Minutes - Planning Commission|

Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
August 27, 2024
6:30 P.M.

Orr opened the meeting at 6:43 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Members:  
                        Also present: Neil Erickson-Building Inspector/Ordinance Enforcer
                        Geoff Donaldson, Senior Planner, St. Clair County Metro Planning Commission,
Approval of Agenda
Motion by Barrett, to approve agenda as amended, Support by Henry
                  Voice Vote: unanimously approved
Approval of the June Minutes:
Motion by Barrett, supported by Henry to postpone
                  Voice Vote: unanimously approved
Proposal to Postpone Approval of July Minutes:
                   Motioned by Barrett, Support by Howard- Postponed due to lateness of minutes to the board, not sufficient time to look them over.
                   Voice Vote: unanimously approved
New Business
  1. A&W Parking Lot Curb
                        Mike from A& W is asking the board to not have to put in curbs for the building.
                        His reasons are as follows:
                        -They own all the land, to put curbs in feels like it is overkill for the property.                   
                        -The Dollar store has no curb due to a similar reasoning as stated above.
                        Barrett stated that the original plans were approved with curbs, now asking for no curbs.
                        Erickson agreed that Project Control did review the original plans, but feels A&W can absorb runoff and feels it is minor, but asked Planning Committee to make the decision.
                        -Discussion on curbs verses no curbs at the A&W located at 5310 Horshoe Trail. Mike asked not to have to come back for the decision.
                        Barrett made a motion to accept the no curbs as a minor modification with a letter from both Ericson and Project Control that they do not see any issue with this decision. Supported by Howard.
                        Roll Call Vote:
                        Yes: Barrett, Howard, Henry
                        No: Orr
                        Absent: Hoffman, Miller, Tuttle
                        Motion Approved
  1. Master Plan Review
Mr. Donaldson handed out an updated proposed Master Plan to the committee. He also stated he has a presentation he would like to give, but can present in September when more committee members are available.  He also stated that his staff was out in the community to update photos.
Erickson let Mr. Donaldson know to make sure to update the library, with its new roof, and the DPW building with its new roof and would like updated pictures of both.
Orr asked if within the airport there are buildings that could be classified as light Industrial? Discussion took place.
There was discussed a change in the map to show light industrial on Wadhams Rd.
Donaldson also stated he would be happy to look at a CREO if Kimball were to adopt one in regards to Solar. He also agreed to come back in September for a presentation. He also made sure to let the PC know that the KTBT would need to pass a resolution that they would have the final say on the Master Plan.
  1. Solar and Wind
Orr wanted to make sure our Fire department was aware of the fire issue in regards to lithium batteries. He also would like to see the Township adopt a CREO
Mr. Donaldson stated that SEMCOG is having an informational meeting on September 5th and up to 3 individuals from the township can attend.
He also stated that MTA has a sample Creo to look at.
Barrett moved to have the Sample Creo put on next months Agenda, seconded by Henry. Discussion.
Voice Vote: unanimously approved
Old Business
Barrett asked if there was a letter from the Engineer for the Pavlov property at 4715 Gratiot.
Erickson stated not yet.
Barrett made a motion to have a letter by September from Project Control for the property located at 4715 Gratiot. Supported by Orr.
Voice Vote: Unanimously Approved
Barrett moved to adjourn meeting at 7:40pm
Respectfully Submitted by Michele Erdman

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