Our cemetery board meets on a monthly basis. They discuss future development of the cemetery, current issues that may exist at the cemetery and recommend fees. Recently they reviewed the cemetery ordinance.
Section VI 5. Currently reads as follows:
Planting of flowers is permitted provided it does not interfere with the orderly maintenance of the cemeteries. Plants or flowers in pots or receptacles easily removed may be placed near a monument or headstone. Cut flowers may be placed on the lots or graves near the headstone at any time. No glass containers are allowed. The DPW will remove the same when becoming unsightly. Urns, hanging baskets and flower stands are permitted but those not filled with plants or flowers by the first day of July each year may be removed, as will any in which plants have died.
The intent of this section of the ordinance was to let family know what specifically is allowed within the cemetery. Unfortunately, it does not mention that flags would be allowed. Certainly with the many veterans in the cemetery, it was important to make a modification that allowed for flags.
The section was written with the intent of being limiting of any other decorations other than what is in Section VI 5. However, the ordinance as written doesn’t specifically state that. So additional wording has been added for clarity. The language recommended by the Cemetery Board and approved by the Board of Trustees reads as follows:
Only the placement of flags and flowers is permitted provided it does not interfere with the orderly maintenance of the cemeteries. Plants or flowers in pots or receptacles easily removed may be placed near a monument or headstone. Cut flowers may be placed on the lots or graves near the headstone at any time. No glass containers are allowed. The DPW will remove the same when becoming unsightly. Urns, hanging baskets and flower stands are permitted but those not filled with plants or flowers by the first day of July each year may be removed, as will any in which plants have died.
Because family of many of those buried in the cemetery have already invested in decorations for their loved ones for this year, the Board of Trustees approved the change, but it will not be effective until January 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please call the Township Office at 810-987-9797.
Rob Usakowski