Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
Regular Meeting/Public Hearing
January 25, 2022
6:30 P.M.
Orr opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Orr, Barrett, Howard and Tuttle.
ABSENT: Hoffman, Miller and Henry.
Neil Erickson, Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector and Becky Wrubel, Clerk.
Barrett motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Tuttle.
Motion Carried.
Tuttle motioned to approve the minutes as presented supported by Howard.
Motion Carried.
Public Hearing: SPECIAL EXCEPTION USE: 74-25-022-3003-000/74-25-022-3004-000: Wadhams Road. Self-Storage Unit: Maximus Self Storage
Barrett motioned to open the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. supported by Tuttle.
Motion Carried.
Mark Simpson, 16040 Sandusky Drive, Allenton, MI: Representing Maximus Self Storage. He was here last month giving a presentation and received a couple of comments from the Township Engineer, Township Fire Department and the Township DPW.
Barrett: Are we using the document that was revised on January 7, 2022 and January 18, 2022?
Simpson: I have one that is from January 20, 2022.
Erickson: The engineer does have the current revised document.
Barrett: Have you had any conversations with the St. Clair County Road Commission about having any concerns with traffic?
Simpson: Yes I have, and they provided me with details with the type of approach they would like to have there.
Barrett: What will the hours be and will there be someone there on the premises?
Simpson: There will be someone there at all times but I am not sure on the hours of operation yet.
Barrett: Are they going to have a gate with a key code?
Simpson: I don’t know that yet.
Barrett: To clarify for the future, the house there right now cannot be turned into rentals or residential. Would the owner of the parcels be interested in combining the two parcels?
Simpson: I don’t think that would be an issue.
Discussion on sewer and water.
Barrett motioned to close the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. supported by Tuttle.
YES: Barrett, Tuttle, Howard and Orr. NO: None.
ABSENT: Hoffman, Miller and Henry. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.
Barrett motioned to approve the Special Exemption Use for parcels 74-25-022-3003-000/74-25-022-3004-000 Wadhams Road. Self-Storage Unit: Maximus Self Storage Dwellings for security or caretaker persons and enclosed mini storage buildings with the following conditions: that the two parcels are combined and also that the residential use is solely for the business and strictly assigned to the enclosed mini storage building use supported by Howard.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Barrett, Howard, Tuttle and Orr. NO: None.
ABSENT: Hoffman, Miller and Henry. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.
- SITE PLAN REVIEW: 74-25-022-3003-000/74-25-022-3004-000: Wadhams Road. Self-Storage Unit: Maximus Self Storage
Barrett: Did you get the letter from Tetra Tech from January 24, 2022 that is in relation to revised plans dated January 18, 2022 is that correct?
Simpson: No. It is in relations with the plan from January 20, 2022.
New Site Plan regarding lighting details, moved the fire hydrant, clarification of paving for clearance and size of water main to 12″. (#4 & #6)
Barrett: #9: Dumpster Enclosure. Are you doing that?
Simpson: Yes. #10: Site accessed for wetlands. Report to be provided to the Township.
Barrett: Are you putting the hydrant on private property?
Simpson: Yes. My understanding is that there may be an administrative meeting with some of the township personnel tomorrow. I’m waiting for further directions from that.
Barrett: We have a recommendation here for the Wadhams Road Utility Easement. Do you want that as a stipulation in our approval or do you want it left open?
Erickson: Leave it open until we clarify if it will be a private line.
Wrubel: The DPW thought that the water would be coming in off of Ravenswood.
Erickson: Domestic water coming in off of Wadhams Road and Hydrant coming in off of Ravenswood Road.
Barrett: Reference of Wadhams Road Set Back.
Simpson: What I have as of January 20, 2022, the water service to the office is a 12″ water main coming off of the Ravenswood line. And then it terminates directly south of the access drive by the hydrant. Before that point, I proposed to have a water service come off that to access the building.
Wrubel: The DEQ will not allow it to come off the hydrant.
Barrett: Set back is 110 feet from center of road an I-1 and I-2 roads Ravenswood Road.
Simpson: The Setback applies to structures and not detention ponds?
Barrett: How are you going to do your detention pond? Is the Drain Commission going to require you to do an easement?
Simpson: They want us to be able to detain a 100 year storm. As far as the easement or not, I haven’t gotten that far with the Drain Commission.
Barrett: Are we designating these lights being note #9 on your revised map for wall pack correct?
Simpson: Correct.
Barrett: Are you fencing the facility?
Simpson: I have no directions as far as fencing.
Erickson: The North property line, the fire department wanted that 40 feet so he can get his fire truck around.
Erickson: So the water and sewer for the climate control is coming off of Wadhams Road. The 12″ water main is coming off of Ravenswood and going to the North-West corner of the detention basin.
Can that be put on the Site Plan also?
Barrett motioned to approve the Site Plan dated January 20, 2022 regarding Maximus Self Storage with the following stipulations: the January 24, 2022 Tetra Tech review letter is met, attached the intra light information, copy of wetland report from applicant, township administration sign off on water main both portable and hydrant, and the sewer hookup, no sign approval, designation that Ravenswood set back of 110 feet not met however detention basin only is approve to be in such set back and then a final Site Plan per such approvals and conditions are submitted for the file, supported by Tuttle.
YES: Barrett, Tuttle, Howard and Orr. NO: None.
ABSENT: Hoffman, Miller and Henry. (4-0-3) Motion Carried.
- Draft MMA Ordinance
Barrett: We gave a list to the attorney that was present.
Carwyn: I have not received any word back yet.
Barrett motioned to request to schedule a workshop with the attendance of the township attorney to report back with the MMA Ordinance updates per our last workshop request supported by Tuttle. Motion Carried.
- Draft MMA Ordinance
- Bill Orr, Watershed
No report.
- Bill Orr, ZBA
No report.
- Erik Hoffman, Kimball Township Board of Trustees
- Bill Orr, Watershed
Barrett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Submitted by Bill Orr, Chair