Public Notices, Township News|

Zoning Board of Appeals

Are you a resident of Kimball Township and have been searching for ways to become more involved in your community? You are in luck as we have a wonderful opportunity awaiting you! There is an opening on our Zoning Board of Appeals which meets every second Tuesday of the month, as needed.

By being a part of this board, you will have the chance to hear important matters such as requests for zoning variances, interpretations of the zoning ordinance, and appeals on determination by the building inspector. Don’t worry about any lack of experience as online training will be provided completely free of cost.

Participating in this board will not only be a learning experience but also a chance for you to make significant contributions to your township. So, don’t hesitate. Apply now and grab this amazing opportunity!

How to Apply

There are a few different ways to apply for this board.

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