Minutes - Board of Trustees|




APRIL 06, 2021

6:30 P.M.

Sturdevant opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Deland and Ward.

ABSENT: Usakowski

Wrubel motioned for Sturdevant to Chair the meeting in the absence of Supervisor. Ward support. Motion Carried.


    Wrubel requested to add to New Business G. Purchase New Lawnmower, Remove B. Park Attendant Applications, and under Unfinished Business B. New Truck Bids

Deland motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Supported by Hoffman.

Motion Carried.


    Deland indicated on page 8 “DPW don’t have a problem” should be “doesn’t”.

    Deland motioned to approve the minutes for March 16, 2021 as corrected, supported by Hoffman. Motion Carried.


Check Register from 03/11/2021 to 03/30/2021

  1. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 03/31/2021

Jackson motioned to approve the consent agenda and communications and pay the bills totaling $100,586.55 supported by Sturdevant.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  2. St. Clair County Depart. of Public Works Minutes for 03/02/2021
  3. St. Clair County Board of County Road Comm. Minutes for 03/02/2021

Discussion regarding Palms Road bridge rebuild and property reacquisition.

  1. Board of Review Organizational Meeting Minutes for 03/02/2021

Wrubel motioned to receive and file Boards and Commissions minutes, supported by Hoffman. Motion Carried.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)

A. Brower, Richard (655 Allen Road) – Received letter from Township Ordinance Enforcer, Neil Erickson regarding the removal of political signs. Objection based on 1st Amendment rights, as it is personal property. Requested information about potential fines for non-compliance, as well as the 5th Amendment for undue fines.

Discussion by board regarding enforcement of rules, the need for township ordinances, and recent complaints about political signs.

  2. Emergency Management Siren Project

Carrier, Robert (Emergency Management) – Presentation regarding Outdoor Alert Warning System Condition & Upgrade Project, which includes coordination of maintenance and routine testing throughout county, update regarding eight Kimball Township sirens, and presentation of annual inspection and repair service. Emergency Management office will act as point of contact for continued services.

Fire Chief Gratz – Supportive of this program, as it would bring in a technician to inspect annually and replace batteries every three years. Will bring Maintenance Agreement back to committee once received.

  1. Applications

Three new applications for fire fighters, which would bring us to 34 active firemen. Bylaws allow for 40 active firemen, as well as staffing.

Wrubel motioned to approve the hiring of Cody Frisbie, David Heimbach, Daniel Ochon supported by Sturdevant.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Deland and Ward, and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

Blue Water Gas Storage

Department has been notified there will be drilling in May for storage, and potential need for fire department support. Concern for heavy truck usage of road, and expansion of entrance. Contract have been established for well fire extinguishing.

Worst case scenario includes well or drill failure, which would include evacuation as well as heat issues from fire. Medical response and confined space issues may also be called.

Kimball Fire Fighters Association

Raised $4,200 and have donated a K-12 saw and rechargeable battery to the Fire Department. This is a 12″ circular saw with six (6) 90-minute batteries with charges used to cut through for roof ventilation, and will replace the gas-powered ones currently in inventory.

    1. COCM 2021 Spring Conference for Neil-Hotel and Travel Cost

    Neil will pay for travel expenses and submit them for reimbursement.

    1. New Truck Bids
    2. Kimball Township Properties for Bids

    Jackson discussed pricing with assigned ratios to value of land locked property. Lawyer will be drafting notice for properties to be publicized in newspaper, giving 30 day bid period in silent bid process. Starting bid price is the township cost of back taxes. Will be publicized with descriptions. Properties were given to the township by the county. Residents within 300 yards of the property will receive notice the parcel is going up for bid.

    1. Uncollectable Fire Billing

      Deland motioned to dismiss the total fire $482.00, support by Ward.

      ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel, and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    2. Park Attendant Applications

      Previously approved applicant has backed out. Interviews for Park Attendants replacement will include grass cutting in township.

    3. M.C. Shine Cleaning Proposal

      Renewal of Service Agreement with no changes to current pricing. Additional services quoted if needed. Services are for once per month as currently.

      Deland motioned to approve the MC Shine Service Agreement supported by Hoffman.

      ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Jackson, and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

    4. BS&A Training and Consultation

      Christine Carwyn reviewing processes and establishing best practices in the bookkeeping position. Presented option for BS&A training by retired Fort Gratiot Township Accountant. Would not be doing any of the actual bookkeeping, but rather consultation and establishing processes and procedures, particularly with bank reconciliation, file retention and implementation of BS&A Cemetery software.

      Discussion regarding four hours per week in preparation for audit and establish processes. Proposed for 90 days of consulting services.

      Deland motioned to approve trial period of $28.50/hour consultation fee with Dave Jewell for 90 days at 4 hours a week support by Ward.

      ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant, Wrubel, and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

  1. Touma, Watson, Whaling, Coury, Stremers & Thomas, P.C. Hourly Rate Change

    Notification of hourly rate increase.

F. New Copier Bids

  1. Landmark Systems Inc.
  2. Elite Imaging Systems
  3. Brady’s Business Systems
  4. Toshiba Business Solutions
  5. Image Business Systems Inc.

Discussion regarding original support for currently copiers to replace the old machine that is no longer serviceable. Brady is local service provider and has done a good job at prompt response to service calls.

Wrubel proposed for the Brady’s Business System Kyocera to purchase at $4816.00 supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Deland, Hoffman, Sturdevant, and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.

G. Purchase New Lawnmowers

Review of open bids including Wadhams Equipment, and Zimmer’s. Comparison of size of cutting deck, potential trade-in value or using current mower as back up machine.

Wrubel proposed for the purchase of Exmark Lazer Z “E” Series Zero Turn Mower with 60″ Deck from Zimmer to purchase at $8,799.00 supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant, Hoffman, Deland, and Ward. NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski. (6-0-1) Motion Carried.




A. Supervisor Usakowski.


Clerk Wrubel

Bi-Annual newsletter to post office today. DPW has two workers, primarily focused on cemetery and meter change.

  1. Treasurer Jackson

    Review of the distribution of tax funds and presentation of fund balances.

  2. Trustee Hoffman.

    No report.

Trustee Deland

Question regarding truck bids, hiring committee role with park attendants, improvements to park and the funding of the new mower and personnel. Questions regarding Stimulus Municipality funding of township and where the funds will be allocated, and how they can be spent.

Usakowski should have answers to many of these questions.

  1. Trustee Sturdevant

    Good Friday Fish Fry, still to-do, sold 170 dinners.

    Zoning Board: Allen & Griswold variance, set-back and lot splits

  1. Trustee Ward

    Power and water needed on at park at concession stands and Field Two at back pavilion. Saturday need water for cleaning concession stands. Grading of parking lot, and new sticker over sign awaiting installation. May 1st Café Nole $10, with $5 back to the Little League (9am to 5 pm).

    Three porta-johns scheduled for Opening Day.


Deland motioned to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Second by Hoffman. Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk

Comments are closed.

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