DECEMBER 19, 2023
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Deland, Ward and Nelson.
ABSENT: Hoffman.
Deland motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Jackson.
Motion Carried.
Deland questioned about page 4 under Chief Gratz’s report it should say $475.00 each for the five people.
Deland motioned to approve the minutes of December 5, 2023 as amended supported by Ward. Motion Carried.
A. Check Register from 11/29/2023 to 12/12/2023
B. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 12/31/2023
C. Department Payroll Reports through 12/15/2023
Deland questioned page 11 about the drains.
Usakowski explained that is a Special Exception for drains that the township pays a portion.
D. St. Clair County Library System Letter
E. Letter of Resignation of Nancy Crowe
F. DPW Letter of Acceptance
Usakowski mentioned that we have disbursements of $84,601.83 to pay the bills.
Wrubel motioned to approve the consent agendas and communications and the disbursements of $84,601.83 supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Nelson, Deland, Usakowski and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
A. Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 11/21/2023 and 11/27/2023
B. Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 11/21/2023 and 11/27/2023
Wrubel motioned to receive and file boards and commissions supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
A. SEMCOG Membership
Usakowski explained that we use SEMCOG for training, general advocacy and for data. The cost is $1,354.00.
Wrubel motioned to approve the SEMCOG Membership at a cost of $1,354.00 supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Usakowski, Deland, Jackson and Nelson. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
B. Resolution 2023-16: Setting Poverty Guidelines for 2024
Deland motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-16 supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Nelson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Jackson and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
C. Resolution 2023-17: To Adopt Health Care Hard Cap Option
Wrubel motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-17 supported by Deland.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Deland, Nelson, Jackson, Ward and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
D. Resolution 2023-18: To Establish Meeting Dates of the Township of Kimball Board of Trustees for the Year 2024
Wrubel mentioned that August 6th is an election day and we cannot have a meeting that day.
Wrubel motioned to adopt Resolution 2023-18 with change of no meeting on August 6th supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Deland, Usakowski, Nelson and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
E. Board and Commission Appointments
Usakowski mentioned that there are five board members that need to be reappointed and we have an opening on the Cemetery Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Nelson: Are we asking these members to do training?
Usakowski: Training is good for all of them.
Deland motioned to reappoint the board members that are up for renewal supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Jackson, Nelson, Usakowski, Wrubel and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
F. Grant Writing: EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant Programs
Usakowski discussed the solutions for the Allen Road Lift Station. One of the solutions is to get the landfill’s leach off of our system. They are putting out 40,000 gallons a day through our system. We have been looking at avenues to fix the problem.
Anthony Theodore formerly of PCE now working for KOJ in North Dakota which is a company that writes grants. We would have to be unincorporated, meet some income requirements, and it has to be related to some kind of environmental issue.
We can apply up to February 1st for the first round and up to November if there is any money left. We would have to pay $49,500 for KOJ to write the grant letter for us. If we are awarded the grant, we would get the money back through the funding.
Deland motioned that we pay $49,500.00 to KOJ for grant writing supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Jackson, Wrubel, Ward, Nelson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
G. City of Port Huron Recreation Program
Usakowski explained that we were offered this program a few years ago but turned it down. They are now offering it to us again so our township residents can join in the recreational programs that they offer. Our Master Plan Survey found that 60 percent of our residents were interested in it. The township would pay the difference in the cost of the program.
Deland asked where the funding would come from.
Usakowski: General or Parks Fund.
Ward motioned to join the Port Huron Recreational Program supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Nelson, Wrubel, Jackson, Deland and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
A. Supervisor Usakowski
EGLE got back with me today and have started air quality monitoring. It will probably take about thirty days, and they will send results over to Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to review the findings.
I did get a weird request from EGLE today. They had gotten an air quality complaint issue about a daycare next to a marijuana place. The person did not leave any contact information, just an email and it wasn’t a valid one. I told him that I will look into it.
The County Board of Commission took some action last week. They suggested that we form a committee, and what we are requesting is action. This issue has been going on for five months. Air quality monitoring with a hand held device would help, however we recommend installation of a permanent air quality device.
The Board of Commissions did vote to stop and not renew contracts with the Canadian trash haulers. Three contracts had expired and one will expire in March. This is a temporary fix. Septic Haulers were stopped also. They approved a CTI contract renewal for three years.
Grass on the sledding hill in Smiths Creek has been cut and took down some trees. Thank you to the DPW crew for their efforts.
Approximately 20 letters to Santa came in.
We had about 20 applicants for the Christmas Lights decorating contest on social media.
B. Clerk Wrubel
For the February election, we have to advise the voters of the location of the nine days of early voting. I have samples from two separate vendors, and for black and white, or color. We also have the option to send a single notification per household, or one per registered voter.
Ward motioned to go with the KCI colored postcards and to send them to each household supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Nelson, Wrubel, Jackson, Deland and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: Hoffman. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.
C. Treasurer Jackson
Jackson gave a review of the financials.
I got two proposals back for the financing of the fire truck with a $30,000.00 down payment. Looking for one more bank to review.
· 5.74% Eastern, 5 year – $117,860.00 per year
· 6.15% Eastern, 10 year – $68,418.00 per year
· 5.90% North Star 5 year – No payment plan
· 6.10% North Star 7 year – No payment plan
· 6.35% North Star 10 year – No payment plan
Usakowski: When you check on the rates for the fire truck, could you also see what it would be if we put $100,000.00 down?
D. Trustee Hoffman
E. Trustee Deland
No report.
F. Trustee Nelson
There was no ZBA meeting.
Did you follow up with the ditches for John Dondineau?
Usakowski said he had called the county about it.
Discussion regarding recently filled Assistant Assessor.
Nelson: I got a notification about the landfill getting another violation.
Usakowski: I talked to Robert Joseph and the will be meeting on Wednesday to discuss the new violation.
Nelson: We had the discussion about the cost of switching the records over to digital. Have we thought anymore about it?
Usakowski: We wouldn’t start by digitizing old records first. Newer ones will be first. It will take quite a while before we could start that.
G. Trustee Ward
No report.
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. supported by Ward.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk