Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
June 25, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Orr opened the meeting at 6:37 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Members: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Miller, Henry, Howard, Tuttle
Absent: NONE, Quorum present
Also Present: Neil Erickson-Building Inspector/Ordinance Enforcer
Becky Wrubel-Clerk
Rob Usakowski,-Supervisor
I. Approval of Agenda
Motion by Barrett, supported by Henry to approve the agenda with the addition of 4715 Gratiot Ave site plan to New Business.
Voice vote: unanimously approved
II. Approval of the Minutes- Motion by Barrett, supported by Tuttle to approve the meeting minutes from the April 23, 2024 Planning Commission meeting.
Voice Vote: Unanimously approved
III. New Business
- 4715 Gratiot Ave Site Plan
Property owner, Tim Pavlov, presented a site plan for a 8,000 square foot new build. Project Control will be doing the plan review on behalf of the twp. The property owner is represented by Tetra Tech, which completed the site plan and another firm completed the building plans. The plans had been reviewed by the fire department and approval letter was shared with the planning commission. No letter was presented by Project Control for the Planning Commission to review. The project will haver a water connection which will require boring under Gration Ave.
Member Barrett: Asked if anything had been submitted so far with road commission or other county agencies. The project had not been submitted yet for such approvals.
Member Barrett: requested a review letter be submitted for review by the commission in July prior to approval. The project representative requested the ability Quorum present install a drivew2ay. Barrett asked if the road commission will be requiring a declaration lane. The project representative stated, possibly.
Motion by Howard, supported by Tuttle to preliminarily approve site plan for 4715 Grat89t Ave with the c9ondition a twp engineer review will be submitted at the July 2024 planning commission meeting.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Miller, Henry, Howard, Tuttle
No: None
Motion Approved
IV. Old Business
- Master Plan Review: Chairperson, Orr’s, contact information was provided to Geoff Donaldson, St Clair County Metropolitan Planning Commission by the twp clerk and twp supervisor. The planning Commission is waiting on a response from Metro Planning regarding questions asked in December 2023. Requested Geoff Donaldson at the July Planning Commission meeting.
- Storage Containers:
Building inspector shared his concerns regarding storage containers in residential areas and the need for regulations in the zoning code.
Discussion was held by the planning commission:
Need for placement solid surface
Condition/aesthetics of the container
Are permits required now
Accessory structure definition
Motion by Tuttle, supported by Howard to mandate storage containers to be painted the same color as house on all sides and have no commercial lettering.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes: Tuttle, Howard, Miller
No: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Henry
Motion Fails
Discussion continues on the topic of commercial lettering and aesthetic condition of some containers. In addition, discussion was had on the necessary steps needed to follow in order to amend the township zoning code, such as posting a public hearing prior to approving an amendment and sending to twp for final adoption.
Moved by Barrett, supported by Tuttle to request the township attorney to present a zoning code amendment on the topic of storage container for review and consideration.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes: Tuttle, Barrett, Howard, Orr, Hoffman, Miller, Henry
No: None
Motion passed
- Solar and Wind
Twp Supervisor, Usakowski, shared an update on solar and wind regulations in the State of Michigan. The topic will not be on the November 2024 ballot. Michigan Twp Association is working on a sample compatible renewable energy ordinance per Public Act 233 of 2023. It will be up to the planning commission to adopt such ordinance to have some say in the solar and wind projects in the twp or have such projects go directly to Michigan Public Service Commission for approval.
- Update on Sign Ordinance
Twp Supervisor Usakowski shared the need to review and update the townships zoning code regarding signage due to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Reed v. Town of Gilbert case.
Planning commission requested assistance from twp attorney on verbiage to move forward in updating and being in compliance with the Supreme Court ruling.
- A& W Sign
Building Inspector, Erickson, showed sign plans for the A&W establishment being built at 5310 Horseshoe Lane. The stand-alone billboard (Lamar Advertising) will stay on the site. Orr asked if the doors were placed back on the garbage dumpster enclosure and thy had been installed. Final site plan approval occurred at the December 26, 2023 meeting with conditions, which included sign plans submission and review by twp engineer consultant.
Motion by Barrett, supported by Howard to modify site plan approval at 5310 Horseshoe Lane to include submitted sign plans reviewed by twp engineering consultant.
Voice Vote: Unanimously approved
V. Audience Participation
Building Inspector, Erickson, shared update on old mining pit located between Sturdevant, Griswold and Richman Roads. The property has a sign stating it is Doublle K Bass Ranch. There has been gatherings occurring at the property. The twp is requesting them to apply for gathering permits until a meeting occurs with the Health Department. The building inspector and the Fire Chief met with the property owner. The building inspector is recommending the twp keep the property owner’s Reclamation bond at this time.
Michele Erdman: (Address: 1523 Sturdevant Rd) is a current resident on Sturdevant Road and is located on the same country block as Double K Bass Ranch. Has concerns on what is occurring on the property knowing now it is not sanctioned by the township.
VI. Officers Reports: None
VII. Adjournment Motion by Barrett to adjourn the meeting at 7:52pm
Respectfully Submitted by: Michele Erdman, Deputy Clerk