Minutes - Zoning Board of Appeals|

Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Regular Meeting

February 13, 2024

6:30 P.M.


Strait opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call of Members:   Strait, Orr, Nelson and Bowen.


Absent:  None.


I.                    Approval of Agenda

Orr motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Bowen.  Motion Carried.


II.                  Approval of the Minutes-Regular Meeting January 9, 2024

Nelson requested additional information be included in the motion for clarification, approved by Bowen “motioned to table the issue to allow time to address issue the opportunity to have the surveyors and homeowner bring back a site plan the reflected the request of the ZBA that there be only one lot less than 10 acres, and to allow the homeowner to give consideration to a solar farm that may be placed across the street of the parcel in question, second by Nelson.”


Nelson motioned to approve the minutes as amended supported by Bowen.  Motion Carried.


III.                New Business

  1. Class A Designation (5241 Lapeer Road) 74-25-002-3007-001

Robson, Jack (5241 Lapeer) requesting a Class A Designation as the house is currently used for residential use, and Class A Designation is needed to obtain insurance and future sale of property as a residence.


Orr moved to approve Class A Designation for 5241 Lapeer Road, second by Bowen.


ROLL CALL VOTE:  YES:  Orr, Bowen, Strait and Nelson.  NO:  None. 

ABSENT:   None. (4-0-0) Motion Carried.


IV.               Old Business

  1. Update to Master Plan: Goals & Objectives

Draft Master Plan has been presented to Planning Commission for review, and is available on township website.


V.                  Audience Participation


VI.               Officers Reports

Orr: Planning Commission reviewed proposed site plan for Sparling Baptist Church, but it has not been approved by the Fire Marshall. Solar continues to be a hot topic, and there is a proposal to give control back to the townships.


Nelson: Board of Trustees adopted a resolution for the Parks & Recreation Five Year Plan.  They have also approved an RFQ for Planning & Zoning Services.


VII.             Adjournment

Orr motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m. supported by Nelson.

Motion Carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.


Submitted by Charles Strait, Chair



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