APRIL 04, 2023
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland, Ward and Nelson.
ALSO PRESENT: Chief Gratz, Fire Department.
Gratz requested C. under his report removed from the agenda.
Deland motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Nelson.
Motion Carried.
Jackson: Page 4, Jeff Bohm’s last name doesn’t have an “e”.
Wrubel motioned to approve the minutes of March 21, 2023 as amended supported by Ward. Motion Carried.
Check Register from 03/14/2023 to 03/29/2023
- Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 03/31/2023
Nelson questioned about the interest and dividends on page 16.
Wrubel motioned to disburse $77,219.53 to pay the bills and file supported by Jackson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Jackson, Hoffman, Deland, Ward, Nelson and Usakowski. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair Minutes for March 07, 2023
- Board of County Road Commission of the County of St. Clair Minutes for March 07, 2023
- Planning Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2023
- Planning Commission Public Hearing/Regular Meeting Minutes for February 28, 2023
Nelson questioned about Page 20, Commissioners.
Wrubel motioned to receive and file the Boards and Commissions supported by Deland. Motion Carried.
Presentation by Kirsten Lyons
Naturalist in Invasive Species Specialist for St. Clair County Parks.
Lyons gave a presentation about the Spongy Moth in our area and St. Clair County.
- PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
- Request for Expenditure Over $500 (Training)
Fire training is an ongoing training for the firefighters. It is an online software that will cost the same amount as the current training. It will be mandatory and they can do it during shift work.
Deland motioned to approve the $2,550.00 for the Fire Department training software supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Deland, Nelson, Usakowski, Ward, Jackson, Hoffman and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Request for Expenditure Over $500 (Capital Outlay 2023-24)
This is the lighting system for the Tahoe.
Wrubel motioned to approve the $9,670.00 for Arrowhead Uplifters supported by Ward.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Ward, Hoffman, Usakowski, Nelson, Jackson and Deland. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Upgrade Administrative Assistant from 20 hours to 30 hours a week
Gratz explained that this position has more responsibilities and would like to change their hours from 20 hours to 30 hours per week.
Ward motioned to approve changing the number of hours for the Administrative Assistant of the Fire Department from 20 hours to 30 hours per week supported by Nelson.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Ward, Nelson, Usakowski, Wrubel, Hoffman, Deland and Jackson. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
Applications for Employment
- Joshlynn Genaw
- Rachel J. Kirby
- Jessica B. McEachen
- Joshlynn Genaw
Gratz explained that these applicants have been through the interview process as well as a background check and physical ability test. If approved, they would be sent for their physicals.
Deland motioned to approve the hiring of Joshlynn Genaw, Rachel J. Kirby and Jessica B. McEachen as fire fighters supported by Ward. Motion Carried.
- Parks Hiring
Usakowski explained that he would like to hire Dennis Clark to be our new park attendant alongside Cal Hunt.
Usakowski motioned to hire Dennis Clark as the new park attendant supported by Ward. Motion Carried.
- DPW Hiring
Deland questioned about the job description for the DPW.
Wrubel motioned to hire Robert Houle for the DPW position supported by Usakowski.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Usakowski, Ward and Hoffman.
NO: Deland, Jackson and Nelson. ABSENT: None. (4-3-0) Motion Carried.
- County ARPA Funds Discussion/Update
Usakowski explained that they are suggesting splitting the funding with all municipalities.
Engineering Proposals
- Tetra Tech
- Project Control Engineering
- Tetra Tech
Usakowski talked about the current engineer’s strengths and weakness.
The DPW has done a fantastic job monitoring pumps. Changes have made improvements on resolving issues.
Tetra Tech doesn’t have a local office anymore so I think we should eliminate them.
BMJ and Project Control Engineering have comparison pricing but we may run into a conflict of interest on the Planning side. We could bring them both back to the next meeting to present.
The board is in agreement with bringing them both back to the next meeting.
A. Supervisor Usakowski
We have some of the Parks and Recreation Committee here tonight to discuss the Easter Egg Hunt. They did a great job hosting the Easter Egg Hunt at the township hall. We had 72 kids signed up and 64 attended.
Shelly Gilbert: We are planning a Fishing Derby in June on Free Fishing Saturday.
Usakowski: We have a crossover culvert on Mayer Road that needs to be replaced. The cost will be split with the County Road Commission.
Clerk Wrubel
Update on the April 18 meeting with the Road Commission, the time has been changed from 6 p.m. to 11 a.m.
The CCR Report will be sent out as a postcard instead of a flyer which will save postage.
The Spring Cleanup will be April 22nd from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
DPW is doing an excellent job on the pumps.
- Treasurer Jackson
Water ordinance will be on the next agenda.
The fire bill for Sparling Road is $22,545.00 and they don’t know what to do. They don’t have the money to cover it. It was illegal burn with no permit. No buildings were involved and no insurance to cover it. Do any of you have any suggestions on how we can help them?
Jackson: I got a call from Florida and they want to buy all of our properties that we own that don’t have buildings on them.
Wrubel mentioned that it sounds like a scam.
Jackson gave the Review of Financials.
- Trustee Hoffman
No report.
- Trustee Deland
No report.
- Trustee Nelson
I attended the IRA Township meeting which was interesting. I appreciate our board after seeing this board.
Has Mr. Stremers gotten back with you yet on the Medical Marijuana Resolution?
Usakowski: No, not yet.
- Trustee Ward
The park is open and we tore down the concession stand. High Grade is donating the concrete for it. Jeff and Tim are both donating hours of labor and material. The Little League will be financing the interior of the building. We are hoping it will be ready for opening day.
Wrubel: How big is the building?
Ward: It is 30′ X 40′.
Wrubel: Do you have a building permit?
Ward: Tim came in and talked to Neil. No building permit is required.
Ward questioned about a couple of dead trees.
Usakowski said that he notices that there are some that are down too.
Wrubel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 P.M. supported by Nelson.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Submitted by Becky Wrubel, Clerk