Minutes - Board of Trustees, Uncategorized|




                                                                                                                              APRIL 16, 2024

  6:30 P.M.

Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS:  Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland, Ward and Nelson.


ABSENT:  None.


ALSO PRESENT:  Chief Gratz and Sheriff Matt King.



Deland motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Nelson.

Motion Carried.


II.            PRESENTATION OF MINUTES of MARCH 19, 2024

Jackson motioned to approve the minutes of March 19, 2024 as presented supported by Wrubel.  Motion Carried.



  1. Check Register from 03/28/2024 to 04/12/2024
  2. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 04/30/2024
  3. Department Payroll Reports through 04/12/2024

Usakowski:  We have distributions totaling $103,463.59.


Jackson motioned to approve the distribution totaling $103,463.59 to pay the bills and file supported by Ward.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Jackson, Ward, Usakowski, Nelson, Hoffman, Wrubel and Deland.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.



A.     Board of County Road Commission Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2024

Deland motioned to receive and file Board of County Road Commission Meeting Minutes of March 19, 2024 supported by Nelson.  Motion Carried.



Matt King introduced himself and gave a presentation about the Annual Report and explained that you can also find the report at www.stclairsheriff.org.  He gave a description of the components of the Sheriff’s Office as well.  Sheriff King opened up the floor for questions.


Jackson asked about the efficiency of drone operations.


King:  The most we use a drone for is over a bad accident.  We also use it for barricaded gunmen and search and rescue.


Nelson:  What does a day look like for a School Resource Officer?


King:  We have two in the Port Huron Area School District, one in Anchor Bay School District and one in Memphis School District and they respond right to the school.  Their job all day every day is to work in the schools as a liaison for law enforcement as an outreach for the students and any law enforcement that needs to be handled.   They really have a connection with the students. 


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)

John Dondineau, 1931 Maple Road:  Left a message with Rob three weeks ago about the ditch and culverts being a mess.  I would like to get the ditch and culvert cleaned out.  I’ve been there for 34 years.


Usakowski explained that he waiting for quotes from the county.  The township is not allowed to do ditch work.


Ray Campbell, 299 Eileen Avenue:  He has water and sewer department concerns.  He is comparing other townships with ours.



A.     Applications for Employment

1.    Samantha R. Hurt

2.    Linda C. Smyth

3.    Luke M. Collinge

4.    Jake R. Clark


            We received 20 applications and these four applicants were the ones we chose.

Samantha Hurt will be at Station Two is from Memphis and one is from Kimball Township, one from Marysville and one from Port Huron.


Deland motioned to approve Chief Gratz to hire the four new firefighters supported by Ward.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Deland, Ward, Hoffman, Wrubel, Nelson, Usakowski and Jackson.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.






A.     Wales Township Fire Protection Agreement 2024-2025

Jackson explained what areas this would cover and not cover, plus the cost for covering this area.  The cost would be $25,165.86 for the years 2024/2025.

Wrubel motioned to approve the Wales Township Fire Protection Agreement for years 2024/2025 at a cost of $25,165.86 supported by Deland.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Wrubel, Deland, Usakowski, Nelson, Hoffman, Jackson and Ward.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.


B.     Clyde Township Fire Protection Agreement 2024-2025

Jackson explained that cost for the Clyde Township Fire Protection Agreement for the years 2024/2025 at a cost of $16,067.39.


Wrubel motioned to approve the cost of $16,067.39 for the Clyde Township Fire Protection Agreement for the 2024/2025 years supported by Deland.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Wrubel, Deland, Usakowski, Hoffman, Nelson, Jackson and Ward.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.


C.     St. Clair Township Fire Protection Agreement May 1, 2024-April 30, 2025

Jackson explained that the cost for the St. Clair Township Fire Protection Agreement for May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 is $18,629.87.


Wrubel motioned to approve the St. Clair Township Fire Protection Agreement for May 1, 2024 to April 30 2025 at a cost of $18,629.87 supported by Deland.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Wrubel, Deland, Nelson, Ward, Hoffman, Jackson and Usakowski.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.


D.     Resolution 2024-14:  A Resolution to Hold a Public Hearing Regarding 11th Street East of Pickford at Property Owner Request


Usakowski explained that this public hearing is regarding the requested improvement of 11th Street East of Pickford Road this was at the property owner’s request.  We did get an estimate from the County Road Commission.  The property owners will be notified.




Deland motioned to approve Resolution 2024-14 for a public hearing supported by Jackson.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Deland, Jackson, Usakowski, Nelson, Ward, Hoffman and Wrubel.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.


E.     Resolution 2024-15:  Water at Range and Gratiot

Usakowski explained that this is zoned commercial but the water leads are insufficient for commercial development so we have to bring in a larger line so all of the properties there would benefit from the water lead.  We are holding a Public Hearing to discuss the project.  The cost of the water would be $262,200.00. 




Deland motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-15 for the water at Range and Gratiot supported by Ward.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Deland, Ward, Wrubel, Hoffman, Usakowski, Hoffman and Nelson.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.


F.      Resolution 2024-16:  Sewer at Range and Gratiot

Usakowski explained that the people on Gratiot already have sewer and that we are just extending it to the people on Range Road.  The cost of the sewer would be $242,650.00.


Deland motioned to adopt Resolution 2024-16 for the sewer at Range and Gratiot supported by Ward.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Deland, Ward, Usakowski, Nelson, Jackson, Hoffman and Wrubel.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried.



A.     Fire Department Annual Report 2023






A.   Supervisor Usakowski

We are still busy trying to get a grant for the landfill.  We have a meeting Thursday night with PFOS action group and trying to set up a public meeting with Western Michigan University. 


Parks are open and our park attendants started on Monday.  The playground equipment will be here tomorrow.  We have a port a john coming to Sutherland Park next week and the one for Smiths Creek Park will be delivered the first week of May.


B.   Clerk Wrubel

The Smiths Creek School House was broken into.  The DPW installed new doors and fixed the windows in the back that they broke out too.


The DPW are looking into the fishing dock at Sutherland.


Our grass cutter has started and he has been working on the cemeteries.

If anyone wants to run for office you need to have your applications in by this Friday, April 19th.


We can get reimbursed for having the carpet and tiles cleaned from the state after having the elections.


C.   Treasurer Jackson

Jackson gave a review of Financials.




D.   Trustee Hoffman

            Hoffman questioned Usakowski about the trains blocking Allen Road.


E.   Trustee Deland

Have we hired an attorney yet?


Usakowski:  We have been using Mr. Frances but we are waiting on an agreement from him.


Deland:  Are we going to bid out for the roof repairs?


Usakowski:  We will post it.


Deland questioned about the lagoon.


Jackson explained.


  1. Trustee Nelson

No report.


  1. Trustee Ward

Will the park attendant be cutting the grass before Opening Day on the 27th?


Usakowski mentioned that the new playground area will be closed off by snow fences to avoid injuries.


We have the ring cameras up but we can’t see the bathrooms with them.  The concession stand will in view.


We will have 20 teams plus 12 tournament teams.  We will be opening the park at 8 a.m. and will be serving breakfast sandwiches and then the ceremony will be at 10 a.m.


The kids would like to see a basketball hoop on the tennis court.



Deland motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. supported by Ward.

Motion Carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk




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