Minutes - Planning Commission|

Kimball Township Planning Commission

Kimball Township Municipal Office

2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan

Public Hearing/Regular Meeting

August 23, 2022

6:30 P.M.

Orr opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Miller, Henry and Tuttle.


ABSENT: Howard. (Joined meeting at 6:50 p.m.)


Neil Erickson, Building Inspector.


  1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Public Hearing/Regular Meeting

Barrett motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Tuttle.

Motion Carried.


    1. Regular Meeting June 28, 2022

    Barrett motioned to approve the minutes for June 28, 2022 as presented supported by Tuttle. Motion Carried.


    1. Special Meeting July 11, 2022

    Barrett motioned to approve the minutes for July 11, 2022 with one correction, page one, fourth line, it should read “they know they have a growing operations” not “I know I have” supported by Tuttle.

Motion Carried.


  1. Public Hearing/Regular Meeting July 26, 2022

Barrett motioned to approve the minutes of July 26, 2022 with two additions page three where is says “Barrett motioned”. Add the word ordinance after the word “burn” and the word “recovery”. Supported by Hoffman.

Motion Carried.


    1. PUBLIC HEARING: Special Exception Use 74-25-023-3001-050,

    5200 Ravenswood Rd. Kennel License


Barrett motioned to open the Public Hearing at 6:33 p.m. supported by Henry.

Motion Carried.


Chris Clark, 5200 Ravenswood: I am looking to add a bathroom/laundry room in the secondary building for grooming, and for client and visitor use. We just moved into the area and we have been breeding dogs for seven years.


Orr: But he is looking for a Kennel License right?


Erickson: Correct. He won’t get a water meter put in until this taken care of.


Barrett: You want to do it as a Kennel License/Home Occupation?


Clark: Yes.


Kim McDonald lives next door and was just worried about the noise.


Erickson: The kennel itself is very nice and is enclosed with a wooden fence.


Clark: The dogs live in the house with my family. We have nine permanent adult dogs that weigh 11-12 pounds each. It is a toy breed. We are planning on having six litters per year and this breed typically has six puppies per litter.


Barrett: Have you registered with the County Animal Control?


Clark: No.


Barrett: Are you planning to put up a sign for the business?


Clark: No.


Barrett: Do I need to register as a kennel?




Barrett: Register with Animal Control for Kennel License. What kind of dog breed is it?


Clark: Havanese dogs. It’s a toy breed between eight and twelve pounds.


Barrett: Would you have 36 puppies plus 9 adult dogs at one time?


Clark: No, they are staggered litters.


Barrett motioned to close the Public Hearing at 6:44 p.m. supported by Tuttle.

Motion Carried.


Barrett motioned to approve the Special Exception Permit for 74-25-023-3001-050, 5200 Ravenswood Road, with the following conditions: Special Exception Approval for a dog kennel limited to 9 permanent adult dogs weighing no more than 12 pounds, and limited to six litters of puppies per calendar year of the same breed. Any building permits related to kennel operations must be submitted to the Planning Commission for review, must comply with all the rules and regulations of the St. Clair County Animal Control, and no signage request supported by Henry.


ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Barrett, Henry, Tuttle, Miller, Orr and Hoffman.

NO: None. ABSENT: Howard. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.


  1. Medical Marijuana Ordinance

Orr: The ordinance went to Metro Planning and we have not heard anything back yet.



    Matt Crowe, 7261 Smiths Creek Road: Questioned about the property across the road from him which is between Burns and Mayer Roads on Smiths Creek Road. He is concerned about the 17 utility poles on the property within a city block. It is excessive and marijuana grow houses should be zoned in a Commercial/Industrial area.


    Erickson: We are meeting with the Detroit Edison tomorrow at 10 a.m. to go over all of this and let them explain. The first one was all underground.


Henry: Wondered how many poles are new and how many are old?


Crowe: How many poles do they plan on putting in?




Nancy Crowe, 7261 Smiths Creek Road: I would like you to look in your zoning ordinance books page 229 to 230, Article 15, Number 4 where it says that the electrical wiring is to go underground.


Barrett: We have to look at what the date was when that was added.


Matt Crowe: Who makes the final decision?


Barrett: Utility Poles are in the DTE easement.




    1. Bill Orr, Watershed

No report.


  1. Bill Orr, ZBA

No report.


  1. Erik Hoffman, Kimball Township Board of Trustees

No report.


Barrett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m. supported by Henry.

Motion Carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.


Submitted by William Orr, Chairman.


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