Minutes - Fire Admin Board|




JANUARY 9, 2013

7:00 P.M.


Chairman Grabowski opened the meeting at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: Grabowski, Baker, Cooley, Evans, Rutkofske.

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk Hand, Ass’t Fire Chief Gratz.


Rutkofske moved that Mary Baker remain as FAB secretary, supported by Grabowski. Motion Carried


Discussion on procedure for Closed Session meetings and minutes. Baker asked if FAB could get recorder for Closed Session meetings. She will be the keeper of the recorder and will type Closed Session minutes.


New member: Clayton (Bill) Cooley, term ending 2017.



Applications – Add Paul Pionk.


Rutkofske moved to approve as amended, supported by Evans. Motion Carried






(1) Moment of Silence for Al Gerstenberger who passed away. (2) Grabowski took the FAB recommendation concerning Floyd Hubbard’s 5 pay to the Township Board and it was turned down. Fire Department to send letter to Mr. Hubbard stating Township Board denied request for compensation of 5 runs. (3) Fire Chief Gorski is now working afternoons. (4) Russ Socia is no longer with Fire Department.



    a. Monthly Run Report

Received and filed.


    b. Manpower Report

20 active, 1 LOA.


c. Trainee Report



    d. Applications

Received one but haven’t scheduled interview. Have another prospect, waiting for application. Will interview both at same time.


    e. Evaluations



f. Request for Purchase and/or Training



    g. Officers Meeting Minutes

None. No meeting held in December 2012.


    h. Resignation & LOA

(1) Justin Blanchard has resigned due to personal reasons.


(2) Aaron Fiscelli has requested 6 month LOA due to position in Missouri as full time firefighter/medic.


Grabowski moved to approve 6 month LOA for Aaron Fiscelli and FAB will reevaluate LOA after 6 month period, supported by Rutkofske. Motion Carried


Bring back to June 2013 meeting, if possible.


    i. 2013/2014 Proposed Budget

Discussion and review of proposed budget.


Rutkofske moved to submit as printed, supported by Cooley.


Roll Call Vote: YES: Rutkofske, Cooley, Evans, Grabowski, Baker. NO: None. ABSENT: None. Motion Carried


    j. Officer Appointments

Applications have been received and are being reviewed.



a. Chief’s Evaluation Form for Assistant Chief – Schedule to be Completed

Evaluation has been done but is still in incomplete state.



a. Accident Report

Gratz was not at scene. Location of incident was Wadhams Creek Adult Foster Care Home. Had one vehicle there and another one on the way. 3 people as witnesses were the 3 people on the vehicle plus the driver. Were already on their way to possible structure fire and structure fire was cancelled and this tone rang out for the medical at Wadhams Creek AFC. Discussion. Driver of truck banged into pole. Baker stated poor incident report. Truck was back in service same day. Baker asked if incident was turned in to insurance company. Gratz didn’t know. Baker asked procedure. Fire Chief is to handle incident reports and follow up. Just went through medical leave with him, had to be cleared through a doctor, we got a letter that said he couldn’t drive, he volunteered not to drive and then we sent him off to get a medical evaluation and he came back with a clearance but we all know he shouldn’t be driving. Chief Gorski also reiterated at last meeting that he wasn’t going to drive. Baker is concerned with the process, the way the form is filled out. Witnesses were inside tending to patient. How can you be a witness when you’re inside tending to the patient? After the fact. Has to be a way to clearly fill out form and it doesn’t contradict itself and use of spotter which is in bylaws. This is a seasoned person that did it without a spotter. Some confusion on policy and procedure when something gets wrecked; needs to be looked at. Gratz commented there have been times when people are made to go back and take drivers training again. No consistency in procedure for accidents. Repairs to truck were done by someone in the company. Gratz reported door handle that was broken was ordered and replaced, major clean up on side of door was buffed out. Baker stated should have had some estimates as to what the damage was if township had paid for it. Chief Gorski contacted Grabowski within one hour of the incident. Gorski was told by Grabowski to handle it, to make out the proper report, and bring it to the Fire Board for accident review. Incident report needs to be cleaned up. Discussion on spotter and SOP, other accidents, drivers training, suspension of driving privileges, etc. Baker commented don’t know the whole story. Grabowski will see what he can find in regards to township and fire department policy and procedures about having the driver have drug and alcohol testing and drivers education. Grabowski commented according to SOP procedures were not followed. Discussion on SOP.


Rutkofske moved to have Fire Chief clean up the accident report and resubmit it, supported by Grabowski. Motion Carried


    b. Upgrades/Updates – Red Book

Discussion on SOP and policy and procedures. Grabowski said every SOP changed should be sent to attorney and/or MTA. Gratz questioned the need and the expense of doing this. Further discussion. Policy = have to follow. SOP = suggested guidelines. In incident discussed above should have definite policy in place. Come back next month with areas of things that have already happened to review.


Grabowski moved to have fire department officers/bodies review SOP’s and policies for any changes needed and to bring back to next meeting, supported by Rutkofske. Motion Carried






Rutkofske moved to adjourn meeting, supported by Baker. Motion Carried


Submitted By,

Mary Baker, FAB Secretary



Submitted By,

Mary Baker, Secretary

Fire Administrative Board

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