JUNE 18, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Usakowski opened the meeting @ 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Kilroy, Wrubel
ALSO PRESENT: Ed Gratz, Kimball Township Fire Department
INVOCATION BY: Pastor Byron Hazely, New Life North Ambassador For Christ Christian Church.
Add j. to New Business for Kennedy Industries
Usakowski motioned to approve Agenda as amended supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
a. Page 4, Strategic Planning Commission – Should be “our” not “out.”
b. Page 5, New Business Newsletter – Should be “printing” not “sending.”
c. Page 7, New Business c. Treasurer Jackson – Should be “checked” not “check.”
Usakowski motioned to approve minutes as amended supported by Jackson. Motion
planning commission MINUTES OF meeting March 26, 2013
Kilroy motioned to receive and file supported by Ritter. Motion Carried
a. Check Register from 05/27/2013 – 06/07/2013
b. Revenue and Expenditure Report for Period Ending 06/30/2013
Usakowski motioned to approve bills and file all correspondences.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. Absent: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Usakowski commented about the Strategic Plan and how the board is trying to reach out to the community and get there input on what they would like to see from the township moving forward.
Jackson commented on how to get more of the public to come to the meetings and put in there comments.
Sturdevant commented that he would like to have the public come to the meetings and give there input on how they can improve the township.
Assistant Chief Gratz Reporting
No Fire Administrative Meeting
a. Annual hose and ladder testing through Waterway would be $3,564.97 for everything. Testing is mandatory. Fire department has 14,000 feet of hose; need approval this meeting. Testing is done once a year.
Usakowski motioned to approve hose testing through Waterways for $3,564.97 supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Kilroy, Wrubel, Ritter. NO: None. Absent: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
b. National Fire Academy applicants. Cost is $185.00 per person, which includes bus transportation and wants to send two firemen, David Murphy and Jared Reaume for the weekend program. Gratz mentioned that he would also be going for training and that if there were room in his car; Murphy and Reaume could ride with him and would then be $128.00 each.
Sturdevant motioned to approve Murphy and Reaume to go to the Fire Academy in Maryland for training at a cost of $185.00 each supported by Ritter.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Ritter, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. Absent: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
c. Chief Gorski would like to add five hours to his ten hour work week when necessary.
Usakowski motioned to approve adding five hours to Chief Gorski’s workweek as needed supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None (7-0-0) Motion Carried
d. Ed Gratz to go from 40 hours + runs + shift to a salary of $40,000.00 a year. Discussed what that would cover. What happens with overtime and other concerns? It is already in the budget.
Usakowski motioned to move Ed Gratz’s pay from hourly shift and calls to $40,000.00 salary a year starting July 1, 2013 supported by Hand.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
a. Newsletter for July 2013
Connie will get together with George about movie and the newsletter.
Add Ed Kilroy’s email to front page and Becky Wrubel’s cell phone number.
Usakowski motioned to approve the newsletter with the information on the extravaganza
supported by Jackson. Motion Carried
b. Mike Kavanaugh, Planning Commission or Peggy’s Assistant
Waiting for Mike to show up and discuss what he wants to do. This was moved to New Business, j. and Kennedy to k.
c. Locator for DPW
Discussion on which locator does what and how much each one costs. $800.00 one does not response to aluminum, brass, or copper. Not sure if the $3779.95 one will respond to all metals.
Usakowski motioned to put this off until the next meeting with additional information supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
Ritter commented that when the fire department needs things they seem to get it a lot faster than when the DPW ask for items.
d. Angry Bull Confined Area
Have permits for confined areas.
a. Michigan Townships Association (MTA) Annual Dues
Dues are $5,322.00.
Ritter motioned to pay the Michigan Townships Association annual dues of $5,322.00 supported by Wrubel.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Ritter, Wrubel, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
b. MTA Principles of Governance
Hand motioned to sign the MTA Principles of Governance supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
c. MMRMA Renewal
Discussed why the premium went up which was because several items were not insured. The pumping station on Griswold and Michigan and the garage at the cemetery were two of the ones that weren’t insured. $2,000.00 more if we want to add insurance for the sewage system overflows.
Usakowski motioned to pay MMRMA $41,074.00 for insurance coverage supported by Wrubel.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Wrubel, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
d. Northeastern Watershed 2013 Budget Allocation
Yearly fee for Northeastern Watershed allocation is $964.99.
Usakowski motioned to pay Northeastern Watershed $964.99 supported by Jackson.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
e. The State Tax Commission
Discussed that the State Tax Commission has approved our 2010 tax roll. The cost for Rick Watza to do the 14pt review is $6,066.23 and has to be paid before we get the 2010 tax roll back.
Usakowski motioned to pay the $6,066.23 to the State Tax Commission for the cost associated with the 2010 assessment roll supported by Ritter.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Ritter, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
f. Filtered Water Service Agreement
Port Huron is increasing their water rate fees by about 6%. Usakowski discussed different options with other cities if the increases change dramatically.
Jackson will come back at a later meeting with more information and recommendations on how to collect the addition fee.
g. St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission
Each year we get distribution from the millage. Our distribution is going to be for this year $39,356.94, which is a slight decrease from last year. This is based on population. The form must be completed and backed up by the audit and can’t be submitted until we have our audit. Parks and Rec. requires we submit a copy of the audit with the form. The form has to be approved by the board and send minutes reflecting that.
Usakowski motioned to approve the 2013 request for local millage for Parks and Recreation supported by Jackson.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
h. Liquor Licensing Changes
Information is for your information.
i. Election Supplies for August Election
Nicole wants to inform the board as to what it will cost to buy supplies for the upcoming school election, which will be $1,500.00 and where to store it. Usakowski question if we were getting reimbursed for this material from the school district? Nicole commented that we should be reimbursed for the material.
Usakowski motioned to approve expenditures for election supplies up to $1,500.00 supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
j. Mike Kavanaugh, Planning Commission or Peggy’s Assistant
Usakowski asked Mike if he wanted to work with Peggy or keep his Planning Commission position? His response was the job with Peggy and that he would like to be paid monthly. He would like to work 11 hours a week at $12.00 – $16.00 an hour. Discussed these options to determine what would be the best.
Usakowski motioned to pay Mike Kavanaugh $620.00 a month supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: Ritter. ABSENT: None. (6-1-0) Motion Carried
Wrubel questioned if Mike needs to have a drug and background test? Discussed that both Mike and Peggy should have them done.
Usakowski motioned to have both Mike and Peggy get a drug test and background check done supported by Jackson.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
k. Kennedy Industries
Discussion on two other companies who want to present to the board. Brett Lowell from Utilities Instrumentation Service is scheduled for July 2, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.
Need to get a proposal from Kennedy Industries.
a. Supervisor Usakowski
Discussed the I-69 reconstruction at Taylor Road going west. It will be a two-year project doing one side one year and the other side the next year and may be starting next year. Informational meeting will be in a couple of weeks about the project.
Usakowski talked to Chief Gorski about station location and brought up to the board about the property right in front of the hall here or the corner of Griswold and Wadhams. Ruth Lasher is going to talk to Kihn about her property on Griswold and Wadhams.
b. Clerk Hand
Discussed that we need a receipt for the donated Arrow sign. Donator just wants a receipt showing that the sign is worth $1500.00 and it’s a donation to the township.
Jason Hyde wants to know what to do with the X-Mark lawn mower that doesn’t work and is taking up space. Sturdevant suggested putting it out front and take sealed bids for it.
Duct cleaning will be Saturday, July 29th.
DPW fixed a lot of meter reads and are finishing up the foundation clean up at the cemetery.
Got a call from the DEQ about a bill for $800.00. Clerk Hand mentioned that she waved the $600.00. Fines are all gone.
c. Treasurer Jackson
Discussed about how bad the Smith Creek Park ditch looks and needs to be weed-whacked. Also the handicapped picnic table that Cal Hunt made and donated to the park and no one acknowledged or thanked him for it.
Contacted City of Port Huron to find out what it would cost to put in Auto-Read Meters and they couldn’t give a cost per household. But did give a figure of $334.00 per household. This is an average cost.
Shut offs: Have a few to do but it is becoming an issue for the DPW going to the residents and running into conflicts with them. Residents are giving Jason the payments to keep their water from being shut off. Jason shouldn’t have to be collecting the money from the residents.
Jackson stated that he hasn’t been able to look through all of the auction properties yet.
Fire Halls: Howard Stein said that the Angry Bull could become a Fire Hall. Jackson will call Mr. Giles and ask him about the property.
d. Trustee Kilroy
e. Trustee Ritter
f. Trustee Sturdevant
Questioned about the DTE lawsuit and what is going on with it? Jackson needs to call Mark Oswald to see where the process is.
Sewer project to Smith Creek, where are we at and what is going on with that? Usakowski talked to Tony Houle about some of the ordinances and explained that they are waiting for the engineer to finalize plans to come up with a description for the project because that description piece fits into all of the ordinances we have to write. Once they get that done they have to submit those to USDA where we will get approval for those and will have a special hearing. Just waiting on the plans.
g. Trustee Wrubel
Usakowski motioned to adjourn the meeting supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
Adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Submitted by,
Robert G. Hand, Clerk