Minutes - Planning Commission|

Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
April 23, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Orr opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Orr, Barrett, Hoffman, Henry, Howard and Tuttle
Absent: Miller
Also Present: Neil Erickson, Building Inspector/Ordinance Enforcer and Clerk Becky Wrubel.
Barrett motioned to approve the agenda as presented supported by Tuttle
Motion carried.
II.   APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Public Hearing/Regular Meeting March 26, 2024
      Barrett motioned to approve the minutes from March 26, 2024 as presented. Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried
A.    Robert Fielitz – Update on Landfill
Robert Fielitz, 870 Sturdevant Road: Introduced himself and explained that he has been worki8ng with the County Board of Commissioners, the Landfill and Kimball Township as a private citizen since November 2023 to help reduce the landfill gas odors emitted not our community. He would also like to see a park put in around the landfill.
In his research and investigation, he has learned many things related to the landfill. One of the items is that population density in a four-mile radius around the landfill has increased significantly since the landfill was established in 1964. Another item is that the landfill gas will have a meaningful negative affect on residents as far as four miles from the landfill as reported by resident complaints to EGLE. There are a lot more homes out by landfill since 1964. Other townships have said to not let the landfill expand.
There have been several fai8lures and seven violations of the landfill. EGLE is work8ing on an enforcement action against the landfill and county.
Erickson: Special Exception and Expansion, page 8-3 Future Expansion.
Howard thanked Robert Fielitz for his hard work.
Or wants to add his letter to the records and will talk to Usakowski about doing so.
Barrett motioned to receive and file the statement titled Kimball Township Planning Commission-Zoning of Landfill Parcels, April 23, 2024 from Robert Fielitz supported by Tuttle.
Motion Carried.
B.    Paul Ruggirello – 946 Wadhams Road
We own just over 30 acres and would like to change the land use of 27 acres and would like to build some low-income housing on this property. I am requesting for it to be on the Master Plan.
Barrett: Do you want a rezoning for this property?
Ruggirello: Yes.
Barrett: There is a process for doing that. You must file an application, pay a fee, put a notice in the newspaper, the property owners around you need to be notified and then we hold a public hearing. We can’t act on that because there has been no public hearing and there has been no application filed for the rezoning request.
Erickson: Process of future rezoning, consider if future Land Use Plans with proposed draft.
Barrett: That reflects a want in the future.
Barrett: We can receive and file this request now and have a public hearing in the future.
C.    Hammar’s Contracting – 1177 Wadhams Road
Tim Hammer, 1177 Wadhams Road: We have a plan to rebuild the building that we lost in a file last year. The plan is to build a 15,000 square foot building on the same footprint of the one that burned. It will be a Champion Pre-engineered Steel building.
Erickson: Has talked with the Fire Department and the DPW about getting water on the site.
Hammer: We plan on building three separate buildings that are not attached. There will be sixteen feet between buildings.
A.    Master Plan Review
Erickson asked for comments for changes to be made before the Public Hearing. I will find out the answers to the questions asked in January and get back with the Planning Commission.
Barrett: Can we get an updated timeline associated with the Metro Planning?
A.    RFQ for TOWNSHIP PLANNER: Request to Board of Trustees
No Updates
Kim Parsons-Williams, 1169 Richman Road: Has lived here since 2020 and loves the area except for the landfill. We basically have had to live inside our house with the air conditioner on from July to September. We like to be outside having get-togethers and pool fun. The smell is horrible. I would like the county to give the power back to the community.
Michael McKean, 205 Wadhams Road: Would like to divide his ten-acre property into four parcels
Erickson explained the situation.
Robert Fielitz, 870 Sturdevant Rd: Announced his candidacy for County Commissioner of the 5th District of St. Clair County.
A.    Bill Orr, ZBA
NO Report   
B.    Erik Hoffman, Kimball Township Board of Trustees
                  No Report
Tuttle motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. supported by Barrett.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Submitted by William Orr, Chair

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