Minutes - Cemetery Board|






MARCH 13, 2013

2:00 P.M.


Meeting called to order at 2:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.



PRESENT: Sturdevant, Pung, Cline, Bennett and Wagar.


ALSO PRESENT: R. Hand, M. Worley, G. Jackson and N. Erickson.



  1. Minutes of Kimball Township Cemetery Advisory Board – February 13, 2013.


Motion by Cline to accept as presented supported by Bennett. Motion Carried.


  1. Minutes of Kimball Township Board of Trustees – March 5, 2013.


Received by M. Sturdevant.



  1. Cemetery Expansion

Erickson stated that Jason Sparling purchased the 33 acres of land behind the new cemetery. Sparling will share the easement with Kimball Township. Sparling and Koveck will share in the removal of the stumps for the creation of the driveway. Wagar asked if this is going to be an actual road? Erickson stated that it will not, but it will have to be built according to county specifications.


  1. Perpetual Care

Pung suggested that historical funds should be considered. Sturdevant asked Pung to research this and bring back to next meeting. Pung stated that he would research this and possibly even try the military.



  1. Revenue and Expenses

Sturdevant presented a printout of the cemetery income and expense statement that he received from Usakowski. Usakowski stated to Sturdevant that for the past few years the income generated from lot sales has pretty much equaled the yearly expenses of the cemetery. There really are not any extra funds left over. Sturdevant shared this with Cemetery Board. Pung stated that is nonsense. There should be lots of money from previous years that should have accumulated. Sturdevant stated that unfortunately, this is not the case. Pung stated that we should contact the township lawyer and look into this. Sturdevant asked who would then pay for the legal advice? Pung stated that the lawyer is on contract with the township. Hand stated that this was stopped years earlier. The lawyer is on call, not on contract. If we need him, we call. Then we start paying at that time. Pung stated this is nonsense and the lawyer should be called. Sturdevant asked Pung if he would like to pay the legal fees for doing this, because the township probably would not?


  1. Deed Switching

Worley asked if something could be done to stop the constant switching of gravesites? Worley stated that there are a few individuals in the township that every month or two are changing their minds and want to switch locations of their graves. Jackson asked Worley about how long does this take to accomplish. Worley stated that every time it can take up to five hours to switch all of the information in the record books. Jackson stated that a separate fee should be set up to cover this expense. Hand stated that that to do this, the hourly pay wage should be multiplied by the number of hours it takes and come up with a number. This could total possibly $100.00. The Cemetery Board decided that this was a good idea and to have Worley write up the change and include in the price list of the cemetery.


  1. Rule Enforcement

Hand stated that he would start sending out letter to the grave owners who are in violation of the rules and wanted to know if the Cemetery Board would help him to enforce the rules. The Cemetery Board stated that they would indeed help him enforce the rules.


Motion by Cline to adjourn meeting at 3:55 p.m. supported by Wagar. Motion Carried.


Adjourned at 3:55 p.m.


Submitted By, Michael Sturdevant, Chairperson/Secretary

Kimball Township Cemetery Advisory Board

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