This committee is one of four committees established as a result of the strategic planning process. The committee is focused on the following areas developed in a series of board and public workshops:

  • Downtown Development Authority
  • Supporting Infrastructure
  • Agricultural Development
  • Zoning and Development Locations
  • Business Development and Redevelopment
  • Marketing Plan for Kimball Township

The committee is co-chaired by Supervisor Usakowski and Trustee Wrubel

Below is the action plan and progress on each of the items in the strategic plan.


Economic Development Target Completion Date   Start Date Assigned To Plan Submitted Plan Approved Cost % Completed to Target
Streamline the permit, requirement and license process
●     Develop development guide book Jun-14  Dec-13  Usakowski  30%
●     Have planning commission and building department review guidebook Jul-14  Dec-13  PC  30%
●     Make information available online Apr-15
●     Look at Planned Unit development Jan-15  Jan-14  PC  10%
Continue planning meetings with more stakeholders Ongoing  June-13  Usakowski  100%
Create a list of available properties within the township and utility services provided at those locations.
●     Meet with EDA to determine what information is best to have Jun-14
●     Meet with local real estate professionals regarding project Aug-14
●     Get information online. Oct-14
Partner with the EDA and Blue Water Chamber to foster a local Economic Development Plan Ongoing  Jan-14  Usakowski  –  –  $9,500  100%
Create a Downtown Development Authority 14-Jun  Jan-14  Usakowski  25%
Zoning and Locations 14-Jun  June-13  PC  $5,000  80%
Farmer’s Market 14-Aug
Infrastructure 2016 x  Apr-14  Usakowski  10%
Business Development and Redevelopment 2015

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