Minutes - Board of Trustees|




                                 APRIL 05, 2022

6:30 P.M.

Sturdevant opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward.

ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland.

Ward motioned to have Sturdevant chair the meeting supported by Wrubel.

Motion Carried.


    Wrubel: Add under New Business, L. Truck for DPW.

    Wrubel motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Hoffman.

    Motion Carried.


    Sturdevant motioned to approve the minutes from March 15, 2022 as presented supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.



Check Register from 03/10/2022 to 03/29/2022

  1. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 03/31/2022

Disbursements totaling $164,995.56.

Wrubel motioned to approve the disbursement totaling $164,995.56 to pay the bills supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward.

NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.

  2. Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 03/01/2022
  3. Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for 03/01/2022
  4. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes for 02/22/2022

Hoffman motioned to receive and file Boards and Commissions supported by Ward. Motion Carried.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)

Eric Hubbard, 5125 Griswold Road: Questioned about the grow houses on Griswold Road. His property value just went down. He also mentioned about an ordinance that was created years ago for no business in that corridor.

Sturdevant explained the buildings were put in place before the ordinance was created, and the Planning Commission is working on the issue.


Wrubel will look into mentioned ordinance.    



    1. ATV and Parks

    Chief Gratz: We use a John Deer 2007 ATV for wood/grass fighting. It is used for moving people back and forth to fires off road. We would like to replace it with a four seat unit to increase capacity. Current ATV will be transferred to Sutherland Park.

    Funding: Parks and Capital Improvement.

    Questions asked and answered.

    Wrubel motioned to approve the purchase of a new ATV from Grace Performance for $28,000.00 supported by Sturdevant.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Sturdevant, Ward and Hoffman.

    NO: Jackson. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (4-1-2) Motion Carried.

  2. 2022 License Agreement Between Kimball Township and Kimball Township Little League

    Ward motioned to approve the 2022 License Agreement between Kimball Township and Kimball Township Little League supported by Sturdevant.

    Motion Carried.

    1. Tri-County Aquatics, Inc. Pond & Lake Management Service Contract

    Jackson motioned to approve the three treatments at the pond from Tri County-Aquatics at a cost of $1,380.00 supported by Hoffman.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Hoffman, Ward, Sturdevant and Wrubel.

    NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.

  1. Parks Committee

Sturdevant: We have four people interested and would like to get five more. Shelly Gilbert, Megan Bowen, Scott Badley and Nicole Blaszczuk have all submitted applications and are recommended for approval.

Sturdevant motioned to approve the four volunteers to the Parks Committee supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried.

  1. Tetra Tech: Proposal for Engineering Services

Sturdevant motioned to receive and file the proposal from Tetra Tech supported by Jackson. Motion Carried.

  1. Township of Kimball Grant Accounting and Administration Policy

Wrubel motioned to approve the Kimball Grant Accounting and Administration Policy supported by Ward.

ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Hoffman, Sturdevant and Jackson.

NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carrie.

  1. Election: Voter I.D. Mass Mailing

Carwyn explained the Voter ID Registration Cards. With the addition of Precinct 4, and change in Voting Poll location from Smiths Creek American Legion to the River Church (former Kimball School), updated Voter ID Registration cards will need to be mailed out. Carwyn presented several options for printing, including in-house or through a separate vendor. Also discussed option of sending new ID cards to all registered voters rather than just those impacted by the recent changes.

Ward motioned to approve the expenditure for $1,147.81 from PSI for the Voter ID Cards with Mailing supported by Jackson.

ROLL CALL VOTE; YES: Ward, Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant and Hoffman.

NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.

  1. Library Parking Lot

Wrubel: The librarian sent a letter concerning the parking lot. I checked it out and will have the DPW go in and level the gravel. She also questioned about the windows and the sills. I told her to have her cleaning person check it out.

  1. Ordinance 152-32: An Ordinance to Amend Kimball Township Ordinance 152 Relative to Water and Sewer Charges

    Jackson: We have to raise our rates based on what we get charged and what it cost us to run the operation. This is a 5% rate increase. We need to cut our cost in order to keep things going the way they should. Based on other townships, much higher charges on Readiness to Serve. Others charge a flat fee for sewer.

    Jackson motioned to approve Ordinance 152-32 regarding water and sewer rates supported by Wrubel.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Hoffman and Ward.

    NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.

  2. Letter of Commitment Agreement for Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar) Spray Blocks for 2022

    Sturdevant motioned to have Wrubel sign and send into the County of St. Clair supported by Ward. Motion Carried.

    1. Fire Bill #16-508, Nancy Yeager

    Jackson motioned to dismiss fire bill #16-508 supported by Sturdevant.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Sturdevant, Ward, Hoffman and Wrubel.

    NO: None. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.

    1. Truck for DPW

    LaFontaine in St. Clair contacted us about a new truck that they have. The DPW is two years behind replacing a truck. We are not going to be using any of our trucks as trade-in. This is from monies that we had set aside for a truck. The cost of the new truck is $49,065.00 and it does include a plow.


    Sturdevant motioned to approve the purchase of the new DPW truck from

    LaFontaine at a cost of $49,065.00 supported by Wrubel.

    ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Wrubel and Ward. NO: Jackson and Hoffman. ABSENT: Usakowski and Deland. (3-2-2) Motion Carried.




  1. Supervisor Usakowski


  1. Clerk Wrubel

I am getting bids for the seal coating for the township hall, the DPW and the cemetery.

Gratz requested including a quote for Station 1.

Mapping: If anyone is interested in looking at a sample of mapping, I have a folder here of the area in front of the old Angry Bull. It shows where all the water lines are and all the sewer shut offs are, etc.

Tetra Tech Update: Ken Kingsley is meeting with Bob Lewandowski, Supervisor for Port Huron Township, next week to see if it is possible to go with the option of the sewer line to travel down Range Road and tie into Port Huron Township. Ken said he has a couple different options to tie into it that he discussed at our last meeting.

Ken also said that the Lift Stations out at the Airport are not running correctly and there is likely a break or blockage in the line. The problem is that the force line from the Airport is at least 4,000 feet long. When the county gave the section over to Kimball Township the blue prints were never given. We have no drawings of the original force main or how the force main was altered or relocated.

The DPW has been mapping over at the airport and has approximately 20 manholes that are in critical status. The DPW will be going back in and digging them up to seal coat them and tie them into each other with metal rods.

Ballot box: We need to install a secure drop-off for ballots, but I’m not sure if we should have a steel one or wooden one.

Jackson: It needs to be attached to the wall.


Wrubel: I will get a hold of Tim Hammar about the cost and if he is interested in building a steel one for us.

DPW Position: I will be posting on Indeed for the anticipated opening. Amado has given me a tentative exit date. I currently already have two resumes for that position.

How does the board feel about hiring a temporary part-time DPW worker to help with the mapping and odd jobs?

Sturdevant: Let’s bring this back.

  1. Treasurer Jackson

Jackson gave financial review.

  1. Trustee Hoffman

Questioned about the trailer at the old barber shop.

Wrubel: I will make sure Neil knows.

  1. Trustee Deland


  1. Trustee Sturdevant

We served 175 people at the Fish Fry on Friday and we ran out of fish. Breakfast will be held at the Masonic Lodge this Sunday. Also, there will be breakfast at the Goodells Park with the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt.

  1. Trustee Ward

Park update: Green Lawn will be going out to park to spray the wood line for mosquitos and they will be spraying the fields for the weeds.

We would like to rebuild the concession stand. Field cleanup will be April 16th from 9 a.m. until complete. Opening Day is April 30th.


    Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. supported by Hoffman.

    Motion Carried.

    Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.

    Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk

Comments are closed.

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