Kimball Township Burn Permit 2021

Kimball Township permits open burning provided that a permit is obtained and certain regulations are followed. The Kimball Township burn permit can be obtained below. 

Burn Ordinance

Click below for the burn ordinance. Even with a burn permit, if you fail to follow the ordinance, you will be charged for fire department services if our department has to come out for a fire. Please make sure you know what’s in the ordinance before burning. When obtaining a permit, you will be required to check the box that indicates that you have read and agree to the conditions of the ordinance. 


To obtain the permit, you must do two things.

  1. Complete the permit form below and indicate that you have read and agree to the ordinance. It can be mailed to 2160 Wadhams Rd, Kimball, MI 48074, dropped off at the township office, or faxed to 810-982-2342
  2. Pay the permit fee

Permit Form

The permit form can be completed and submitted online, or it can be printed and brought to the Township office along with payment.

Online Burn Permit


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