Minutes - Board of Trustees|




JULY 06, 2021

6:30 P.M.

Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Deland and Ward.

ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman.


    Usakowski: Add under New Business, D. Noise Ordinance, E. Park Ordinance and F. Fire Contract.

    Deland motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Ward.

    Motion Carried.


    Deland motioned to approve the minutes for June 15, 2021 as printed supported by Ward. Motion Carried.


Check Register from 06/10/2021 to 06/29/2021

  1. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 06/30/2021

Jackson motioned to approve the disbursement and pay the bills totaling $277,597.40 supported by Deland.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Deland, Ward and Usakowski. NO: None.

ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.

  2. St. Clair County Depart. of Public Works Minutes for 06/01/2021
  3. St. Clair County Board of County Road Comm. Minutes for 06/01/2021
  4. St. Clair County Roads and Bridges Advisory Committee Minutes for 06/08/2021
  5. Kimball Township Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for 05/25/2021
  6. Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals Regular/Public Hearing Minutes for 05/11/2021

Deland motioned to receive and file Boards and Commissions supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)

Barb Oswald, 5648 Flinchbaugh: Was there a permit issued for 5757 Flinchbaugh for a paid event from Friday, July 2 through Saturday, July 3rd?

Usakowski: No. There was none.

Oswald: Are you aware of the situation? Have you received a copy from the sheriff’s from all the complaints?

Usakowski: There were 230 calls into 911. We are aware of the situation.


Usakowski: Sheriff/Central Dispatch did not enforce the noise enforcement. We will be looking into it.

New Superintendent for the Port Huron Area School District, Theo Kerhoulaus is here to discuss his new position and plans for the future.

  2. Chief Gratz, Fire Department
    1. Applications
    2. Dispatch: Christian Schoen
    3. Inspector: Wade Gracey, Memphis/Richmond

    Job description. Paid same rate as other inspectors.

    Jackson motioned to hire Christian Schoen and Wade Gracey to the Kimball Fire Department supported by Ward. Motion Carried.

    1. Unused Out of Date Equipment

    N. Branch – Possibly will take the phoenix.

    35 Cylinders to get rid of – Keep 10 as back-ups.

    Air Filling Station – Try and sell

    DPW – 2-K12’s

Dispose of unused equipment.

Deland motioned to allow Chief Gratz to dispose of the unused out of date equipment supported by Ward. Motion Carried.

    1. Township of Kimball Provident Accident and Health Proposal

    Supplemental Insurance for on call and chief. Supplements Workman’s Comp.

    Gratz: I chose to keep the plan that we already have.

    Usakowski: Right now we are using the present plan which is $4,835.00 total for three years.

    Ward motioned to keep the present insurance plan for the fire department supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.

    1. Tom Reilly: Uncollectible Fire Bill Invoice #20-261 and Invoice #20-790

    Invoice #20-261, Brian Stark. Waive bill of $492.00.

    Jackson motioned to waive the $492.00 fire bill for Brian Stark supported by Deland.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Deland, Ward and Usakowski. NO: None.

    ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.

    Invoice #20-790, Alissa Grasak: Two occupants died in this crash.

    Jackson motioned to waive the fire bill #20-790 for Alissa Grasak in the amount of $1,028.50 supported by Deland.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Deland, Ward and Usakowski. NO: None.

    ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.

    1. Parks Signs

    Usakowski: All the signs at the parks are really worn out and need to be replaced. There are 21 signs the total cost would be $1,134.00.

    Usakowski motioned to approve the new signs for the parks at a cost of $1,134.00 from Dick’s Signs supported by Ward.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Usakowski, Ward, Jackson and Deland. NO: None.

    ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.

    1. Noise Ordinance

    Usakowski: The noise ordinance is #160 and adopted in 1998. It was revised in 2009 under Ordinance #160-A. I will bring this back at a later time.

    1. Parks Ordinance

    Usakowski: We do have a Parks Ordinance which was adopted in the 1970’s. Some items are unclear and we need to review and revise and bring this back for clarity.


    1. Fire Contract

    Jackson motioned to approve Clyde Townships Contract for fire protection at a cost of $18,014.83 supported by Ward.

    ROLL CALL VOTE; YES: Jackson, Ward, Deland and Usakowski. NO: None.

    ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.

    Jackson motioned to approve St. Clair Townships Contract for fire protection at a cost of $20,934.67 supported by Ward.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Ward, Deland and Usakowski. NO: None.

    ABSENT: Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.


    Dennis McCollum, 702 Allen Road: He finds it ironic that the parks are funded by residents yet not everyone is allowed to attend them.

    Usakowski: We need rules to impede others. People are driving across the parks and doing lots of damage.



  1. Supervisor Usakowski

We are going to get $969,000.00 from the American Rescue Act and we have to request the money through the State of Michigan. It comes in two tranches. Some of those funds will be unrestricted. There is a 70 page document that we have to follow related to the American Rescue Act. We have to estimate what our lost revenue was because of Covid. The lost revenue piece of the American Rescue Act is unlimited funds. At this point, we are estimating that those funds are going to be around $310,000.00. We will be able to use those funds however we choose to use those. We don’t have to spend the money until 2024.

  1. Clerk Wrubel


  1. Treasurer Jackson

Financials: Review of account balances. We received the Revenue Sharing check of $151,000.00.

  1. Trustee Hoffman


  1. Trustee Deland

Did the new assessor accept the position?

Usakowski: Yes she did.

Deland: Are we going to be having a special meeting to discuss what we are going to spend the $969,000.00 on?

Usakowski: Maybe we should do a survey or something to see what the community thinks as well as the board.

  1. Trustee Sturdevant


  1. Trustee Ward

No report.


    Deland motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. supported by Ward.

    Motion Carried.

    Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

    Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk.

Comments are closed.

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