Minutes - Board of Trustees|




JUNE 4, 2013

6:30 P.M.

Usakowski opened the meeting @ 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.



PRESENT: Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Sturdevant, Kilroy

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel


INVOCATION BY: Pastor, Rich Reinhart, Wadhams Baptist Church, Kimball, MI    



Under Public Comment, add b. Angry Bull, also add c. Strategic Planning. Under New Business, add b. Ditching on Pine River. Under Old Business, add d. Safety King duct cleaning and add e. Edward Lane Lift Station.


Usakowski motioned to approve Agenda as amended supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried



May 14, 2013, Usakowski motioned to approve hiring of Peggy Chambers supported by



Usakowski motioned to approve May 14, 2013 as amended supported by Clerk Hand.

Motion Carried


May 21, 2013, Hand mentioned that Nelson started on the 17th of May not the 24th.

Ordinance No. 151-B Roll Call Vote shows Sturdevant who was absent. Should be Kilroy.

Usakowski motioned to approve May 21, 2013 as amended supported by Jackson. Motion




    a. Check Register from 05/14/2013 – 05/24/2013

b. Monthly Activity Reports, May 2013

c. Park Thank You Letter


Sturdevant motioned to receive and file Consent Agenda supported by Kilroy.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Kilroy, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried





V.    PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)


    a. Angry Bull

Dave from the Angry Bull wants to have one rodeo per month all summer. Usakowski stated that it is not a blanket form for outdoor gatherings, one per date. Dave did turn in paperwork for Outdoor Gathering Permit for June 7, 2013. He also questioned about whether or not he will need a permit for Team Penning on Saturday night.

Explanation and discussion. He HHwants approval for Friday Rodeo and Saturday team penning.


Approval contingent on paperwork being turned in per Usakowski.


Sturdevant questioned liability insurance. Angry Bull does have insurance on each event.


Sturdevant says the township needs a copy.


Jackson motioned to approve the Gathering Permits for the Rodeo, Penning Events and 4-H Horse show and waive the 60-day notice contingent on receiving proper paperwork supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried


b. Strategic Plan:

1. Presentation by Innitetur, LLC


Usakowski commented that he wants someone who can take the time with out our community and make sure they are giving the township the time and attention that we need and not give us a template to be filled in.


Innitetur spokesperson discussed more information about the plan.


Jackson commented that a decision needs to be made for this plan.


Usakowski motioned to move forward with Innitetur at $5000.00 for consulting for the development of the Strategic Planning supported by Jackson.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Kilroy. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried






    a. Administrative Policy and Procedures

        1. 5.1 Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. not 5:00 p.m.

        2. Trustees to get inside keys

        3. 5.6 (c) Add Non-Refundable $50.00 deposit for Non-Residents

        4. 5.7 (b) Change from $10,000.00 to $25,000.00.

        5. 5.4 Change from Kleckner Hall to DPW building.

Usakowski Motioned to approve changes to Section 5.1, 5.4, 5.6c and 5.7b supported by Kilroy.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Kilroy, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried


    b. Strategic Planning-Information

Covered above in V b.


    c. Energy Audit-Proposals

Estimated cost of $2,125.00 for phase two, phase three would be based on per foot. Discussed whether or not we need this at this time. It was decided to put this on hold for now.


    d. Duct Cleaning

Safety King estimated cost would be $3,500.00 and they would come in on a weekend or after business hours. Clean ducts only without adding deodorizers.

Discussion on service contract with Dependable to clean filters and do preventative work at least once or twice a year.


Sturdevant moved to spend $3,500.00 to clean the ductwork with no deodorizers supported by Usakowski.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Kilroy. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried


    e. Edward Lane Pump Station

Received three bids. Kennedy will be supplying all the material including the panels for $8135.00. Contractors will install and could be down for up to eight hours.


Usakowski motioned to purchase the panel from Kennedy for $8,135.00 supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Sturdevant, Kilroy. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried


Discussed on whom to hire for installation.


Usakowski motioned to hire Russell Electric to do the installation at $2,663.00 supported by Sturdevant.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Kilroy. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried



    a. Newsletter for July 2013

Jackson asked if we could hold off sending printing out the newsletter until we know for sure the date of movie night.


Usakowski motioned to approve the newsletter as is and add the movie night when we they get a confirmed date at the next meeting supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried


    b. Road Projects

Road projects are under budget by $8,000.00.

Pine River ditching will cost $3,000.00.


Sturdevant motioned to approve Pine River ditching at a cost of $3,000.00 supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Hand, Usakowski, Jackson, Kilroy. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel. (5-0-2) Motion Carried






    a. Supervisor Usakowski

No report. We are working with State Tax Commission.

Part-time help for Peggy needs certifications. If Mike Kavanaugh were an employee of the township he wouldn’t be able to be on the Planning Committee. Run by Mike Kavanaugh and bring back to next meeting.


b. Clerk Hand

Blood drive 12:00 noon – 6:00 p.m. on June 10, 2013


Kerr Albert Service Agreement for copier discussion.

Look into a new machine.


Usakowski motioned to approve the $793.00 service agreement with Kerr Albert supported by Kilroy.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Kilroy, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant. NO: None.

ABSENT: Ritter, Wrubel (5-0-2) Motion Carried


IBEX-MMRMA, (Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority). Will discuss at next meeting.


Cemetery Issues –Trees had to be cut at a cost of $2,200.00, which included stump removal and clean up.

Discussed contacting owners of cemetery lots about trees and other items that are in violations of Ordinance No.132.


Meter for Miss Dig is not working and the cost of a new one would be around $600.00. Will bring back to next meeting.


New guys are working out well. They have been doing the meter reads.


Pickford and Smiths Creek Road pump has to be pulled out and check to see what is in it. It’s not working again.


Discussed replacing the water meters.


Received a reading on the tower and now know where the level is.


Election issues need to be dealt with.


c. Treasurer Jackson

Audit went good. They had issues with procedures and the water lines. Auditors’ want someone in this office to do the meter readings if possible. Meter reads are way behind.


We have about 15 properties that are going up for auction with the county. Need to know if there are any that we want.


Check on Angry Bull for confined area.


d. Trustee Kilroy

No report.


    e. Trustee Ritter



    f. Trustee Sturdevant

Did Patricia Kilbourne’s daughter bring in a County Road permit? Yes, but no fireworks permit. Discussed the mess that was created from the mud.


    g. Trustee Wrubel




Usakowski motioned to adjourn the meeting supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried


Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Submitted by,

Robert G. Hand, Clerk




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