Kimball Township Planning Commission
Kimball Township Municipal Office
2160 Wadhams Rd., Kimball Michigan
Regular Meeting
February 26, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Open Meeting: Kilroy opened the meeting at 6:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Members: Present: Kilroy, Kavanaugh, Orr, Worden, and Opaleski. Absent: Loyson, Barrett.
Also Present: Neil Erickson-Building Official; Jeff Friedland-SCC Emergency Management.
Approval of Agenda-Regular Meeting
Add under old business a. 7. Land Use Document
Add under old business b. Agricultural Tourism Article
Worden motioned to approve the agenda as amended, seconded by Opaleski. Motion Carried.
Presentation of Minutes of January 22, 2013
Kavanaugh motioned to approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Opaleski. Motion Carried.
Old Business:
Site Plan Adjustments Report: Michael/Becky Wrubel, 755 Wadhams Rd. for Green Barn Winery
Site Plan to Scale with Measurements
Erickson reported that new site plan has been received as of yet however the Wrubel’s are working on this as finances allow. Discussion on the length of time it is taking to receive a site plan.
Parking and Asphalt
Discussion on the ADA requirements for hard surface handicapped parking requirements. Erickson clarified that the only area that has to be asphalt or concrete is the barrier free area, the rest of the area can be stone. Further discussion on the requirements for parking. It was requested that the recording secretary go back in the minutes and look for the parking requirements that were laid out in the past for this business.
Classification of Use-Ag or Commercial
No discussion on this matter.
Occupancy Permit
Discussion on the issuance of an occupancy permit. Erickson advised no occupancy permit without a site plan.
Safety Items completed.
Erickson advised that the plumbing permit has been pulled by Countryside Plumbing and that the bathroom will now be ADA accessible. Erickson also advised that the doors are installed and meet the requirements.
Land Use Document
Erickson and the recording secretary to bring back the land use document that was signed by Erickson, Loyson and the Wrubel’s. Discussion.
Worden motioned to bring this back for an update next month along with the land use document, seconded by Orr. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Worden, Orr, Kavanaugh, Kilroy, and Opaleski. No: None. Absent: Loyson, Barrett. (5-0-2) Motion Carried.
Agricultural Tourism Article
Kilroy motioned to bring the article back next month for review as it may provide some insight into the Green Barn situation, seconded by Kavanaugh. Motion Carried.
New Business
Building Permit for St. Clair County Emergency Management-Jeff Friedland, St. Clair County Airport, 295 Airport Drive
Jeff Friedland explained the use of the existing building and the movement of the new building from its current location near the Blue Water Bridge to the new location. The new building will serve as a conference room and training area for various agencies. Discussion and clarification on the site plan. Would like to see a layout for parking, where the water, sewer and gas lines are coming into the new building and a letter from the engineer stating that he is okay with this.
Kavanaugh motioned to approve the site plan with the addition of a parking layout, where the water, sewer and gas lines will come into the new building and a letter from the engineer stating that he approves the project prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued, seconded by Worden. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Kavanaugh, Worden, Kilroy, Orr, and Opaleski. No: None. Absent: Loyson, Barrett.(5-0-2). Motion Carried.
Bill Orr, Watershed
Orr reported have a meeting Thursday at Vantage point and also one on Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 with DEQ.
Ed Kilroy, Range Road Corridor
No report.
Ed Kilroy, Township Board
Kilroy reported on last Township Board meeting.
Gilbert Opaleski, ZBA
No report.
Audience Participation
Erickson advised that he has been in contact with Mr. Afr regarding the Range Rd. property and that the township will be meeting with Mr. Afr when he returns to the country. Discussion.
- Adjournment
Kavanaugh motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m., seconded by Orr. Motion Carried.