Minutes - Planning Commission|

Kimball Township Planning Commission

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Regular Meeting

January 24, 2023

6:30 P.M.

Orr opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Orr, Barrett, Miller, Tuttle and Howard.


ABSENT: Hoffman and Henry.


Neil Erickson, Building Inspector, John Barber, Township Engineer and Becky Wrubel, Township Clerk.



Barrett motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Tuttle.

Motion Carried.



    A. Regular Meeting December 27, 2022

    Barrett motioned to approve the minutes for December 27, 2022 supported by Tuttle. Motion Carried.


    1. Pre-Review Site Plan: 74-25-002-2001-010: Allen Road, SSK Ground (Multi-Unit Residential)

    Tod Gamble Project Control Engineer, Gamble Apartments and Condominiums and storage.


    Overview: Multi phase project which includes 80 duplexes for the first phase, apartments for the second phase and then Mini Storage Units in the rear of property.


    Jake Folske, Owner responded.


Erickson: They need a Special Exception Use for the Mini Storage.


Orr asked them about the parking at the units.


Barrett asked what he was looking for tonight.


Gamble: We would like to know if this could be approved for the engineering part of it.


Barrett explained everything that is needed before they could approve the Site Plan. Is this coming through as a site condo and is this how you are going to deed it, or are you doing it under a Condo Act?

Folske explained how everything is going to be laid out.


Orr: Is it all going to be at once or are you doing it in phases?


Folske: It will be done in phases and it will be a private road.


Barrett mentioned that it must be county specs/inspections.


Barrett asked which phase would be the first one and would like to see a time-line for everything.


Gamble explained that the Detention Pond would be Phase One.




Erickson: The next Planning Commission meeting is on February 28, 2023.

Both projects were submitted to Tetra Tech for review.


John Barber, Tetra Tech Engineer: Preliminary review on water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and grading.


Water: Cannot be looped with private road. There are three separate points and a meter should be placed at each one. Sanitation calculations needed for size and flow.


Barrett asked Mr. Barber who will own the water and sewer in this development?


Barber: The developer.




Barrett asked where the Detention Pond is going to discharge to.


Gamble: To Allen Road.


Barrett: Do you have approval or are you going to seek approval from the Road Commission?


Gamble replied yes.


Barrett questioned if there will be a maintenance agreement for the detention pond?

Orr would like them to get the Special Exception Use permit before we agree on anything and get it all done at once.


Discussion of water and sewer meters.


Barrett: This is a large project and would like to see if the Township Board would be willing to hire a planner for this project. Currently have an engineer review, but have limitations on planning multi-phased projects.


Erickson doesn’t feel that we need a project planner for this project.




Barrett motioned to request that the Township Board consider allocating money necessary to have this plan, which is SSK Ground Development, LLC, reviewed by a professional planner, and if approved, submit such report by the next Planning Commission meeting in February supported by Tuttle.


ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Barrett, Tuttle, Howard, Miller and Orr. NO: None.

ABSENT: Hoffman and Henry. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.


Barrett: Request Road Commission feedback.


  1. Pre-Review Site Plan: 74-25-001-1001-010: Allen Road, XPress Holdings (Gas Station with Retail)

Ashley Akl, present owner of Northeast corner of Allen and Lapeer Roads is here to give an overview of their plans for this property. The gas station will have eight pumps and retail space.


Barrett questioned about splitting the property and about getting a Special Exception Use permit.


Akl: We have nine splits in the deed.


Barrett: Is there a preliminary conversation that can be share that you had with the Road Commission with your Ingress/Egress?


Akl: We have just the initial approval from the Road Commission for the splits.

No conversation with Road Commission about the Ingress/Egress.


Howard: Will this gas station be the same size as the one at Lapeer and Taylor Roads?


Akl: The new one will be a little bit bigger. The one at Taylor Road is 3,000 square feet and the new one will be 4,500 square feet.


Barrett asked if she would be willing to have a maintenance agreement for the detention pond.

Akl will require a Special Exception for a gas station.




Barrett motioned to receive the preliminary site plans submitted for Xpress Holding LLC Ashley Akl, 6349 Lapeer Road supported by Tuttle.


ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Barrett, Tuttle, Orr, Miller and Howard. NO: None.

ABSENT: Hoffman and Henry. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.


  1. Alternative Energy Ordinance –Literature Review

Barret motioned to receive and file literature, and request the township administrator to provide dates when the township attorney will be available to further to discuss the draft of the Moratorium supported by Tuttle. Motion Carried.


    1. Medical Marijuana Ordinance – Board of Trustees

    Kristina Nelson explained what happened at the Board of Trustees meeting with the Medical Marijuana Ordinance. They agreed to pass it under the condition that the Ordinance would address a yearly inspection and who will be doing them.


    1. Master Plan Update – Metro Planning RFQ

    We did talk to Metro Planning and they are willing to meet on a Saturday.



    Kristina Nelson: Thank you for decision with phases and Professional Planner Consultant.


    1. Bill Orr, Zoning Board of Appeals

    No report.


    1. Erik Hoffman, Kimball Township Board of Trustees

    No report.


    Neil Erickson mentioned that the engineer is doing a sewer study down Range Road to expand current system.



    Barrett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m. supported by Tuttle.

    Motion Carried.


    Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.


    Submitted by Bill Orr, Chairman

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