
The Kimball Township Board of Trustees recently passed a resolution emphasizing their urgent need for specific action from the County Board of Commissioners offering a viable solution to the foul odors that have been emerging from the Smiths Creek Landfill. The Board is happy to inform the public that the Environmental/Public Works Committee has suggested the employment of Environmental Information Logistics (EIL) to meticulously analyze the situation at the landfill and assess the efficacy of the solutions proposed so far. The Board is confident that with EIL’s expertise and thorough evaluation, an effective solution can be established, alleviating the unpleasant smell that has been causing inconvenience to residents in surrounding areas. The outcome of this is a result of a collaborative effort, and the agreement will soon be presented to the full commission for review and approval next week. Please rest assured that the Board is committed to addressing this issue.

Supervisor Usakowski will be attending the next County Commissioners meeting to address the remaining items in the resolution. We have also been advocating for water testing for all residents within 1,000 feet of the landfill. 

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