above property for sale. Home and property is currently zoned Commercial. This zoning is from many years ago and area is residential and asked for the board for a Class A Residential Designation.


      Motion made by Orr to approve a Class A designation for the home located at 7139 Main Street Smiths Creek, MI 48074

      Support by Bowen


      Motion Carried


        1. Mr. Neil Ericson spoke on Property located at 421 Richmond Rd Kimball, MI 48074 on behalf of Mr John Kraft, owner of home. Seeking a Class A designation so that in case the home is destroyed he will have the ability to rebuild a new home.

        Motion made by Orr to approve a Class A designation for the home located at 421 Richman Rd.

        Support by Bowen


        Motion Carried


        IV.             Old Business



        V.                Audience Participation



        VI.             Officers Reports


        VII.          Adjournment

        Orr motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. supported by Bowen

        Motion Carried.


        Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.


        Submitted by Michele Erdman, Deputy Clerk


        Comments are closed.

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