Minutes - Board of Trustees|




MARCH 16, 2021

6:30 P.M.

Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward.

ABSENT: Deland.


    Sturdevant motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Hoffman.

    Motion Carried.


    Wrubel motioned to approve the minutes for March 2, 2021 as presented supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.


Check Register from 02/22/2021 to 03/10/2021

  1. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 03/31/2021

Sturdevant motioned to approve the consent agenda and communications and pay the bills totaling $1,026,976.45 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Jackson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  2. St. Clair County Depart. of Public Works Minutes for 02/16/2021
  3. St. Clair County Board of County Road Comm. Minutes for 02/16/2021
  4. Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes for 10/14/2020

Sturdevant motioned to receive and file boards and commissions supported by Hoffman. Motion Carried.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)


    1. Sale of Township Property

    Jackson explained that the properties that we want to sell have to be publicized.

    1. Grass Cutting at Parks

    Usakowski talked to Mitchell about cutting all the township owned grass and he agreed to it working full-time and also maintain the parks.

Usakowski: I think we need to review our contract with Kevin’s Lawn Care and see what our time frame is on that. Plus we need to look at hiring another part-time worker for the park.

Sturdevant: We need to look into buying another mower.


Usakowski motioned to hire Mitchell as our full-time park attendant for 40 hours a week at $15.00 an hour supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    1. COCM 2021 Spring Conference for Neil

    Cost for this conference is $185.00. We will bring back the cost of hotel and travel at the next meeting.

    Sturdevant motioned to approve the $185.00 for the COCM 2021 Spring Conference for Neil supported by Wrubel.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Wrubel, Ward, Hoffman, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    1. SEMBOIA, Inc., Associate Member-Annual Membership-$240.00(Neil)

    Wrubel motioned to approve the $240.00 for the SEMBOIA, Inc., Associate Member-Annual Membership for Neil supported by Ward.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Hoffman, Usakowski, Jackson and Sturdevant. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    1. Clerks Association of St. Clair County Invoice for 2021 Annual Dues

    Sturdevant motioned to approve the Clerks Association of St. Clair County 2021 Annual Dues of $35.00 supported by Jackson.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Jackson, Wrubel, Usakowski, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    1. Resolution 21-03 Building, Planning and Inspection Fees Update

    Usakowski: We are recommending the following changes. International Code Council is what we base most of our building fees off of and that changed back in February.

  • Lot splits now are $125 and we are recommending it be raised to $150
  • Mobil Home inspection now are $120 recommending $150
  • Peddler and Solicitors license was $15 change to $25
  • Junk yards are at $15 recommending $50
  • Electrical applications fee are at $30 change to $50
  • Electrical inspections fee are at $35 change to $50
  • Electrical final inspection fee are at $35 change to $50

Sturdevant motioned to adopt Resolution 21-03 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Jackson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-04 Sewer Appropriations

Usakowski: All of these resolutions balanced. The one that is still using some fund balance is water. But we are very close to balancing that out. The sewer will see a net increase of $6,735.00.

We are talking about splitting our sewer and water in our books. The USDA has been asking us to do that for a while because we do have a grant funded project in Smiths Creek.

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-04 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-05 Water Appropriations

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-05 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-06 General Fund Appropriations

Net increase of $23,998.61. We are getting some Covid Relief Fund of $901,000.00.

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-06 supported by Wrubel.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-07 Parks Appropriations

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-07 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-08 Building Fund Appropriations

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-08 supported by Wrubel.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Ward and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-09 Liquor Control Appropriations

Usakowski motioned to adopt Resolution 21-09 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Resolution 21-10 Kimball Township Cemetery Rates and Foundation Rates

Wrubel: The Cemetery Board felt that we needed to raise the prices for the Perpetual Care. A suggestion of raising the Perpetual Care to $50 but splitting the $50 between the Perpetual Care and starting a Maintenance Fee. $25 would go to Perpetual Care and $25 in the Maintenance Fee.

Wrubel motioned to approve the price changes for Resolution 21-10 including the Headstone Foundations supported by Sturdevant.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Ward, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. St. Clair County Road Commission Work Order Agreement

    80/20 Cost Sharing Using Local Limestone Program Funds

  • Dove Road and Ravenswood Road-Township Limestone Haul
  • Various Gravels-Township Limestone Haul
  • Various Gravels-Contract Chloride
  • Various Gravels-Contract Chloride

Usakowski explained the St. Clair County Road Commission Work Order Agreement.

The first one is the 80/20 Limestone Program. Our amount would be $4,863.67.

Usakowski motioned to approve the 80/20 Limestone Program supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Usakowski: We are doing all the north and south traveling gravel roads this year and the total without our match program would be $244,000.00 and the price of gravel has gone up this year so that total would be $244,240.92.

Usakowski motioned to approve the Township Limestone Haul work order with the County Road Commission at a total cost of $244,240.92 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant and Hoffman. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Usakowski: The last one is the Chloride program at a cost of $20,400.00 for each application. We don’t always use the second chloride.

Usakowski motioned to approve the Chloride program at a cost of $20,400.00 for each application supported by Wrubel.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.




A. Supervisor Usakowski

Usakowski handed out the new DPW Union Contract and explained what changes and updates were done.


Usakowski motioned to adopt the agreement between DPW IUOEL 324 and Kimball Township supported by Sturdevant.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Jackson and Ward. NO: Hoffman. ABSENT: Deland. (6-1-1) Motion Carried.

Covid Relief Bill: There were local funds that were part of that bill. Based on the Government Finance Office, our portion is $901,000.00 for Kimball Township. The initial plan is that half of that will be paid out in 60 days, around mid-May, about $450,000.00. Then at a year we would get another $450,000.00. That money is limited in what we can use it for. We can use it for any lost revenues associated with the Covid Pandemic. Which we did lose some revenues. It can be used for excess wages and any expenses incurred directly related to the Covid Pandemic. The last thing that it can be used for is water and sewer. We should be getting more of a direction on what we are allowed to use it for.

Clerk Wrubel

Elections are May 4th for the Marysville School Elections for Precinct 3 only.

Ballots will be mailed out this Friday.

MTA Registration Forms have been given out. If applications aren’t received by April 1st the cost goes up by $20. The cost right now is $127.00 for three day.

The cemetery clean-up is scheduled for March 15. We are giving residents a few extra days to clean-up. The DPW will be out there on March 22nd and finish on March 23rd depending on the weather.

We are currently pouring foundations for the cemetery once a year right now in May. This year we will be pouring the week of May 17th. We currently have approximately 25 plus to pour right now. I would like to see us do the foundations twice a year. Once in May and then again in October. New graves must wait at least six months to pour for the ground to settle. How would you feel if we did this twice a year?

Usakowski: I think it’s great.

Wrubel: The DPW don’t doesn’t have a problem with it.

Sturdevant: We won’t have a frost problem in October?

Wrubel: Not in October.

This was approved.

Clerk I Position: The hiring committee has met and recommend Terry Booth. She was a former temp and was here for three months while Connie was off on medical leave and she did an excellent job. Extra monies would come from eliminating the full-time bookkeeping position and Christine taking over the bookkeeping along with her Deputy Clerk duties. This position will be part-time, no benefits and for 25 hours per week.

Sturdevant: How does the union feel about this?

Wrubel: The union is just fine.

Sturdevant: We sort of eliminated one of their union people.

Wrubel: They didn’t have a problem with it.

Sturdevant: What kind of pay scale.

Wrubel: She would start at the Clerk I rate and we would like to start her on April 5th.

Sturdevant motioned to hire Terry Booth as our part-time Clerk I employee starting her on April 5th supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Jackson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Allen Road Electrical Panel: Supplies are needed to update the Allen Road Electrical Panel. Our DPW will be able to do most of work and we will have HP Electric come do what we can’t do. I need approval for this because it is over $500.

Sturdevant: So we are switching from 240 phase to 480 phase.

Wrubel: Yes.

Jackson motioned to approve the Allen Road Electrical Panel update at a cost of $7,134.59 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES:     Jackson, Ward, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Wrubel and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

New Truck: We have a 2005 Chevy that is 16 years old and has about 213,000 miles on it. We are going to be keeping the truck instead of trading it in. The money is in the budget for this year. I have two quotes here but we won’t be able to get a truck for about four to six months because there are parts over in China that are not being shipped over here.

The two bids are from Moran’s and St. Clair Chevrolet.


Sturdevant motioned to bring this back with some more bids with different style trucks.

Allen Road Lift Station: The vault tank needs a larger door. This will be needed for future larger pumps. Ken from Tetra Tech recommends this and the cost would be $7,177.63.

Sturdevant motioned to approve the purchase from Core and Main for the new Allen Road Lift Station Door at a cost of $7,177.63 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Ward, Hoffman, Wrubel, Jackson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Range Road Pump Station: I’ve shown you the charts in regards to the pump stations at Range and Smiths Creek, Pickford and Smiths Creek and the one at Allen Road. I think that you all understand the importance and urgency to find the source of the problem we have with that water. Remember we are paying for all that extra water to be going through our system.

We have gotten a bid from a Livonia company which has a $200 drive time added.

One of them comes out to $400.00 an hour and the other one is $360.00 an hour.

Usakowski: Don’t we have our own camera?

Wrubel: We do but it’s not for this type of situation. This needs a camera that is on wheels that can climb itself through. Ours has to be pushed through.

Sturdevant: This is so we can find where other sources of water are coming into our sewer line.

Wrubel: Yes. At Range Road there are three sections that the water is coming in and we need to find out where.


Wrubel suggested that we cap the cost at $15,000 to $20,000.

Sturdevant motioned to allow HP Electric to do the camera and jetting of the sewer lines but not to exceed $15,000 supported by Wrubel.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Wrubel, Jackson, Usakowski, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Ordinance #138-2: This ordinance is for all the annual DEQ required Cross Connections and RPZ inspections that we have George Adams do for us for the businesses in our township. They are required by law to have them done and we are currently paying for. We will turn this over and have the businesses be responsible to pay for these inspections. I don’t feel that the township should be paying for this.

Usakowski motioned to approve Ordinance 138-2 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES:     Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Deland. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Kimball Township Newsletter

Ward: The E is missing on the front page for Marysville.

Wrubel: The things to do in the township section, I would like to add the Family Fun Skate, golfing at Solitude, and Golf County Driving Range.

Board members agreed it looks good.

Spring Clean-up: May 22nd and 23nd and I put in the newsletter that all elected Kimball Township officials will be there to work. A shift schedule will be created. Put this on their calendar and let Wrubel know when they can work.

Tire Grant: We are in the process of applying for a Tire Grant right now. Hopefully it will help us with our spring and fall clean-up of tires.

I have I.D. Badges out for everyone that needs them.

DPW Update: They are working on water meter replacements, mapping the utilities, doing the fire hydrants, manhole covers and water meters. They have been spending some time over here on Wadhams Road by the railroad tracks. We possibly have a water main break but we really don’t know. The county is not being very co-operative. We’ve asked them to blow out one of the culverts. Tomorrow, I told Jason if it wasn’t done today, they are going to go in and blow one of the culverts out to try and to eliminate some of the water over there so we can get a better view to see if we have a leak or not.

  1. Treasurer Jackson

Taxes: We have collected 94.39% of them. The township will get $206,804.05 once the county pays us the remainder amount to be collected.

$82,948.73 Administration Fee.

Property by the bridge: I got another call on that. It was listed at $58,500 and I talked to Stephanie who knows who owns that property said to make an offer.


I did make contact with Liz Masters of Wales. I offered our fire department services to them. They are having some issues with Memphis. I more or less stated that we would bill them at the end of the year for whatever service is used there.

Mr. Ellul: He would like to buy the Smiths Creek School at a price of $25,000 and said that the school would have to be torn down.

Invoice Cloud: I just signed the contract today on the notifications.

Jackson went over the financial statement.

  1. Trustee Hoffman

No report.

  1. Trustee Deland


  1. Trustee Sturdevant

We had a zoning meeting last night and we have property at the corner of Allen and Griswold Roads that the owners want to split. It is all commercial there. The house needed a Class A designation and we awarded that. Their lot split with the old barber shop needed a 4:1 ratio variance because it’s a 100 foot wide but it is 500 foot long and we gave them a variance for that. They are splitting off two 80 foot lots behind it that in R-2.

We also looked at Range Road south of the Amoco Station, where they are possibly going to be putting in a greenhouse. We allowed them a Class A designation for the previous business that was there per contingent upon approve of their site plan that is before Planning.

Fish fry out the American Legion. We had sold 140 meals and ran out of fish.

The next fish fry will be the first Friday in April. April 2nd.

  1. Trustee Ward

I called a landscaper that we know and work with to possibly get into the park to spray the fields to get rid of all the weeds. I want to get in there to do that.

Wants to know how someone bids on the grass cutting job if it doesn’t work out with Mitchell.

Usakowski: We will typically rebid the grass cutting companies out after a three year contract.


    Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. supported by Ward.

    Motion Carried.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

    Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk

Comments are closed.

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