Minutes - Zoning Board of Appeals|

Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
Regular Meeting Minutes for
June 11, 2024

Swore in new member, John Klimovich
Orr Opened meeting at 6:30pm with Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Members:   Straigt, Bowen, Orr, Nelson, Klimovich
Also Present:  Neil Erickson- Building Inspector, Rob Usakowski-Supervisor
  1. Approval of Agenda 
Motion to accept the June 11, 2024 agenda made by Nelson, seconded by Orr, Motion Carried
  1. Approval of the Minutes-Regular Meeting May 14, 2024 –
Motion to approve the Minutes of May 14, 2024 made by Nelson, seconded by Orr, Motion Carried
  1. New Business
  1. Temporary Dwelling 4550 Lapeer Rd #74-001-3016-001
Barn and Home of 100 years, burned in large fire. Property has sewer and septic. Asking for a temporary dwelling until the house is fixed. 2 Adults, 4 children, 2 dogs. Teporary dwelling to remain for 1 year while building. 4550 Lapeer Rd.
Motion to approve Temporary Dwelling made by Orr, Seconded by Nelson. Motion Carried.
  1. Home-Farquhor 4909 Lapeer Rd  #74-25-001-4006-000
Gail Farquhor and husband here. Home at 4909 has been at current location for long time and currently classified a C-2. Asking for Class A designation.
Motion made to accept 4909 Lapeer Rd #74-25-001-4006-000 as a Class A designation made by Orr. Seconded by Bowen. Motion Carried.
  1. Sign and Ordinance/Political Signs
Mr Usakowski presented some legal cases that discussed different sign ordinances. He explained that the township can’t discriminate the content of the sign as it is protected by free speech.
Political sign ordinance is voided, so the temp sign ordinance must be followed. Can have date and size criteria. Will stick with the temporary sign ordinance.
Discussion took place
Rob is asking the ZBA if his interpretation was correct based on the current ordinance.
Orr made a motion that Rob made the right decision to take no action based on current ordinance interpretation. Bowen seconded the motion. With Mr Klimovich abstaining , Motion Carried.
Cancel ZBA meeting 8-13-2024 due to Audit
  1. Old Business
Double K Bass Ranch
  1. Audience Participation
  1. Officers Reports
  1. Adjournment 7:22pm Motion to adjourn made by Orr
Respectfully submitted by: Michele Erdman

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