MARCH 4, 2014
6:00 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel and Sturdevant.
ABSENT: Ritter and Kilroy.
ALSO PRESENT: Tricia Kenner, Chief Gorski and Tom Reilly.
INVOCATION BY: Reverend, Bobby Bishop, The Apostolic Church of Port Huron
Usakowski: State Revenue Sharing went down slightly this year and we are hoping that it increases this next year.
There is talk of eliminating the sales tax on gasoline which means a reduction in revenue
sharing for Kimball Township.
Possibly eliminate various exemptions from paying property tax.
Property tax values have not increased very much and that has an impact on the revenue
We have made changes over the years on how the township operates.
Discussion on Capital Improvement Plan.
Water line replacements on Lapeer Road between Range and Allen Roads, county grant money to redo Lapeer Road from Range Road to Wadhams Road and redo the intersection of Wadhams and Lapeer.
Lift stations in need of repair and or replacements.
Caswell Cemetery Budget
Building Fund has been steady for the last two years.
Tax rate just for Kimball Township is .7599. That is less than one mill. A mill is one dollar for every thousand dollar of taxable value on your property. That puts us at the fourth lowest of the 30 municipalities in St. Clair County.
Our largest revenue source is State Revenue Sharing that makes up 52% of our revenue, 20% is taxes.
How your money is spent; the largest is with the fire department. Second to that is our roads.
Water/Sewer Fund: Anticipate rates will continue to rise over the years.
Chuck Harris, 6647 Griswold: Why are they doing Lapeer again when they just did it and it’s already falling apart?
Tom Reilly, SCCBC responded.
George Jackson: Need to have better division of labor.
Resident questions regarding 6% increase in water and sewer rates.
Jackson explained.
Kilroy arrived at 6:24 p.m.
Usakowski motioned to close the Budget Hearing at 6:30 p.m. supported by Sturdevant.
Motion Carried
Usakowski called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel, Sturdevant and Kilroy.
ABSENT: Ritter
Under Unfinished Business: Add Union Negotiations VIII. d. (closed session)
Under Unfinished Business: Add Legal Matter Workers Compensation VIII. e.
Under Public Comment: Add RESA to VI. a.
Under New Business: Add EDA to IX. i.
Under New Business: Add Employee Discipline (closed session) to IX. j.
Usakowski motioned to approve the agenda as amended supported by Jackson.
Motion Carried
Sturdevant motioned to approve the minutes for February 18 supported by Jackson.
Motion Carried
a. Check Register from 02/08/2014 to 02/21/2014
Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period ending 02/28/2014
Account Balance Report
Kilroy motioned to receive and file and pay the bills supported by Wrubel.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Kilroy, Wrubel, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, and Sturdevant. NO: None. ABSENT: Ritter. (6-0-1) Motion Carried
- Board of Public Works of the County of St. Clair for February 4, 2014
- Board of County Road Comm. of the County of St. Clair for February 4, 2014
Sturdevant motioned to receive and file supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
RESA: Tom Reilly
He gave an update on the railroad alarm system for the fire department.
Rumors regarding the Convention Center: Convention Center is not over budget. It is not built yet but will be.
The library expansion possibly into Art-Van property.
Charles Harris-6647 Griswold: Bussing for the area-declined on ballot-need a way to move people into town through public transportation. Request township to look into it.
Trash pick-up: Can township provide this? How much would it cost?
Brandi Hoffman, 5006 Howard Road: Improper Assessments.
Usakowski told her to come in tomorrow and he will look into it.
St. Clair County RESA: Charles Andrews, Director of Operations of RESA
RESA has a special project underway which involves leasing property to DTE for a solar array project. The project is up and running and is online.
There were issues with the road easements legal matters. They need to vacate the paper streets. Township needs to give permission to vacate streets.
Usakowski will discuss this with the township attorney.
Sturdevant motioned to sign consent agreement with the attorney’s consent supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried
- Fire Bill Appeal – Sheila Morrison, 2943 Oakwood Road
Not at fault, her car was not damaged, and she is claiming financial hardship.
At fault party was billed but has not yet paid.
Jackson motioned to waive the $500 fire run fee supported by Kilroy.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Kilroy, Usakowski, Hand, Sturdevant and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: Ritter. (6-0-1) Motion Carried
- Fire Bill Appeal – Maranda Duncan, 1930 Meadowlark
She stated that she had wiring problem in the house. Service was great but she is having financial hardship.
Gratz explained the problem with the meter, etc.
Jackson motioned to reduce the fee to $200 with a payment plan supported by Kilroy.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Jackson, Kilroy, Usakowski, Hand, Sturdevant and Wrubel. NO: None. ABSENT: Ritter. (6-0-1) Motion Carried
Fire fighter Michael Smith took EMT class and passed and he paid for the class himself and wants to be reimbursed for $970. He signed the form stating he will stay working for the fire department.
Sturdevant motioned to reimburse the $970. To Michael Smith for the EMT class supported by Hand.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Sturdevant, Hand, Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel and Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: Ritter. (6-0-1) Motion Carried
Land purchase material was handed out.
Property on Allen Road, north of Griswold: Owner will subdivide the property with a starting price of $125,000 and willing to negotiate for three acres. Some clearing will need to be done and road boring for water.
Discussion on one proposal versus the other and ISO ratings.
Fire Department Budget: Chief Gorski passed out new write up regarding the chief’s position.
Jackson asked if he has experience writing grants.
Gorski: No formal training.
Jackson: Split shift maybe but not to have both at same time.
Bring back to next meeting.
Firemen’s dinner is April 5, 2014 at the Angry Bull at 5:00 p.m.
- Land Purchase for Fire Department
Talked about this in Chief Gorski’s report and will bring back to next meeting.
- 2014-15 Proposed Budget
Usakowski: The water line replacement is in the Capital Improvement Plan for the line on Lapeer between Allan and Range Roads and will try to coordinate with the County Road Commission project to save money. Are we going to bond for that project or take it out of the fund balance? Also, if we do it we are going to have to have to incur some engineering fees. We will need some tentative drawings to fit into the road commission plan. Do we want to bid out the entire engineering scope of that project or pass it along the township engineer? Bid it out is preferred.
Estimated cost would be around $350,000. The budget includes this fee.
Wrubel motioned to move forward with the water line replacement on Lapeer between Range and Allen Roads and to use bonding to pay for it supported by Sturdevant.
ROLL CALL VOTE: YES: Wrubel, Sturdevant, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand and Kilroy.
NO: None. ABSENT: Ritter. (6-0-1) Motion Carried
County is raising their tipping fees out at the landfill and will likely be passed on to the residents that pay for garbage pick-up.
Discussion on township wide trash pick-up again.
Get bids and go from there.
Fire Department Budget
- Union Negotiations (closed session) at end of meeting
- Legal Matter Workers Compensation Arbitration (closed session) at end of meeting
- Park Attendant
Discussion on job description; grass cutting, maintenance of ball diamond, cleaning restrooms, etc. Also we need to discuss the staffing and hours of the staff.
Advertise for one full-time and one part-time.
- April Newsletter
Fix “wish” to “with” in Usakowski article.
Usakowski motioned to approve the newsletter with the correction supported by Kilroy.
Motion Carried
- ADA/ADAAA Policy
Kimball Township’s Anti-Harassment Policy
- Workplace Bullying Policy
Third paragraph, change meting to giving.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- Termination of Employment Policy
- Target Fund Balance Policy
Discussion and explanation
Usakowski motioned to approve the policies listed as new business c. – h. on the agenda supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
Dan Casey will be at the next meeting.
Usakowski recommends joining at a cost of $9,000 or just over.
Will bring back to next meeting.
Employee Discipline (closed session)
Chuck Harris: Why does the fire department want to relocate to that corner? It’s a horrible location.
Discussion and explanation
Usakowski motioned to go into a closed session to discuss union contracts, workers compensation and employee discipline at 8:04 p.m. supported by Sturdevant.
Motion Carried
Usakowski motioned that we return to open session at 8:46 p.m. supported by Sturdevant.
Motion Carried
- Supervisor Usakowski
- Clerk Hand
The election went really well.
An employee will be off for four to six weeks for surgery and I need to know if we need to hire someone from Kelly Services or keep it in house?
Sturdevant: Can we have our part-time person to pick up?
Hand: I asked Rob the same thing. Would the union be willing?
- Treasurer Jackson
Fraud with bank: Bank offered a 48 hour protection program.
Will bring back to next meeting
Port Huron Township; need answers for Dave.
- Trustee Kilroy
No report.
- Trustee Ritter
No report.
- Trustee Sturdevant
Ice rink needs to be finished.
- Trustee Wrubel
No report.
Usakowski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. supported by Kilroy.
Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Submitted by
Robert G. Hand, Clerk