Agenda - Zoning Board of Appeals|

Kimball Township Zoning Board of Appeals

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Public Hearing/Regular Meeting

August 7, 2023

6:30 P.M.


Open Meeting:

Roll Call of Members:


Also Present:


  1. Approval of Agenda


  2. Approval of the Minutes-Regular Meeting June 13, 2023


  3. New Business


  1. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance 74-25-007-2002-000— 7018 Sparling Road—BENNETT. The applicant is requesting a variance for lot size less than 10 acres in an AG zone.


  2. Determination of Berm, Wall, Fence – Ordinance 171 / Ordinance 142


  1. Old Business


    1. Update to Master Plan – Survey online


    2. Request for Update: Variance (777 Scott Road) 74-25-027-1009-300 / 74-25-028-2003-000


  2. Audience Participation


  1. Officers Reports


  1. Adjournment


NOTE: No ZBA Meeting August 8, 2023 – Port Huron School District Election

Special Meeting may be called as needed.


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