Minutes - Board of Trustees|




FEBRUARY 5, 2013

6:30 P.M.

Supervisor Usakowski opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS:  Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.

ALSO PRESENT:  Chief Gorski, DPW employee Jason Hyde.



Under Old Business add f.  Fire Station Advisory Committee Appointments.  Under New Business add k.  Jason Hyde, MERS Loan; l.  Extend Deadline for Payment of Taxes and; m. Wayne VanNest – Absence & Replacing.


Usakowski moved to approve agenda as amended, supported by Sturdevant.  Motion Carried






Page 5:  XIII (b)(1) – Change months to years.


Sturdevant moved to approve minutes as amended, supported by Wrubel.  Motion Carried



a.  Revenue & Expenditure Report for Period Ended 1/31/2013

Jackson gave explanation on how to read the revenue and expenditure report.  Usakowski to meet with bookkeeper regarding how to print reports.  He is also concerned with budget overage in several departments.

b.  2013 – Twp Board Cut Off Dates for Agenda Material

c.  2013 – Twp Newsletter Deadlines for Material

Usakowski moved to receive and file, supported by Jackson.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried



a.  Minutes of Board of Review – December 11, 2012

Usakowski to find out requirements/criteria regarding PRE and phone calls to make it easier.

b.  Minutes of Planning Commission – January 22, 2013

Usakowski moved to receive and file minutes, supported by Sturdevant.  Motion Modified


Usakowski moved to receive and file Board of Review minutes and to bring back Planning Commission minutes after approved, supported by Sturdevant.  Motion Carried

V.            PUBLIC COMMENT (Brief Comments)

Graham Baker, 2939 English Road opened discussion on fireworks.  When allowed and is there a permit  you can get?  Usakowski commented State law changed and board adopted ordinance that follows State law.  Discussion on fireworks permit, cost and illegal burns.  Baker also asked when going to see movement on blight?  Usakowski stated Ordinance Enforcer Neil Erickson did 80 calls this week.  He is tracking blight complaints; Erickson has been out on English Road.  Majority do not comply; high cost associated with legal fees.


Jackson stated ordinance violation fees should be much higher to offset legal fees.  Have to go through 4 steps on ordinance violations.  Discussion on liens and county erasing those liens according to State law.



a.  FAB Minutes of January 9, 2013

(1) Deceased firefighter names to go on wall of Firefighter Memorial.  (2) Wadhams Creek AFC accident discussed.  Kilroy asked why firefighter was driving?  Gorski explained circumstances.  Driver backed up without spotter, didn’t follow procedure.  Driver was reprimanded.  Usakowski stated need to make sure following procedure.


Sturdevant moved to receive and file FAB minutes, supported by Jackson.  Motion Carried


b.  Fire Inspection Procedures and Fee Schedule

Discussion.  Bring back.


c.  Application – Craig Frank

Sturdevant moved to hire Craig Frank as firefighter, supported by Ritter.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Sturdevant, Ritter, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried



a.  Resolution 2013-01; Adopt Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines

Usakowski moved to adopt Resolution 2013-01 with modification of the date, supported by Jackson.  Motion Carried


b.  Ordinance 132-C; Amendment to 132-B – Page 2, Section IV, Paragraph 6

Sturdevant moved to adopt Ordinance 132-C, supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Sturdevant, Hand, Usakowski, Jackson, Ritter, Kilroy, Wrubel.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


c.  Assessor – 1099 or W4 & Assessor as Employee or Contractor Legal Opinion

(material in last agenda packet)

Ritter reported information on MTA recommendation, she would like to see assessor as employee of township.  Usakowski stated are now contracting with her (P. Chambers) own company; financial savings for township, more flexibility.   Referred to reassessments and progress, record cards, 14 point review, assessor pay + extra staff, etc.  Need to make sure 5 year reassessments are getting done (20% per year).  P. Chambers has been getting accuracy rating of around 98% – her work has been very good.  Agreement last year was that we would be able to reduce her pay this year because the workload won’t be the same.


Jackson moved that the township stay on the contract way of having our assessing done, supported by Hand.
Roll Call Vote: YES:  Jackson, Hand, Usakowski, Wrubel.  NO:  Ritter, Sturdevant, Kilroy.  ABSENT:  None. (4-3-0) Motion Carried


d.  Township of Excellence – MTA Program

Usakowski opened discussion, explained program and presented his goals.  Would like to see 5 year goals from everyone.  Kilroy asked if whole board was going to have meetings to go over each separate department budget.  Usakowski agreed to hold separate budget meetings.


Schedule Budget Meeting next Tuesday, February 12, 2013 @ 6:30 p.m.


e.  Letter of Engagement – H.J. Umbaugh & Associates (listed under NEW BUSINESS also)

Financial Advisor, Tom Traciak.  Smiths Creek Sewer.  $4,500 – only paid during project.


Jackson moved to go with H.J. Umbaugh & Associates at cost of $4,500, supported by Sturdevant.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Jackson, Sturdevant, Usakowski, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


f.  Fire Station Advisory Committee Appointments

Discussion.  Hand suggested Mark White, Lorwood Drive, 987-7082, retired firefighter.  Usakowski suggested Robert Grisholm, N. Birch Hill, 367-3324, retired firefighter.  Jim Armstrong.  Fire Board to recommend someone from Fire Board.  Trustee Tina Ritter.


Usakowski moved to appoint Robert Grisholm, Mark White and Tina Ritter to serve on the committee, supported by Wrubel.


Roll Call Vote:  YES:  Usakowski, Wrubel, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried



a.  Resolution 2013-04; Pavilion Rental Fees and Procedure

Hand gave explanation of cash and checks being held in office without processing.  New resolution would require that monies be put through cash receipting.


Sturdevant moved to adopt Resolution 2013-04, supported by Kilroy.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Sturdevant, Kilroy, Usakowski, Jackson, Hand, Wrubel.  NO:  Ritter.  ABSENT:  None.  (6-1-0) Motion Carried


b.  Resolution 2013-05; Sanitary Sewer System Extension/Improvement

Add one paragraph with description of property.  Usakowski explained situation with Ida Condino for easement.  Township offered $5,700 for ¾ acre.


Usakowski moved to approve Resolution 2013-05 with revised description of project, supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Usakowski, Hand, Jackson, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


c.  Resolution 2013-06; Smiths Creek Sanitary Sewer System

Extension/Improvement Special Assessment District

Township property cannot be included in special assessment.  Still working on list.


Sturdevant moved to bring back to next meeting, supported by Kilroy.  Motion Carried

d.  Engagement Letter – Financial Advisor – $4,500

Discussed under OLD BUSINESS (e).


e.  Building Inspection Fees

Usakowski did research with over 20 municipalities and spoke with our Bldg Inspector.  Current fees are completely within the norm.


f.   MTA Annual Meeting/Dinner, Fore Lakes – $30 per person

Usakowski moved the township pay for any of the boards and commission members who would like to attend, if they want their spouse or significant other to attend they would pay for them themselves, supported by Sturdevant.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Usakowski, Sturdevant, Hand, Jackson, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


g.   Waive Probationary Period for Connie Meddaugh – Office Clerk I

Jackson gave explanation.  Feels she’s already gone through probationary period.  Discussion on union contract and budget.  45 days at $8 per hour; 45 days at $9 per hour; then $10 per hour at end of probationary period.

Jackson moved to waive the probationary period for Connie Meddaugh and start her out at the $10 compensation rate, supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Jackson, Hand.  NO:  Usakowski, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  ABSENT:  None.  (2-5-0) Motion Denied


Hand moved to set her hire date as effective January 22, 2013, when background check results were received, supported by Jackson.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Hand, Jackson, Usakowski, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


Abby Thourlby:  Ritter opened discussion on Abby Thourlby, current part-time Kelly Services temp.  Works on Clerk’s side and Treasurer, when needed.  Abby comes in 2 days a week.


Hand explained Abby has been assisting with getting things in order.  Boxes of things that haven’t been filed; every day come across things that haven’t been taken care of. Specifically on Clerk’s side lot of things that were not properly handled in the past.  Now has to be cleaned up, deadlines have to be met.  In some cases this means going back years to determine where things went wrong and making corrections.  Hand commented that he does believe we need another person; Sturdevant disagreed and questioned how long part-time temp. will be used or do we need to hire another employee.  Usakowski explained how we began using Kelly Services and referred to employee time off without pay after all sick and vacation time has been used.  Jackson reported on collection of money, change in workload and shift of responsibilities in his department.  Jackson commented atmosphere in office has changed since election, people wanting to come to work, coming in earlier. Usakowski requested Hand report on tasks being done by Abby.  Hand to come back to board if he feels need additional time for Abby.


Usakowski moved to allow Clerk Hand to use Kelly Services up to 2 days per week up through April 2, 2013 and after that if Clerk Hand feels he needs to use her additionally he come back to the board, supported by Sturdevant.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Usakowski, Sturdevant, Jackson, Hand, Ritter, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


h.  Proposed Water Fee Increase for Clyde Township

Discussion and clarification of increases from City of Port Huron.  Usakowski spoke regarding past investigation of suing City of Port Huron for including the cost of water/sewer separation in water fees. Not enough hard evidence to proceed.  Discussions occurring with other townships.


Jackson moved to increase the fee for 1,000 cubic feet of water to Clyde Township to $22.90 per 1,000 cubic feet of water, effective April 1, 2013, supported by Usakowski.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Jackson, Usakowski, Hand, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  NO:  None.  ABSENT:  None.  (7-0-0) Motion Carried


i.   Upgrade Electric Panel – Edward Land Pumping Station

DPW employee Jason Hyde explained what happened.  Stated only one company has the panels and would like to have them remain uniform. Hand is to get 3 bids.


j.   Jason Hyde, DPW – Take Truck Home When Heavy Snows Predicted

Jackson moved to allow Jason Hyde to take truck home when there is a predicted winter storm, supported by Hand.


Roll Call Vote: YES:  Jackson, Hand.  NO:  Usakowski, Ritter, Sturdevant, Wrubel, Kilroy.  ABSENT:  None.  (2-5-0) Motion Denied


k.  Jason Hyde, DPW – MERS Loan

Not handled properly by prior Deputy Clerk; supposed to start making payroll deductions as of September 2012.  Stated he had made 4 requests to have payroll deduction on loan.  As result employee was default on loan.  MERS told township need payment of $875 to bring loan current.  Township could have withheld the $875, instead we offered to double the weekly paymen

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