FEBRUARY 06, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland and Nelson.
Usakowski: Add to New Business, E. Boiler for Library, F. Cemetery Board Positions, G. Board of Review Position and H. Cross Connections Inspector.
Wrubel motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
JANUARY 30, 2024
Wrubel: Page 5 of January 16th meeting, it should be early voting starts February 17th not February 19th.
Jackson motioned to approve the minutes for January 16, 2024 and January 30, 2024 as amended supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.
- Check Register from 01/11/2024 to 01/30/2024
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 01/31/2024
- Department Payroll Reports through 02/02/2024
Usakowski: We have distributions totaling $866,251.67.
Wrubel motioned to pay $866,251.67 in disbursements supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Nelson, Deland, Hoffman and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
A. Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 12/19/2023
B. Cemetery Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of December 13, 2023
C. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of December 26, 2023
Deland motioned to receive and file Boards and Commissions supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Terry Caryl, 353 Eileen: I am here to talk about paving 11th Street off of Pickford Road.
Discussion regarding prioritizing road repairs, options for current repairs and alterations.
Max Cunningham, 297 Marion: I agree with Terry Caryl about the roads.
A. Resolution No. 2023-18, Needs to be Corrected
Kimball Township Board of Trustees May 7th and August 6th meetings need to be taken off the schedule because they are election days.
Wrubel motioned to cancel the meetings on May 7th and August 6th for Resolution No: 2023-18 supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Nelson, Usakowski, Deland, Jackson and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
A. Resolution No. 2024-02
This is for structures in the county right of way annual renewal.
Deland motioned to approve Resolution No. 2024-02 supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Jackson, Hoffman, Usakowski, Nelson and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
B. Bids for New Generator
1. Easton Technologies: $63,414.57
2. Ainsworth Electric Inc: $49,980.00
3. B & T Electric, Inc: $34,595.00
Clerk Wrubel discussed the prices for all three. DPW thinks that B & T is the best one.
Deland motioned to accept the bid of B & T Electric, Inc. at the cost of $34,595.00 for the new generator supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Nelson, Usakowski, Hoffman, Wrubel and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
C. Bids for Painting Office-Public Areas
1. Mike David: $1,800.00
2. Monzo’s Painting: $1,500.00
3. Beem Construction, LLC.: $2,150.00
Usakowski explained that the areas being painted will be the lobby, the Conference Room and the bathrooms.
Deland motioned to approve the bid from Monzo’s Painting with confirmation of repairs added supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Wrubel, Nelson, Hoffman, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
D. RFQ for Planning and Zoning Services
Usakowski explained that this would be someone who would review site plans for compliance with our ordinance before it goes to the Planning Commission. Developers will pay for services.
Jackson motioned to approve hiring someone for RFQ for Planning and Zoning supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
E. Boiler for Library
Alison Arnold, Director of St. Clair County Library talked about getting the boiler replaced at the library. The branch in Kimball Township is closed for service at this time due to the temperature in the building.
Usakowski: We could use the Emergency Expenditures but we don’t have the money in the budget for it. There is money in the Revenue Sharing. We have two bids; one is Dependable Heating at a cost of $17,500.00 and the other is Master’s Plumbing at a cost of $10,508.00.
I talked with Neil Erickson about the two companies and he said that Master’s Plumbing was excellent and he recommends them.
Wrubel: This boiler comes with a five to seven year warrantee.
Deland motioned to approve the purchase of a new boiler for the library from Master’s Plumbing at a cost of $10,508.00 supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Wrubel, Hoffman, Nelson, Usakowski and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
F. Cemetery Board Position
Usakowski discussed that this position was posted and we have three applicants that applied for it, Matt Gurjack, Janet Swierkosz and Patricia Kilbourne.
I was thinking that we appoint one for the board and then one as an alternative.
Usakowski motioned to appoint Matt Gurjack to the Cemetery Board and Janet Swierkosz as an alternative supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Deland, Jackson, Hoffman, Wrubel, and Nelson. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
G. Board of Review Position
Usakowski explained that we need an alternate member for the Board of Review and he recommended Deanna Westfall.
Usakowski motioned to appoint Deanna Westfall as the alternate to the Board of Review supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Deland, Nelson, Wrubel and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Ward. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
H. Cross Connection Inspector
Usakowski mentioned that this position is required by State Law. Our current inspector, Bob Jarvis, is no longer able to do it. I got an application from Kenneth McKay who is Cross Connection Certified. It isn’t posted yet.
Deland: Recommend to post and bring back to the next meeting.
A. Supervisor Usakowski
Next meeting we will have a draft of the resolution in support of “Citizen Role of Choice.” That is the ballot initiative to overturn Act 233, which is the one that
took away the township’s ability to zone for solar and wind. Petitions are available. They will need 450,000 signatures by May 29th.
“Axe My Tax” is another ballot initiative that would eliminate property tax. It would take our revenue sharing and increase it by 33%. The revenue sharing would then be restricted to other classified essential uses. Those essential uses do not include parks and library.
There is also a proposed 2% tax on water from the State Legislature. Those funds would go back to the state to help pay unpaid water bills.
I heard back this week about an attorney. Greg Stremers recommended Al Francis.
B. Clerk Wrubel
We are currently watching Allen Road between Lapeer and West Water. It looks like a water main break but the DPW thinks it may be a drain tile break.
Early Voting starts on February 17th. We have nine days of Early Voting. There is going to be an additional election on May 7th for the Sinking Fund for the Port Huron Area School District.
Liquor License for Allen and Lapeer Roads were discussed.
C. Treasurer Jackson
Discussion of Tax Collections.
State Revenue Sharing is the primary source of funding for the township.
Review of Financials.
- Trustee Hoffman
Request to Clerk Wrubel to have the DPW go down Allen Road in front of KOA to pick up debris and paneling.
- Trustee Deland
No report.
- Trustee Nelson
Questioned about the union grievance.
Usakowski: They took too long. They had five days to respond and they didn’t.
Nelson: Did you try to address their concerns?
Usakowski: They did not meet the deadline.
- Trustee Ward
Jackson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk