FEBRUARY 9, 2022
10:00 A.M.
Gilbert opened the meeting at 10:06 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Cline, Gilbert, Gregg, Nielsen and Wagar
ALSO PRESENT: Becky Wrubel, Township Clerk
Hand Out / Explanation of Binders
Minutes of Kimball Township Cemetery Board, No Minutes to be brought forward
Minutes of Kimball Township Board of Trustees, No Minutes to be brought forward
Scatter Gardens: On the grounds purchased by the Township that consists of a man-made moat is being filled in by the D.P.W as well as Hyde Trucking (free fill) and Dan’s Trucking may also deliver fill for free. This area is unable to be used for six years as the ground will need to settle. The area for the Scatter Garden is located on the north-east side of the additional property. The specifications as to how the garden is to be laid out and blue prints are undecided at this time. The Cemetery Board is undergoing the specifications, rules and ordinances for the state and the county. The Cemetery Board also discussed Green Burials, but have decided to concentrate on the Scatter Garden henceforth. Ann Kendrick form Marysville Funeral Home has made mention to Wrubel that she will come out and discuss proper protocol and procedures for these gardens.
Fixing the Driveway at Caswell Cemetery:
Wrubel talked about Funding and grants that are available for use through Michigan Township Association that can also be used towards the Scatter Garden.
Wagar motioned to have Wrubel look into this funding supported by Cline.
Motion Carried.
Ordinance: Gregg brought up meeting minutes from September- December of 2018 as to which the Cemetery Rules and ordinances were being reviewed and had some changes to be made. However it seems as if it was never followed through on as the dates of the most recent changes were from 2013. The Board is to look through and discuss at the next meeting any changes that need to be addressed.
Wrubel brought up the plot/lot ordinances of landscaping that is not of protocol to the cemetery and brought forth to the board items placed on lots that are not in compliance with the cemetery to inform owners.
Wrubel talked about a payment plan that was organized many years ago. This plan has had issues of not being followed through on. The Township Cemetery has lost monies due to the passing of those that were on it. This will be closed out and no longer allowed.
Columbarium And Plaques Prices Form 2013
Plaque prices have gone up recently to $250 and the cost of Columbarium prices are still at $800 (which includes the plaque).
Cline motioned to raise the overall price to $950 with a maintenance fee of $50 supported by Gilbert.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Cline, Gilbert, Gregg, Nielsen and Wagar.
NO: None. ABSENT: None. (5-0-0) Motion Carried.
East 32 Open spots, West 31 open spots
Cline motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:42 a.m. supported by Gilbert.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42 a.m.
Minutes Submitted By Amanda Gregg.