DECEMBER 07, 2021
6:30 P.M.
Wrubel opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Deland.
ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward.
ALSO PRESENT: Neil Erickson, Building and Ordinance Enforcement.
Wrubel motioned to have Sturdevant run the meeting tonight in the absence of Usakowski supported by Hoffman. Motion Carried.
Deland motioned to approve the agenda for December 7, 2021 as presented supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.
Jackson mentioned that when Sheriff King was talking, I referred to him as I instead of he.
Deland motioned to approve the minutes for November 16, 2021 as amended supported by Hoffman. Motion Carried.
Check Register from 10/26/2021 to 10/26/2021
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 11/30/2021
Deland questioned the two water main breaks on West Water.
Wrubel explained.
Jackson motioned to approve the distribution of $465,668.43 to pay the bills supported by Sturdevant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Hoffman and Deland.
NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
- St. Clair County Board of Public Works Minutes for 11/02/2021
- St. Clair County Board of County Road Comm. Minutes for 11/02/2021
- Kimball Township Planning Commission Minutes for 09/28/2021 and 10/12/2021
Sturdevant motioned to file and receive receive and file Boards and Commissions supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Building Department-Neil Erickson
We had 39 new permits this month. 16 building permits, 14 electrical, 7 mechanical and 2 plumbing. We have 131 open building permits, 47 open electrical permits, 53 open mechanical permits and 27 open plumbing permits with a total of 258 open permits this year.
We did 104 inspections last month.
Our blight complaints are under 31 now. We start at 104 the beginning of the year.
Bids for Cleaning Companies
- Cleaning by Kandi LLC
- C & G Cleaning
- Mr. Spotless Cleaning L.L.C.
- Miss Sunshine Cleaning
- Cleaning by Kandi LLC
Sturdevant motioned to contract Cleaning by Kandi LLC for a year and have her clean the office twice a month at a cost of $180 per visit supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Deland, Hoffman, Wrubel and Jackson.
NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
- Fire Invoice Appeal for James Sargent
Wrubel: James Sargent was supposed to be here tonight about a fire bill but his insurance is going to cover it.
- 2022 Local Road Funding Assistance Program
Erickson: Soil removed by Hyde trucking on Sparling Road is 85% complete. They feel they should be out of there in two and a half months. They will be done before the repairs to the road start.
We will bring this back until the next meeting.
Cross Road Culverts: Bring back to next meeting.
- St. Clair County Road Commission Township Agreement
Bring back to the next meeting.
- 2022 Local Road Funding Assistance Program
- Fire Invoice #17-348
Jackson motioned to waive the fire invoice for Joseph Smith of $500.00 supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Deland, Hoffman, Sturdevant and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
- Supervisor Usakowski
Clerk Wrubel
The Kimball Township Newsletter will be going out next week.
I received a resignation letter from Michael Sturdevant on November 15, 2021 stating that the entire cemetery board did not wish to be re-appointed. A week later I got a call from Marylou Wager and she stated that she thought it over and does want to continue. Betty Cline also contacted me and she would like to continue also. Ruth Lasher and Pat Bennett would like to resign along with Michael Sturdevant.
We have received applications and would like to have two or three people in place on the Cemetery Board by the next scheduled meeting on January 12, 2022.
We need to purchase one more tabulator for the election in May. The quote from Dominion was $5,295.00 and we need to get this approved tonight so we can get it to work in case we have an election in May.
Deland motioned to approve the $5,295.00 for a new elections tabulator supported by Hoffman.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel and Jackson.
NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
The library called yesterday; they said the flag needs to be replaced.
Sturdevant let Wrubel know that we usually deal with Flags and More.
The grass cutting maintenance person is responsible for five cemeteries, seventeen lift stations, two township buildings, thirty identified hydrants, water tower and Rosewood detention pond. In 2020 Kevin’s Lawn Care was paid over $21,000.00. This year we paid $8,500.00 total. I would like to propose to add the fire halls and library to this position for next year. Robert did a great job and I would like to see us possibly rehire him back for next year.
We have put together the four new election precincts and hopefully the Township Election Board can meet tomorrow to approve the four precincts. They have been split to have all of precinct four be Marysville school district.
I have met with Pastor Bill at the River Church at the old Kimball School. The lay out will be perfect and they are eager to host the elections. With the addition of a fourth precinct, we have outgrown the American Legion.
The roof on the pump station on Griswold needs to be replaced. We are getting bids for a flat roof. The roof has been leaking for about six years now. Mike Hayes, Tri-Star and Zimmer were contacted to submit bids.
The Deputy Clerk is making $16.65 an hour plus $3.00 stipend to be the bookkeeper. I feel she is real asset to our office and I would like to raise her up to the bookkeeper’s current minimum wage of $22.39 an hour. There is enough in the budget to split her 50/50 between Clerk and water/sewer budget. This will bring her up from $16.65 to $19.39 an hour plus the $3.00 stipend.
Sturdevant motioned to approve the wage increase for Christine Carwyn from $16.65 an hour to $19.39 an hour plus the $3.00 stipend supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Deland, Hoffman, Wrubel and Jackson.
NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Ward. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
Treasurer Jackson
Tax bills are being sent out on Friday and are available online.
Auditor Bid Process: We have been satisfied with King and King and I recommend that we keep King and King as our auditors. We had a three year contract with them.
Erickson: King and King noticed the harmony in the office.
Jackson: We need to entertain bids or try to get some.
Review of Financials.
Trustee Hoffman
Planning Commission met regarding the Medical Marijuana Act Ordinance. We had a lot of discussions on this with stipulations for individuals. No decision has been made yet. This will be brought to the Board of Trustees.
Bill Orr will be stepping down from the Planning Commission the first of the year.
Lenton Taylor will be stepping down from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Erickson: We have seven applications to fill these positions.
Trustee Deland
Fall footings were done this year for the first time at the cemetery?
Wrubel: Yes we did.
Deland: How many?
Wrubel: 42.
Deland questioned about the building permits that were issued and expired.
Erickson explained.
- Trustee Sturdevant
Fish fry at the American Legion on Fridays. Breakfast this Sunday at the Masonic Lodge from 8 a.m. until noon. Eat in or carry out.
Wrubel: Our office Christmas Party is Wednesday, December 15th at noon.
Trustee Ward
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. supported by Deland.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk