Press Release, Public Notices, Township News, Uncategorized|

Dear Community Member,

I share your frustration with the situation at the St Clair County Landfill. The pungent and consistent odors that have occurred over the past couple of years specifically have been of great concern. The Township has recently contacted the State’s Attorney General’s Office to place some additional pressure on EGLE to take a harder stance on this issue. 

I appreciate those of you that were able to attend the County Board of Commissioners meeting. It was good to publicly get in front of them. The commissioners have allocated monies towards the landfill as requested by Matt Williams, Landfill Manager. To date they have allocated about $400,000 towards additional gas collection lines.

One of the difficulties in that meeting is that the format of a county commission meeting does not allow for discussion and feedback. As Commissioner Baldwin recommended, the best format would be a Townhall type of meeting. So Kimball Township has arranged for a Townhall. The meeting will take place on Monday, November 20 at 6pm. We did not feel the Township hall would be of sufficient size so we are having the meeting at the following location:

The River Church (old Kimball Elementary School)
5801 Griswold
Kimball, MI 48074

We have invited several parties to be there to participate and help answer questions. This includes the St Clair County Landfill, St Clair County Board of Commissioner, St Clair County Health Department, Wales Township officials, St Clair Township Officials, and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) along with Kimball Township officials. 

Hopefully answers will be able to be provided to many of the questions that residents have had. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call my cell phone at 810-637-1537.

Robert Usakowski
Kimball Township

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