Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
Regular Meeting/Public Hearing
February 23, 2021
6:30 P.M.
Open Meeting:
Barrett opened the meeting at 6:36 p.m.
Roll Call of Members:
Present: Orr, Hoffman, Barrett, Miller (joined at 6:38 p.m.), and Howard. Absent: Henry and Tuttle
Also Present: Erickson-Zoning Admin., Carwyn-Deputy Clerk/Recording Secretary
Approval of Agenda-Regular Meeting
Orr motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Hoffman. Roll Call Vote:
Yes: Orr, Hoffman, Barrett, and Howard. Absent: Henry, Tuttle, Miller. Motion Carried.
(Miller joined meeting at 6:38 pm)
Approval of the Minutes November 9. 2020
Orr motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Hoffman. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Orr, Hoffman, Barrett, Miller, and Howard. Absent: Henry, Tuttle. Motion Carried.
New Business
- Pre-Review of Application: 74-25-036-3004-000, 75-25-325-002-100: 25 Range Road. Range Road Nursery – MI Gardener, LLC
Luke Marion: Introduce MI Gardener, which started in 2011, with goal to give people access to fresh fruit and vegetables, and connecting with their gardens. Began with online presence, and expanded into a brick & mortar location in Port Huron in 2015. Expand mission to include a commercial greenhouse and open live plant nursery at 25 Range Road.
Phillip Porte (BMJ Engineering): Site located on Range Road kiddie corner from Meijer, behind Marathon Gas Station, in the southwest corner of intersection at Gratiot and Range. Property is 13.02 acres and currently zoned C-1 Local Commercial.
Proposed 20,000 sq ft green house, outside sales area of 16,000 sq foot. 6,000 sq foot warehouse, 4, 000 sq foot storage building for equipment. Behind main greenhouse (18) individual 20′ x50′ portable greenhouse for growing operations.
Parking lot with 85 spaces (27 paved, remaining 58 gravel), based on anticipated need and use. Farmer’s market stand at corner of parking lot. Vendor space available for local farmers to sell produce.
Water and sanitary with pick up connection off Isabella Avenue allow access. Retention pond on site with no outlet; intent to use run off for irrigation purposes.
Traffic expectations 100 customers per day during peak season. Deliveries 2 semi per week, up to 36 box trucks, including the Farmer’s Market. Design drive entrance access based on Road Commission.
Discussion by board: Review of letter from township engineer, Tetra Tech.
Lighting: Three proposed lights on the site for safety purposes, not for lighting of facility. No intent for night time hours, activity confined to day light.
Parking Lot: Gravel portion notated as ADA with signs to notate as well as bumper blocks. Parking would be adequate with paved section and gravel section to be over the zoning ordinance requirements.
Landscaping: Crop visual while growing. Plant out a Trial (example) Garden for visual and beautification. None of the plants grown in garden will be for sale. Any produce collected would be donated to Blue Water Soup Kitchen. The growing of plants in ground or cultivation of crop will not be done.
Zoning: Permitted use with similar purpose previously used. Attorney verbally confirmed continuance of existing operations, as it was previously established flower nursery. Clearing of structures removed non-conforming use, as structures were unsafe and had to be torn down and rebuilt. Construction permit was obtained to remove existing building, as they were deemed unsafe and uninhabitable. Question regarding previously approved Class A or Class B for property.
Discussion regarding C-2 zoning potential to meet nursery and greenhouse. Possible to do simultaneously rezoning property. Erickson will get a letter from the township lawyer for advice. C-2 would include all C-1 plus additional options, which expands the potential. Direct to consumer retail intention, not for wholesale or agricultural purposes. Metro Planning meeting schedule would need to be reviewed.
Farmer’s Market: All products will all be brought in by vendors and not grown on site. All used for the sake of retail. Each vendor will be responsible for their own production regulations (Cottage Food Laws, etc.)
Greenhouse for overflow nursery stock to be moved to retail stock. Wholesale providers from other nurseries, housed and grown in greenhouse. Retail component for shovels, bird feeders, not just plants.
Discussion with Fire Chief: Dry hydrant into retention pond for firefighting purposed. Dry fire hydrants connection dedication to fire fighter use. Yard hydrants located around smaller greenhouse for watering purposes. Retention pond with no viable outlet for reuse storm water run-off. Part of Hoffman Drain and will be reviewed. Drain commission has been reviewed and in compliance with their size requirements. Working on road compaction and hydrant placement.
Overhead cable that needs to be relocated.
DPW Review: Concerns will be regarding water and sewer. Currently on a well and septic field, although there is no record of the septic field from the county. Proposing a 2 ½” line and tap off of old house sewer lead and water lead available off of Isabelle.
Ask for Mr. Stremer’s review and electronically sent site plan. Will meet at next Planning Committee meeting on March 23rd for approval, approval with modifications or denial.
Hoffman motioned to bring back the site plan at next meeting. Seconded by Miller. Roll Call Vote:
Yes: Hoffman, Miller, Orr, and Howard. Absent: Barrett, Henry, and Tuttle. Motion Carried.
Development will be done in stages. Parking lot poured first, warehouse for wholesale storage in first year. Greenhouse will be custom fabricated (10-12 weeks) to be installed in June or July. Backhouses will be for overflow of product.
Sale of plants would be in stages, with the retail section for May/June (around Mother’s Day) beginning with wholesale plants. This year will be an Open-Air Garden Center until greenhouse is operational, with outdoor perennial, annual, flowers for the first year. Green house growing would be in Spring 2022. Online fulfillment center to be established as soon as approved by Fire Marshall. Farmer’s Market to be established for later this year, twice a week.
- Pre-Review of Application: 74-25-036-3004-000, 75-25-325-002-100: 25 Range Road. Range Road Nursery – MI Gardener, LLC
- MTA Online Premium Pass
Deputy Clerk Carwyn explained the MTA training available to all township members, including elected officials, staff and committee members. Anyone who needs assistance in accessing the program can contact the Clerk’s Office to get logged in.
Old Business
Committee would like to have an update from the Hyde application and site plan, as well as a copy of the Provo parking drawing from the November meeting.
- Bill Orr, Watershed
Bill Orr, ZBA
Regarding Mayer Road and Varty.
Erik Hoffman, Kimball Township Board of Trustees
- Bill Orr, Watershed
- Audience Participation
Orr motioned to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Seconded by Hoffman.