Landfill, Township News|

Kimball Township has been closely monitoring the situation at the landfill, following concerns about air quality. To address these concerns, the Environmental Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) agency has been collecting data, which the township has been eager to obtain. Supervisor Usakowski recognized the urgency of the situation and submitted a formal request for this data under the Freedom of Information Act on January 10. After some delay, the data has been posted publicly on EGLE’s website, making it easily accessible to everyone. These actions demonstrate the township’s commitment to the well-being of its citizens and dedication to promoting a clean and safe environment. The township will continue to prioritize the health and safety of its residents and take every necessary step to ensure a positive outcome.

Visit EGLE Landing Page

Visit the EGLE Smiths Creek Landfill landing page for additional information. The actual data can be viewed.

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