MAY 7, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Supervisor Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Sturdevant, Ritter, Kilroy, Wrubel.
ALSO PRESENT: Fire Chief Gorski
Under New Business add g. Outdoor Gathering Permit for Angry Bull.
Usakowski moved to approve agenda as amended, supported Kilroy. Motion Carried
Page 7 – Change weed to week.
Page 9 – Change a.m. to p.m.
Usakowski moved to approve minutes as amended, supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried
a. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ending 04/30/2013
b. Check Register from 04/08/2013 – 04/26/2013
c. SCC Board of Public Works, April 2, 2013
d. SCC Board of County Road Commission, April 2, 2013
e. 14pt Review
f. Monthly Activity Reports, March 2013
Clerk Hand will include DPW monthly activity report.
Sturdevant moved to receive and file communications and bills be paid, supported by Ritter.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Ritter, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Kilroy, Wrubel, NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
- Minutes of Planning Commission of February 26, 2013
Kilroy moved to receive and file minutes, supported by Jackson. Motion Carried
- Minutes of Cemetery Board, March 13, 2013
Discussion on Pung questioning money in account. Expenses and revenue are at a wash as it should be. Discussion. Further discussion on the transferring deeds from one person to another and what exactly is involved in changing records.
Sturdevant moved to receive and file minutes, supported by Wrubel. Motion Carried
c. Minutes of Fire Administrative Board, April 10, 2013
Discussion on discipline process and appeal, drug and alcohol policy.
Usakowski moved to receive and file minutes, supported by Ritter. Motion Carried
Kilroy questioned cost of truck repair. Quotes for repair $5,795 on Engine 1and $3,990 on Engine 2. $6,249 on Engine 1 and $6,643 on Engine 2. $4,569 on Engine 1 and $4,553 on Engine (water) 2. Chief Gorski gave explanation of accident to the vehicles and steps taken to resolve the issue. Discussion on vehicle driving courses.
V. PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)
Usakowski presented information and monetary amounts based on each proposal.
1. Christopher Coucke
Presented work experience, 6 townships. $10 per parcel – includes fieldwork and tribunals. Doesn’t include attorney fees. 8 hours in office, could extend those hours. Jackson mentioned that by not having assessor in office 3 days a week will put more work load on other employees and Treasurer because they will have to give out assessing information. Preference to employee vs. contractor. Discussion on flexibility of hours and at what cost. Need to post hours. Question and answer period.
- Peggy Chambers
Currently working 3-day work week. Discussion on 2 proposals; one as an employee, another as contractor. Fieldstaff depends on how much work she can get done on her own. Summarized her activities for various work days. Needs clerical help; paid out of her pocket. Doesn’t mind meeting after hours and weekends. Always present at Board of Review. No preference as to employee vs. contractor. Mike Kavanaugh assisting her; his computer is operating slowly. Discussion on what happens with employee; person needs to be certified, licenses on the line. Input takes most time, not sure how many can be done in a year because she’s double checking other peoples work. Tribunal included as extra expense, normal business hours as employee, mileage compensated. Discussion on her request for clerical help. Question and answer period.
Township Board discussion on the pros and cons of each applicant. What is the best for the township? Like 3 days with Chambers; like cost on Coucke. Peggy’s accuracy is around 98% and that’s pretty high. Discussion on our 14 pt review, records and recent proposal to the State.
RFP stated only 8 hours.
Coucke called back into meeting. Asked if there’s flexibility to add extra hours and at what cost? Coucke cannot do 3 days in the office. One 8-hour day in office and two 4 hour days (fieldwork) is as flexible as they can get.
Mike Kavanaugh made comments on Coucke. Also stated that he will leave if he’s the reason for the loss of Chambers.
Jackson stated he doesn’t think Coucke can do the job in 24 hours. Ritter would like to see a change in assessors. Big difference in the money but it’s not all about the money. Usakowski presented information on the cost to keep Chambers as assessor. Jackson questioned having Chambers present proposal without an assistant. Further board discussion.
Usakowski moved to hire the township assessor as an employee, supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy, Hand. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
Kilroy moved to hire Coucke as township assessor, supported by Ritter.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Kilroy, Ritter, Sturdevant, Hand. NO: Usakowski, Jackson, Wrubel. ABSENT: None. (4-3-0) Motion Carried
Need to draft contract for Coucke. Discussion on transition. Usakowski explained the boards’ decision to hire Coucke. Decided to do as employee. To start as soon as possible to coordinate with Chambers.
a. Outdoor Gathering Permit for Angry Bull – May 11th
Putting on a rodeo. Team roping, barrel racing, bull riding. Proposing 4 rodeos per year; May, June, July, and August. Have had other companies contact them regarding other events (bull riders, roping teams, barrel racers, petting zoos, etc). Working with Don Chidester and Howard Stein. Already met with Ass’t Chief Gratz, Fire Department. Everything in place. Ass’t Chief Gratz is waiting for some maps. Said maps were given to Chief Gorski at this meeting. EMS is on standby; Gorski commented not licensed through Kimball Twp. Discussion on parking and shuttle service.
Hand referred to the ordinance which states must apply 60 days prior to the event. At what point do we continue to give out permission to things that people aren’t applying for within the specified time frame? Usakowski stated could grant this request but for future events follow ordinance.
Usakowski moved to waive the 60-day requirement and to grant the Outdoor Gathering Permit contingent upon Ass’t Chief Gratz’s review of maps, supported by Hand.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
b. Application for Outdoor Gathering – Mud Bog – May 18, 2013
Victoria Bellows explained plans to have a 3rd Mud Bog which is held to raise money for veterans. Last year raised over $1,000 for the Veterans Homeless Shelter in Detroit. To be held at 5797 Smiths Creek Road. Discussion on the noise disturbance to residents in the area. Per the ordinance Clerk Hand has to report gathering to the chief law enforcement and health officers for the county, the state fire marshall, and other appropriate public officials as clerk deems necessary. The first mud bog caused an issue on the road due to the mud and the Road Commission had to come out. Hand spoke with them regarding the May 18th Mud Bog and they hadn’t been notified so Road Commission is asking that Bellows go there to get permit from them. Bellows stated that in past she had just called them but said she will definitely go get permit from them this time. Comment that this application was not submitted 60 days prior to event.
Hand moved to waive the 60-day requirement and to grant the Outdoor Gathering Permit contingent upon getting permit from Road Commission, supported by Ritter.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Hand, Ritter, Usakowski, Jackson, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
- Application for Outdoor Gathering – Celebration Ceremony – June 22, 2013
No representative present. SEE New Business, item a.
Nick Barraco – Appeal
Discussion on Nick Barraco. Has right to appeal his suspension.
Usakowski moved to go into Closed Session and include Chief Gorski and Nick Barraco, supported by Ritter. Motion Carried.
8:56 – returned to Open Meeting.
Usakowski moved that suspension stand as is and after 6 months shall there be no at fault accidents suspension would be removed from Barraco’s file, supported by Sturdevant.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried.
- Kyle Gratz – Applicant for Firefighter
Discussion on family policy and Explorer group. Questions pertaining to fire department applicants applying to Fire Board vs. Township Board. Consensus of board members to get recommendations for hiring new firefighters from Fire Board.
Sturdevant moved to hire Kyle Gratz as firefighter, supported by Wrubel.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Wrubel, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
- Fire Department Building Committee Meeting
Developing side groups to deal with issues; reviewed 1st meeting.
- Annual Firefighters Picnic
Will not be held this year. Do not have money to put it on. Usakowski asked how much money is needed? Is important event. Gorski to find out cost to make it happen. Mention of finding some sponsorship. August 10, 2013 slated for tentative date. Mention of combining parade/fireworks event with Annual Firefighters Picnic.
- Administrative Policy & Procedure – Section 5.0
Postponed. Bring back to next meeting.
- Fire Administrative Board Roles – Suggestions
Fire Board to work on making policies make more black and white, a little less gray areas. Can review these policies at joint meeting with Fire Board. Usakowski will work on this.
c. Strategic Plan
Usakowski hasn’t gotten a lot of input on this. Need to reach out in larger capacity to our residents. Questionnaires, town hall meetings, etc. to have people express opinions. Better identification of Kimball Township. Discussion on $5,000 proposal from Innitetur, LLC. Usakowski would like to get bids on strategic plan implementation. Gorski opened discussion on sign in front of office and gave his opinion of following through on ideas/plans. Cal Hunt spoke pertaining to lack of parking at Park #1.
Bring back next month.
- Application for Outdoor Gathering – Celebration Ceremony – June 22, 2013
Sturdevant moved to approve Outdoor Gathering Permit, supported by Usakowski.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Sturdevant, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
- Application for Outdoor Gathering – Mud Bog – May 18, 2013
Discussed under Item VIb.
- Afr Update
Have met with him twice. Also met with Larry Howard, EOC. Going to help facilitate getting bids for the removal of the stadium. Brown Aerospace is interested in the other building. Township is to investigate.
- Allen/Burma Lift Station – Braod Broad Axe lane
Brown out cut power to the pumps. Discussion on dialers which were once active and have now been discontinued. Further discussion on Broard Axe problem.
- Energy Audit – Proposals
Usakowski gave explanation. Saving energy dollars.
Bring back.
- Resolution 2013-15, Amended Appropriations
Usakowski moved to adopt Resolution 2013-15, supported by Hand.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
g. Outdoor Gathering Permit for Angry Bull
Discussed under Item VIb.
Becky Jackson spoke regarding cleaning the ductwork in the Township Office. Hand spoke with 2 companies who then did not show up. Other companies don’t do ductwork cleaning in commercial buildings. Hand will continue to look for someone. Sturdevant will make contact with someone he knows.
- Supervisor Usakowski
Tile in foyer has been repaired and loose carpet fixed. Could look at doing some touch up painting. Hand mentioned some problems with roof.
Clerk Hand
Clerk Hand
Red Cross blood drive to be held at Township Office on June 10th, noon to 6 p.m. (2) Smiths Creek line – Hyde informed Hand that he has nothing to detect the tracing wire. Is trying to find something to detect it with. (3) DPW person hired part time got another job. We are killing these two guys. They have vacation time they’d like to take. Have gotten way behind. Working on Allen Road lift station again, mop head around one of the weights, rags around the other. Had to pull a pump out. Working on another one today. Getting calls from Port Huron about the water pumping station on Michigan and Griswold. Port Huron wants some answers. Port Huron wants them to look into some hydrants that are bad. Tons of calls on cemetery. Having a lot of burials (2 on Friday, one of Saturday, one Tuesday). 16-20 footing for the headstones have to be done by the end of the month. Discussion on hiring someone to do footings. Ritter spoke about community service workers doing these in the past. Cannot get them now. Hand has more DPW applicants. Need to hire someone soon. Usakowski, Jackson and Hand will look at applications (Personnel Committee). Ritter would like to look at the applications.
(4) Auditors will be in the building on Wednesday. (5) Meters need to be read and the 2 DPW employees don’t have time. (6) Presented information on Kennedy Industries presentation. Schedule for May 21st at 6:00 p.m. before the regular board meeting.
- Treasurer Jackson
- Water tower is an issue. Discussion. (2) T. VanHuylenbruck, FMLA – May 9th through August 31st. Short staffed due to this, down to only one person to cover window. Has contacted Kelly Services. (3) Fire Contracts have been sent out. (4) Question on loan out of water. Usakowski gave explanation.
Jackson moved to hire someone from Kelly Services at $10 per hour to fill in until Teresa returns, supported by Hand.
Roll Call Vote: YES: Jackson, Hand, Usakowski, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried
- Trustee Kilroy
Commented on employees parking personal vehicles in building. Hand asked that if there are any questions about DPW workers to talk to him about it; not everyone else.
- Trustee Ritter
No report.
- Trustee Sturdevant
No report.
- Trustee Wrubel
Asked for update on landfill.
Usakowski moved to adjourn, supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried
Adjourned at 10:12 p.m.
Submitted By,
Robert G. Clerk, Hand Hand, Clerk