Minutes - Board of Trustees|




FEBRUARY 19, 2013

6:30 P.M.

Supervisor Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.

ALSO PRESENT: Ass’t Chief Gratz (7 p.m.)




Under New Business add d. Purchase of Smiths Creek Right of Way for Smiths Creek Project.

Usakowski moved to approve agenda as amended, supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried


Page 6 – Change Land to Lane.

Page 7 – Under IX – add “additional” before alternate.

Usakowski moved to approve minutes as amended, supported by Hand. Motion Carried


    a. Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ended 2/28/2013

    b. Check Register from 1/29/2013 – 2/08/2013

    c. SCC Board of Co Rd Commissioners – Minutes of January 8, 2013

    d. SCC Board of Public Works – Minutes of January 8, 2013

Usakowski moved to pay bills and to receive and file communications, supported by Jackson.

Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried




V.    PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)



Reported later in meeting.


    a. Electric Panel – Edward Lane Pumping Station – 3 bids

Bring back. Waiting for 3 bids.

b. Resolution 2013-06; Smiths Creek Sanitary Sewer System

Extension/Improvement Special Assessment District

Bring back. Waiting on DEQ.

c. Fire Station Advisory Committee – Appointments

Michael Sturdevant, Brian Fischer, Michael Wrubel, Frank Bauer were suggested. Gilbert Opaleski interested if no one else fills space. Explanation of purpose of advisory committee. Discussion.

Usakowski moved to appoint Frank Bauer and Brian Fischer to the Fire Station Advisory Committee, supported by Ritter.

Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Ritter, Hand, Jackson, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried

d. Budget 2013/2014

March 5th meeting will be public hearing for budget. $37,000 short right now. Discussion on tipping fees and could adopt resolution to put a set amount of money in general fund. Rest of money put into water/sewer for Smiths Creek. Discussion on possibility of Canadian trash being brought to Smiths Creek landfill and affect on township. Further discussion on drafting letter regarding Canadian trash.

Usakowski opened discussion on rental unit inspections and charging fees to generate revenue. Usakowski will bring rental unit graph back to next meeting. Usakowski is meeting with other areas to discuss sharing services. Jackson questioned laying people off for short term to save money.

VI.    FIRE CHIEF GORSKI REPORT (out of order due to late arrival)

a. Fire Inspections

Ass’t Chief Gratz reported on inspections and re-inspections. 146 inspected, 22 re-inspected last year. Mandatory to do inspections. Explained process and time frame to complete requirements of inspections. Re-inspections have penalty fee. Gave list of other municipalities doing this. 10.7% commercial in Kimball Township. Discussion on liability, township is exempt. Gratz would appoint additional inspectors after he trains them. Some of the fees for site plan will be pushed back into Fire Department where they should be due to inspections. Jackson would like to see resolution for inspection fee on every inspection. Pro and con discussion on business licenses to generate revenue; include fire inspections in that cost. Fire Inspection Service Fees presented and discussed in length. Bring back to next meeting.

b. Fireworks Program

Ass’t Chief Gratz trained in Lansing. Need to follow requirements pertaining to fireworks before issuing solicitor’s license.


    a. Acceptance of Contributions on Behalf of William A. Halifax to

     Kimball Township Firefighters Association – $535

No action needed. Gratz explained how contribution was spent. Thank you letter sent.

    b. Resolution 2013-07; Amendment to Fringe Benefits RE: Elected &

     Appointed Officials

Clerk Hand would like to opt out of full coverage insurance for Clerk and is requesting supplemental insurance. $987 per month for full coverage; supplemental only $228.00 per month. Kilroy commented township should pay supplemental charge because Clerk Hand is saving money for the township. Strike #3 – Don’t need to pay part time elected officials any kind of insurance benefits. Usakowski stated all full time employees are eligible for full medical coverage. #2 – Insert $500. Also add Deputy Clerk.

Usakowski moved to approve Resolution 2013-07 striking item # 3 and for item #2 limiting it to $500 and also adding Deputy Clerk as an option, supported by Wrubel.

Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Wrubel, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Kilroy. NO: Jackson.

ABSENT: None. (6-1-0) Motion Carried

    c. BS&A Software – Special Assessment; $3,395 and Building Department;


Hold off for now. Bring back to March 19th meeting.

b. Purchase of Smiths Creek Right of Way for Smiths Creek Project – Pump Station

Hold discussion until Closed Session.


Frank Bauer, Kimball, MI questioned assessing team. Usakowski explained why outside sources were needed.


    a. Supervisor Usakowski

No report.

b. Clerk Hand

     1. Report on Abby Thourlby – Kelly Services Temp

Hand reported on Abby Thourlby work-related duties. Incoming election material is being kept up to date, organizing resolution files, sorting through boxes of stuff left for us, helped treasury department sort through mail one day. Has sorted 10-12 boxes, about 6-8 left to go. About 10 boxes of material will need to be filed. Answers phone.

     2. Edward Lane Lift Station

Insurance claim filed for over $26,000.

    c. Treasurer Jackson

     1. Water/Sewer Billing

26,000 units that we’re not charging for. Don’t know where it’s going. Discussion on meters.

     2. DTE

$4,000 to get legal going to get into litigation.

     3. Simple Dynamics – Performance Bond

Discussion on performance bond. May 2008 – $10,000 paid. $5,000 of that amount was put under business license permit, went into General Fund. Should not have gone there. Also has $8,000 bond. Discussion on refunding any balance of the $10,000. Discussion on tracking projects. Engineer Lewandowski was to make site inspections periodically to verify progress. Jackson stated he has the expenditures. Usakowski asked if we could get to the point where we’re tracking performance bonds? Clerk/Deputy Clerk will do future tracking.

     4. Castlewood Estates

Question on street lighting. Tanglewood has lighting assessment. Jackson will check this out.

d. Trustee Kilroy

No report.

    e. Trustee Ritter

     1. SEMCOG

Received email from SEMCOG thanking us for our hospitality and would like 3 2 delegates to attend meetings. One should has to be elected and 2 1 appointed. Meets 3 times a year.

     2. DPW – Arrow Signs

Feels we should choose one bid. DPW doesn’t have any cones out for the work that was being done recently.

Wrubel moved to have Clerk Hand check into what is already available at DPW, supported by Usakowski. Motion Carried

    f. Trustee Sturdevant

No report.

    g. Trustee Wrubel

No report.


Moved into Closed Session at 8:56 p.m.

Usakowski moved to return to Open Session at 9:09 p.m., supported by Kilroy. Motion Carried

Usakowski moved to purchase right of way from Ida Condino for $10,000, supported by Kilroy.

Roll Call Vote: YES: Usakowski, Kilroy, Hand, Jackson, Wrubel, Sturdevant, Ritter. NO: None. ABSENT: None. (7-0-0) Motion Carried


Usakowski moved to adjourn meeting, supported by Sturdevant. Motion Carried

Adjourned at 9:11 p.m.

Submitted By,

Robert G. Hand, Clerk

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